February 9, 2000 Page B7 Jh v Jlortlauh ©bseruer i Classifieds/Bids Request for Proposals #PBS 00-01 City of Portland, Oregon Bureau of Transportation Engineering & Development Invitation To Bid Airport Improvements Burns Municipal Airport Burns, Oregon Sealed proposals for the Bums Airport AIP Project No. 3-41 -0009-03 will be received by the City o f Bums, 242 South Broadway, Bums, Oregon, 97720, until 2 :00 p.m. local time on the 16,h day o f February 2000, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read. Bids shall be addressed to the City o f Bums, Recorder, 242 S. Broadway, Bums, Oregon, 97720, Attention: AIP Project No. 3-41-0009-03. The bidder’s Construction Contractors Board Reg. No. must be written on the outside o f the envelope. The work contemplated consists o f but is not limited to, the following: Schedule I - Runw ay 3-21 R econstruction. 30,000 SY 6” Concrete Paving 42,000 SY Asphalt Milling 11,000 LF Electrical Cable, Trenching, Duct 6 EA Lighted Sings Schedule II-T e r m in a l Apron Reconstruction. 3,300 S Y 6” Concrete Paving Schedule III -T a x iw a y R eflectors and Signs. Schedule IV - Runway End Identifier Lights. (REILS) Schedule V -P r e c isio n Approach Path Indicators.(PA PI) Schedule V I-E le c tr ic a l Enclosure. All bids must be accompanied by lawful monies o f the United States or a Cashier’s Check, a Certified Check, Bid Bond, Bank Money Order or Bank Draft, drawn and issued by a National Banking Association located in the State in which the work is to be accomplished or by any Banking Corporation incorporated under the Laws o f the State in which the work is to be accomplished in an amount equal to not less than five (5) per cent ofthe total bid amount, payable to the order ofthe C ity o f Bums, as liquidated damages in the event said successful bidder shall fail or refuse to execute the contract in accordance with the terms o f his bid. After a contract is awarded, the successful bidder will be required to furnish a separate Performance Bond and a Payment Bond, each in the amount o f one hundred per cent (100%) o f the contract amount. The EEO requirements, labor provisions and wage rates are included in the specifications and bid documents and may be inspected at City Hall, City ofBum s, 242 S. Broadway, Bums, Oregon. Plans and specifications may be obtained on the deposit o f Fifty Dollars ($50.00) non-refundable, tor each complete set from Morrison-Maierle, Inc., P.O. Box 6147, Helena, Montana 59604 (406) 442-3050 or at City ofBums, 242 S. Broadway, Bums, Oregon, 97720,(541)573-5255. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive irregularities. The Contractor will be required to comply with the wage and labor requirements and to pay minimum wages in accordance with the schedule o f wage rates established by the United States Department o f Labor as referenced in the Contract. The Bidder must supply all the information required by the documents and specifications. The Bidder is required to submit aCertificationofNonsegregated Facilities (included in the Proposal form). A Contractor having 50 or more employees and his subcontractors having 50 or more employees and who may be awarded a subcontract o f $50,000 or more will be required to maintain an affirmative action program, the standards for which are contained in the specifications. To be eligible for award each bidder must comply with the affirmative action requirements which are contained in the specifications. The proposed contract is under and subject to Executive Order 11246 of September 24,1965 and to the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Federal Labor Provisions. The City ofB um s has established an overall DBEgoal for the year. Under this contract, the City is adopting a race-neutral means o f facilitating DBE participation. The bidder shall not discriminate on the basis o f race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance o f this contract. The bidder shall carry out all applicable requirements o f 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration o f DOT assisted contracts. As required by 49 CFR Part 26, the City is required to create a bidders list, consisting o f information about all DBE and non-DBE firms that bid orquote on DOT-assisted contracts. The purpose o f this requirement is to allow use o f the bidders list approach to calculating future overal 1 DBE goals. As per the requirements o f the Proposal Section, all Prime Bidders submitting bids on this project must submit, with his or her bid, a list including the name, address, and DBE/non-DBE status o f all subcontractors and suppliers that bid or quote forwork under thiscontract. Failure to provide this information, as outlined in the Proposal Section, will make the bidder non-responsi ve and not eligible for award o f the contract. Bidders presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency are not eligible for award. • The City ofB um s reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive irregularities. Bids may not be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) days after opening. The Owner reserves the right to extend the period to hold proposals beyond the specified ninety (90) days, provided that mutual consent is obtained from the successful bidder. The Pre-Bid Conference, as Provided for the Special Provisions o f the Specifications, is hereby established at 10:00 a m . local time on February 2, 2000, at the Airport Terminal Building, Bums Municipal Airport, Bums, Oregon. A tour o f the work site will be conducted following the Pre-Bid Conference, /s/ Jim Aho City Manager Westwood Swinerton Construction 3030 SW Moody Ave., Suite 250 Portland, Oregon 97201 Phone:(503)222-2000 Fax(503)525-4563 CCB# 111561 Contact: Danna Hauskins Is requesting sub-bids from certified MBE/WBE/ESB Subcontractors & Suppliers for: Portland State University Fab Plaza Level, Suites 120,130,140 Bids Due: February 17,2000 at 3:00 PM Plans and specifications are available for review II' in ourofficc. An equal opportunity em ployer and request • N E R TO N bids from all in te re ste d firm s in clu d in g J XMB iWi The City Portland, Oregon, Office ofTransportation is seeking the services o f an individual, firm or community based organization to assist in the development and implementation o f a public participation and community involvement strategy for the Portland Brownfield Showcase Program (PBS). The fee for the completed scope o f work shall not exceed $30,500.00. Brownfields are abandoned, idled or underused industrial and commercial properties where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived contamination. In May 1997, Vice President Gore announced a Brownfields National Partnership to bring together the resources of more