Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 23, 2000, Page 10, Image 10

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    February 23, 2000*
Page B2
B la c k
Black History Month
Father of Black Baseball -
Robert J. Douglas organized the
Braves o f Brooklyn, which
became the New York
Renaissance (the Rens) in 1923.
Douglass talent and business
sense enabled the team to survivi
until the late 1940s. The players
earned $800 to $1,000 per montl
and traveled annually in the
spring through the South to play
Black college teams. On March
30, 1932, the Rens won their
first world professional
championship against an all-
white squad, the Original
Celtics, beating them 37-34. In a
rematch on April 3, the Rens
prevailed again, 30-23. The New
York Renaissance was inducted
into the Professional Basketball
Hall o f Fame in 1963.
The Harlem Globetrotters - In
1927 Black basketball was
enhanced by the organization o f
the Harlem Globetrotters team.
By 1940 the Globetrotters were
considered better than the Rens,
but both teams were handicappet
by the lack o f a Black league.
After the integration o f the
National Basketball Association
in the 1960s, the Globetrotters
lost their monopoly on the best
Black players, and they switched
to playing as an entertainment
team using comical routines and
fancy ball handling.
The Harlem Globetrotters against the Boston Whirlwinds, 1958.
Griffey gets superstar treatment
“That’s thebig thing,” Griffey said. “I
just enjoy playing baseball. Once I
run on the field, it will be pretty much
OK.” That won’tcomeuntil Thursday,
when the Reds hold their first full-
squad workout and begin to see first
hand the benefits o f one o f the biggest
tra d e s by b a s e b a ll’s o ld e st
professional franchise.
“1 have not seen Junior play enough
defensively to be able to appreciate
All that’s left for Ken Griffey Jr. to do
is put on a Cincinnati Reds uniform
and get on the field.
After two days o f unpacking in quiet
and getting treated like a superstar in
public, he’s looking forward to that
moment. Only then will he start feeling
really at home with his hometown
what he can do out there,” shortstop
Barry Larkin said. “I’ve seen the
(television) highlights, I’ve seen the
All-Star games, but I haven’t had a
chance to play with him on an
everyday basis. I’m looking forward
to that.
Finding out about Griffey as an
outfielder is something yet to come.
The Reds already have a taste of what
he does as a superstar.
First round today
A-NewbergatSt. M ary’s, 7 P.M.
B-McNaryatClackamas, 7:30 P.M.
D-Willamette at Grant, 7 P.M.
E- Jesuit at Sheldon, 7 P.M.
F-Hermiston at Gresham, 7 P.M.
G-Grants Pass at Jefferson, 5:30
Second round, Thursday
A at Pendleton
B at South Medford
D at Bend
EatM ilwauke
F at Tigard
G at North Eugene
H-West Albany at Centennial,
7:45 P.M.
Third round, Saturday
A at Lincoln
B at Westview
D at Ashland
E at Central Catholic
F at Corvallis
G at Lake Oswego
H at McMinnville
State tournament
At the Chiles Center
First round
Tuesday, Feb. 29
A vs. Barlow, 1:30 P.M.
B vs. Springfield, 3 P.M.
C-Crescent Valley vs. Forest
Grove, 7 P.M.
D vs. Oregon City, 8:45 P.M.
Wednesday, March 1
E vs. Wilson, 1:30 P.M.
F vs. Crater, 3 P.M.
G vs. LaGrande, 7 P.M.
H vs. Beaverton, 8:45 P.M.
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