F e b ru a ry 9, 2000 Page B3 ïlje ìhirtlauò (f)b»erurr (Observer Metro/Sports Scholarship administrator receives award I These were the Black Boys o f Summer. They were not boys at play bul men at work. Most would have been laborers, waiters, or janitors, but for a good arm. flash speed, fetchin ' catchin that allowed them to make a living at something more pleasurable and better paying. This week's observation o f Black History Month cover the years of 1900-1950. Can you name the "Father o f Negro Baseball' who organized many teams and the East-West Games that drew huge crowds o f 40.000 50.000 many more than any current All-Star Game. For the answer, see Focus. Above: Melissa Jones (left) o f G.l. J o e ’s presentss a Community Service award fo r Mark Washington at the Blazer Alumni basketball event held on January 23. 2000 at the Self Enhancement Center. Les Schwab Tires and the Portland Observer News sponsored the game to benefit the Joyce Washington Memorial Scholarship Fund. For scholarship information, contact the newspaper's publisher. Below: The winning Blazers Alumni team took time o ff to pose with the Portland Observer's Cory Cougars after the bruising battle. From left to right: Bob Gross. Mark Washington. Nick Jones, Curtis Kimbrough. Shaler Halimon, Ronald Holly, Darrell Valentine, Darryl Ross, Anthony Huff, and Keith Woods. Max from page 1 in this community recognized that it is the right thing to do to enhance our transit system and our city,” said Katz. “ I am proud that Commissioner Hales and I were able to work with our other regional leaders and the business community to find a way to build this project without asking taxpayers for more money. Interstate MAX is a critical component to developing a comprehensive transportation system that encourages our single car commuters to get off the road and onto transit.” T ri-M et’s G eneral M anager Fred Hansen said this endorsement by the Administration reaffirms the region’s success with light rail. “A little over a year ago everybody thought a new rail project in Portland was dead,” said Hansen. “The fact that it’s now in the President’s budget says a lot about the importance o f light rail to our future livability.” “This is a step forward in meeting some o f the region’s transportation challenges,” said Metro Councilor Jon Kvistad. The budget now goes to Congress and recommends a “full funding grant agreement” to fund the project. A full funding grant agreement could be signed by July and is required before any federal funds are appropriated. Tri-Met’s Fred Hansen will be joining Congressman Earl Blumenauer on Feb. 10th to testify on behalf ofthe project before the HouseTransportation Subcommittee on Appropriations. The congressional delegation has asked for federal funding for this project. A T T H E ROSE GARDER! ■ T O N IG H T • 2 /9 C L IP P E R S w I g f B OF A HEADBAND & BURGER COMBO NIGHT Sr .. W E D N E S D A Y • 2 /1 6 /J / W A R R IO R S RASHEED BLAZERS BUDDY NIGHT / r x - M O N D A Y • 2 /2 1 C E L T IC S BURGER COMBO NIGHT y '/ / A fe z , T r • Y*« * * " » *'• # *• A * < "*' 11 w • 'e r M A G IC PILLSBURY FAMILY FUN NIGHT / / //%M T T H U R S D A Y • 2 /2 4 : ' r A. 7 ' ...JÉL Y O U 'L L X J ar life ’ J HAVE A BALL! TIC KETS AVAILABLE FOR AS LOW AS SIO, SIS, S2 2 PER SEAT TICKETS AVAILABLE AT ROSE QUARTER TICKET OEFICE A N D ALL TICKETMASTER LOCATIONS £ f J r h r P o se G a rd e n is Accessible to p e o p le w it h d is a b ilitie s F o r A ccessib le t e s t in g . c e ll 501 2 11 ROOOlTDD SO I 2 1 1 1101 2 2 4 -4 4 0 0 SERVICE C H A R G ES APPLY ONLY AT TIC KETM ASTER IO C A T IO N S * 1 ) 1