Page BH February 23,2000 (Elje |)u rtla n ò (ß b sm ter Hot Lips Pizza Recognizes LeagueV P e n i n s u l a L ittle B lack H istory M o n th 2 0 0 0 ( Serving the Youth o f I n n e r N o rth a n d Boys 4 G irls - S to Northeast Portland ) 18 y e ars o f age REGISTRATION 'otltpsPi&a SIGN-UPS P e n in su la P a rk C o m m u n ity C e n te r — ( 700 N Portland B lv i ) Saturday - February 5, 2000 10 am - 2 pm Saturday - February 12, 2000 10 am - 2 pm (All ages with special needs) S e lf E n h a n c e m e n t In c o rp o ra te d (S E I) — ( 3920 N Kerby S t.) Saturday - February 5, 2000 10 am - 2 pm Saturday - February 12, 2000 10 am - 2 pm (L a te sitn -u p s ) S aturday - M arch 4, 2000 10 am - 2 pm / B i r t h certificate / P r o o f o f address .2. Hu Softball Programs Minor - ages 7 - 9 years old ($30) Major - ages 10-12 years old ($40) Senior - ages 13-18 years old($40) CALL u s.... We make credit easy!!!! Bad Credit OK! Bankrupcy OK! DivorceOK! Baseball Program Farm - ages 7 & 8 years old ($30) Minor - ages 7 - 9 years old ($30) Major - ages 10-12 years old ($40) Jr / Sr / Big - ages 13-18 years old ($40) T h in g s to b rin g » h e n y ou sig n -u p te Oregon Driver Liceità« U tility Bill Advertise in ^ortlanh (©bsertier Frustrated with your credit? Need a Car? Challenger Program ($30) Saturday - M arch 4, 2000 10 am - 2 pm Raleigh Hills 4825 SW 76th 297-8424 Downtown 1909 SW 6th Ave 224-0311 Tee-Ball ($30) 5 & 6 years old JOB+DRIVERS LICENCE=RIDING A NEW CAR Come see the credit repairman... "Dr. Kam"... to establish or re­ establish your good credit today! At... /N a m e & N um ber o f D octor /N a m e & N um ber o f Insurance carrier EZ C R E D IT M O TO RS INC F am ily R ates $30 for I player $30 for 2 piavera $70 for 3 player» Home o f BIG DAN the Cadillac Man! $ 4 0 for I player $ 7 0 for 2 pla>ere $ 9 0 for 3 pia y era $0 Down, $99 per month! oac 1705 SE 82nd Ave, Portland OR 97216 503-772-5374 M iD o rM a jo r Playera —- $30 * $3$ M tn o riM ia o t'M ajof Players — $ 50 ♦ $35 Mtnor M ajo r'M a jo r Players — $25 ♦ $70 $25 for every player after 3 players $10 tate foe fo r sigo-ops a fte r F eb ru a ry 9 * (BlP^ntcBCB S lQ (B tktlflOft mint tuet notiiinc « «nsi McMurphy's Appliance Center CANNON’S = /? /S C atering A. lake-out Wayne & Juanita Cannon (Proprietors) Our Specialty: Real Hickory Smoked Bar-B-Q Portland, OR 97212 Under New Ownership (503)232-6263 I ' WFD YUN 1LW kW It MI». .PW UW Í.M 9TW WWI-ÎMt ------------------------- n r 3/7 CARPET v s / c * pagers startin g at $59 including pager and 3 m onths Commercial Carpet $3“sq.yd $1 ««sq.ft. Vinyl $4” sq.yd. ( .ir lc f fi CELLU LA R 288-3836 I 3 /7 The Ultimate Child Care Where Kids “R” Us 3725 N. Vancouver Ave Portland, Oregon (503)282-3154 'S to ry tim e /A rts & C ra fts • P o ttie tra in in g 'E d u c a tio n a l L e a rn in g 'Stale Certified Rhonda Smith A 5700 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 P ro v id e r It: G 07364 5620 N.E. MLK Blvd Portland, OR 972 11493-3943 Earl's Barber Shop 3/22 503/249-5068 prg.:503/441-3269 1726 N.E. Alberta St. R e g g ie Portland. Oregon 97211 O ffice 503-281 -5030 • Fax 5O3-282-6OOI •R es 503-259-9907 A dvertise in W ed - Fri - 9:00 am - 6:30 by Appointment • Saturday: W alk-ins I 3328 N.E. KILI.INGSWORTH C ell phones starting at $79 (not including calling plan) 12X13 Rem $69«» Laminate Flooring 288-3233 avrò No«f intigni wami u ri* & FLOOR COVERING Portlands Costless Carpet 4818 N. Interstate Ave. Portland, OR 97217 503.287.6225 M o n -T h u r 11:30 - 9 :00 • F ri-S a tl:3 0 - 11:00 • Sun 1:00- 7:00 3 /7 SAVE BIG ON EXPRESS = Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs Sales • Service • Parts 4011 N.E. M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd. FULL S E R V IO SALON 1926 NE SANDY Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97232 EZ Loans! EX "In-House" Loan EZ Low Downs B fO W tl Barber/stylist ®l,c ^Jortlanit (©baeruer B m a i m e s s 3):i r o u t o t>y $50.00 a m onth / Call 288-0033 today! |