Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 23, 2000, Page 2, Image 2

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    Febuary 23, 2000
Page A2
ïlje Portiani* (Dbseruer
Police News
B la c k
Court Sidesteps Elian
Gonzalez Case
W ASH INGTON - The Supreme Court rejected
an appeal by a disbarred law yer to order Elian
G onzalez to be returned to his father in Cuba.
Robert A. H irschfeld asked the justices to
“cut short” legal and political m aneuvering
o v er the 6 -y ea r-o ld boy, w h o se m other
drow ned during their effort to leave the
C om m unist island. H irschfeld, w ho said he is
the founder o f th e N ational C ongress for
Fathers and C hildren, said delaying the b o y ’s
return to his father could cause irreparable
harm to their relationship.
Israel Gets Nuke
JE R U SA L E M - Israel and the U nited States
sig n ed a g re em e n ts that w ill g iv e Israel
scientists access to some types o f U .S. nuclear
te c h n o lo g y . T h e d e a ls w ill in c re a s e
c o o p e r a tio n b e tw e e n Is ra e li an d U .S .
scientists in 25 nuclear and non-nuclear areas,
from particle theory to applications aim ed at
preventing proliferation o f nuclear, chem ical
and biological w eapons, an E nergy Secretary
official said.
Ralph Nader Running
for President
W A SH IN G T O N - Ralph N ader said h e ’s
ru n n in g o n ce m ore for th e presid en tial
nom ination o f the environm entalist G reen
Party. He said he hopes to get on the ballots
in as m any as 45 states and w in as m uch as 5
percent o f the vote, diluting the support o f
b o th th e R e p u b lic a n s an d D e m o c ra ts.
“ Politicians o f these two parties only look
back w hen you take away their vote,” he said
at a new s conference. C onsum er advocate
law yer N ader received less than 1 percent o f
the vote w hen he ran in 1996. He spent less
than $5,000, taking no contributions and
personally financing his cam paign.
V andals w ho toppled a high voltage transm ission
tow er tw o days before New Y ear’s Day are still at
large. M eanw hile, northw est ratepayers will foot the
bill for the incident unless vandals are caught. The
incident has cost Bonneville Pow er A dm inistration
approximately $ 126,000.
BP A is offering a reward o f up to $ 10,000 for information
leading to the arrest and conviction o f the vandals.
No one lost pow er during the incident, but it did give
the m ajor incident during the year 2000 rollover.
The incident occurred near where BPA ’s transmission
linecrossesU .S. Highway 20, approxim ately 37 miles
The Portland Police Bureau, in
c o o p e r a tio n w ith C rim e
Stoppers, is asking for your
h e lp in id e n tif y in g an d
apprehending the person or
persons responsible for the
m urder o f a cab driver.
On Saturday, February 5,2000,
at approxim ately 2:47 in the
m orning, officers responded
to a report o f a B roadw ay cab
p a rk e d in th e s tr e e t at
N ortheast 4 1 ” A venue and
Prescott Street. T he car was
reported to have been at the
Johnathan Johnson
location for about 30 m inutes
w ith th e e n g in e ru n n in g .
Inside, officers found the body o f 30-year-old Jonathan G regory Johnson
o f Southeast Portland. Johnson had died o f a gunshot w ound to upper
Jo h n so n 's last know n fare w as believed to have been picked up in the area
o f Southeast 17th. A venue and Tenino Street. T he fare m ay have called
from a telephone b ooth at the location.
C rim e stoppers is offering a cash rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 for inform ation,
reported to C rim e Stoppers, w hich leads to an arrest in the case or any
unsolved felony crim e, and you can rem ain anonym ous. Call Crim e
stoppers at (503) 823-HELP.
southeast o f Bend, Ore. and 14 m iles N ortheast o f
“T he pow er system operated as it’s designed to
operate during an incident like this,” said M ike Berg,
BPA security specialist. “Still, ratepayers d id n ’t get
away from cost to fix that towers and put the line back
in service.’
C alls to the B P A ’s C rim e W itness Hot Line are toll
free and con fidential. The num her i s 1 -800-437-2744.
A nonym ous calls can be m ade to the follow ing
FBI Bend
Deschutes County S heriff (541) 388-0170
O regon State Police
FBI Portland
(5 0 3 )5 5 2 -5 3 4 6
Shooting results in arrest
of business owner
eor T hf . P ortland O bserver
On W ednesday, February 1,2000, at 1:50 p.m., East
Precinct U niform O fficers responded to a shooting
at a laundrom at located at N.E. G ilsan Street?79th.
Avenue. O fficers located 31 year-old Jam es Seville
Rogers o f Portland w ho had been w ounded. Rogers
w as tran sp o rte d to O H SU h o sp ital w here he
underwent surgery and is currently in stablecondition.
W hile at the laundrom at officers w ere approached
by 68 year-old A nthony Stathes the ow ner o f Tune-
up Specialties, an autom otive repair business located
at 8060 N . E. Gilsan Street. Stathes was subsequently
identified as the shooter and transported to Detective
Division for questioning. A handgun believed to be
involved in the incident w as recovered from inside
his business. T he tw o w ere acquainted and have
reportedly been involved in disputes with each other
in the past
Stathes was charged with Attempt M urder and lodged
i story
BPA still seeking vandals
at M ultnom ah County Detention C enter with no
Portland Police Bureau H om icide D etective Jon
Rhodes and Shirley M cLaughlin are conducting
the investigation. Anyone with information is asked
tocall (503) 823-0479.
Free Casino Shuttle!
*~n —
* '
Limited seating. Please call 1 -800-720-1788
8 :0 0 a m
Gresham, OR - Gl Joe's Shopping Center, west side of parking
lot between Gl Joe's. 4 Burger King
8 :3 0 a m
Portland, OR - Gl Joe s Shopping Center On 82nd Ave Between
Toro Bell & Gl Joe s.
9 :0 0 a m
Vancouver, WA - Vancouver Moll (Orchards Shopping Or.)
next to Miller s Point sign in front of Fred Meyer
Greenspan Cites
Inflation Dangers
W A SH IN G T O N -Federal Reserve Chairman
A lan G reenspan declared the current good
tim es “unprecedented in my half-century o f
observing the A m erican econom y,” but he
cautioned that inflation dangers still exist and
told financial markets to expect further interest
ra te in c re a se s. N in ety m in u te s b e fo re
G reenspan presented the Federal R eserve’s
tw ice-a-year report to C ongress, the Labor
D epartm ent reported that w holesale prices
w ere unchanged in January and that w hen the
volatile energy and food sectors are excluded,
the Producer Price Index fell by .2 percent.
9 :4 5 a m
Kalamo, W A • Kolomo River Inn
1 0:00am
Kelso, W A - Three Rivers Mall north end of parking lot
9 :4 Sam
Kelso, WA - Three Rivers Mall north end of parking lot by Target
1 1:00am
A rrive Lucky Eagle Casino.
1 0 :1 0 a m
Costlerock, - W A - Pork & Ride a, Exit
3:00p m
D epart Lucky Eagle Casino.
1 1:0 0 a m
A rrive Lucky Eagle Casino.
3:0 0 p m
Deport Lucky Eogle Casino.
7 :4 5 a m
8 :3 0 a m
Tualatin, OR - K Mart parking lot by Wendy s Restaurant
Portland, OR - Hollywood Fred Meyer, west side parking lot
behind store, Section ( 5
8 : 4 Sam
Po rtlan d , OR - Safeway on MLK Ave . north side of parking
by Target & Red lobster
8 :0 0 a m
K. j T
Portland, OR - Moll 205 Shopping Center at Tri Met pick up sign, next to Sears
Vancouver, W A - Vancouver Moll (Orchards Shopping Or.) next to Miller s Pain, sign in front of
Fred Meyer
9 :0 0 a m
Portland, OR - Jonzen Beach Moll, northeast end of parking
lot by Tri Met sign in front of Ross
1 0 :0 0 a m
Castle Rock, W A - Park & Ride Exit *4 9
9 : 15am
Vancouver, W A - Fred Meyer north side, 78th st exit gravel lot
1 1 :00am
A rrive Lucky Eagle Casino.
9 :3 0 a m
'¿ 1
Oregon City, OR - Oregon City Shopping Center, west side of parking lot by shopping center sign
8 :3 0 a m
9 :0 0 a m
lot (Cars cannot be left in Safeway s l o t )
Lucky Eagle
Woodland, W A - Pork & ride exit *21
I S ln i.1 « 8 8
W e s t on H « i
1 2 Io
A n d e rs e n
Rood • R o r h e s le i.
for gaming
oftlomeis only
WA • 8 0 0 - 7 2 0 - 1 7 8 8
Court to Study Traffic
WASH INGTON - The Supreme Court agreed
to decide w hether police routinely can set up
traffic checkpoints and stop m otorists in
hopes o f catching people w ho sell or use
illegal drugs. At issue is the scope o f the
C onstitution’s Fourth A m endm ent and its
protection against unreasonable searches and
seizures. Police generally need a court warrant
or a reason to suspect som eone o f a crim e
before detaining them for several m inutes.
Clinton Presses Africa
I on AIDS Plan
W A SH IN G T O N - C iting “thousands o f
trium phs, large and sm all,” President Clinton
defended his Africa policy and pressed African
I nations to work harder on A ID S prevention
I b efo re th e d ise a se cu ts in to th e ir ow n
productivity. In a speech before the N ational
I Summit on Africa, the president said the United
S ta te s h as w o rk e d a g g r e s s iv e ly on
I p eace k ee p in g , e d u c atio n and eco n o m ic
I rev italiz atio n sin c e his 1998 visit. B ut
Look For Your
Safeway Weekly
Shopping Guide
In Vour Oregonian FOODday
in the Portland Metro Area
...and save more by shopping
at Safeway.
continued pro g ress depends on w hether
A frican leaders put the best interest o f their
I people ahead o f political concerns.
R ED M O N D , W ash. - M icrosoft Corp, is
launching its new est product, W indows 2000,
I a new o p e r a tin g sy ste m fo r b u s in e s s
I com puters, as the com pany tries to m aintain
I its dom inance in the w orldw ide softw are
Windows 98 but rather to the corporate system
I W indows NT 4.0.
B um ble Bee
C hunk Light
Max. Fat 20%.
Club Pack, 5-lbs. or larger.
6-oz. Water or Oil packed.
Limit 3.
C / / /// z
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Safeway Club Price
Safeway Club Price
SAVE up to 40<
Seedless Red Flam e
Visit Safewa/s Web site at
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market. Although som e com panies have been
I running W indow s 2000 on a test basis for
months. The softw are package will debut at
I this com pany’s W indow s 2000 Expo in San
I Francisco. D espite its nam e, W indow s 2000
I is not a successor to the consum er-oriented
Fresh Lean
G round B eef
SAVE up to 81 { lb.
Microsoft Debuts New
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o r Thom pson
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2 3
2 6
2 8
Imported from Chile.
SAVE up to $1.11 lb.
Safeway Club Price
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