than 15 Federal agencies to address local cleanup and reuse issues in a more coordinated manner. This multi-agency partnership has pledged support to fifteen “Brownfields Showcase communities” - models demonstrating the benefits o f collaborative activity on Brownfields. The designated Brownfields Showcase Communities are distributed across the country and very by size, resources, and community type. A wide range o f support will be leveraged, depending on the particular needs o f each showcase community. In March 1998 the federal brownfields partnership selected the city of Portland Oregon, as a National Brownfields Showcase Community. Portland’s brownfields redevelopment is a multi-agency effort coordinated by the city’s Office o f Transportation and the Portland Development Commission. The city’s main objective is to create jobs, enhancing environmental quality, and fostering a livable community. The city is focusing resources on showcase projects that demonstrate a high potential for restoration and reuse and are the most distressed communities in Portland with an emphasis on the N/NE Portland area. PBS has established a North Northeast Portland Brownfield Community Advisory Committee (CAC), to guide and assist PBS with key decisions associated with Showcase demonstration projects in N/NE Portland. The CA C’s mission, goals and objectives include responsibility for identifying three properties for Showcase demonstration projects. While the individual, firm or community based organization will primarily be responsible for the staffing and support o f the N/NE Portland Brownfield CAC, additional outreach support to the City of Portland’s overall Brownfield effort may be required. In addition to the CAC, other likely components ofPBS’s public participation efforts include coordination o f community meetings, development and distribution a PBS publications, community/neighborhood canvassing, etc. The specific components o f the ongoing PBS public participation strategy will be refined with the assistance of the CAC and the Contractor hired through this RFP. Domonic Boswell Project Manager Portland Brownfield Showcase 1120 S.W . 5* Ave Portland, O R 97204 ' Phone# (5033 823-7053 Fax# (503)823-7371 Submittals must be received by the Portland Brownfield Show case Program no later than 5pm , Friday, February 25*, 2000 The City o f Portland strongly encourages the participation o f Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business contractors in its projects. The successful contractor must be certi fied by the city as an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and be licensed to do business in the City of Portland. Sub Bids Requested For M cC ullerC rossing Portland, Oregon 3-story, 44,291 SF affordable housing and commercial retail space Bid Date: February 18,2000 by 4:00 p.m. PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION M arket A nalysis, Urban Design and Transportation Planning Services for Lloyd District Development Strategy The Portland Development Commission ("PDC”) is seeking proposals from a multi-disciplinary consulting team (“Consultant”) to provide services in urban design, market analysis and transportation planning. The selected consulting team will undertake the development o f a new Development Strategy (Strategy) for the Lloyd District. The Strategy is envisioned to support and guide development o f the Lloyd District for the next ten years. Through the identification o f public- sector capital improvements and organization of private sector interests, the Strategy will help to develop and implement the Lloyd District vision. It is intended to reach these goals through the analysis o f existing conditions, identification o f opportunities and constraints, incentives and public expenditures and active stakeholder participation. All tasks will be undertaken within the context o f established public policy objectives for the Lloyd District. Broad community involvement in this project is anticipated, including existing organizations as well as individual businesses and citizens. PDC invites consultants to submit proposals addressing the requirements identified in the Request for Proposals (RFP). Proposals shall be responsive to the format, scope o f work and submittal requirements described in the RFP. The complete Request for Proposals (RFP) may be obtained by request to: Gail Palma, Portland Development Commission 1900 SW Fourth A venue, Suite 7000, Portland, OR 97201 Telephone: (5031823-3331: E-mail: gpalmatn portlanddev.org Questions about the RFP and selection process should be addressed to Sara King, PDC Project Coordinator, by telephone: (503) 823-3468; or email:kings@portlanddev.org.. The deadline for proposals is 5:00 PM M onday, February 28,2000. The Portland Development Commission strongly encourages the participation o f Minority-owned, Woman-owned and Emerging Small Business contracts in its projects. The successful contractor must be certified as an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and be licensed to do business in the City o f Portland. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS C ity o f Portland, Oregon PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Notice of Request for Proposals (RFP) Biltmore Hotel #00-01 The Portland Development Commission (PDC) is requesting proposals from quali fied owners or developers o f Multifamily Housing Property, who are interested in purchasing and operating the Biltmore Hotel located at 302- 318 N. W. Sixth Avenue in Portland. The Biltmore Hotel is a 78-unit SRO apartment building with three retail spaces. The residential units at the Biltmore Hotel are currently fully occupied. The selected purchaser must demonstrate sufficient experience, commitment, capacity and financial strength to preserve the long-term affordability o f the Biltmore Hotel. A copy o f the requirements forsubmitting a proposal may be obtained by copy o f the requirements for submitting a proposal may be obtained by calling Leah H alstead at 823-3299. Proposals must be submitted to: Bruce S. Wade Portland Development Commission 1900 SW Fourth Avenue, Suite 7000 Portland, OR 97201-5304 The Portland Development Commission must receive submittals no later th an 3:00 PM, T hursday, M arch 39,2000. The Portland Developm ent Commission strongly encourages the participation o f Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business contractors in its projects. The successful contractor must be certified by the City as an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and be licensed to do business in the City o f Portland. Walsh Construction Co. S u b -B id s R e q u e ste d 3015 SW First Ave. Portland, OR 97201 Phone: (503)222-4375 Fax: (503)274-7676 Contact: Brent Stutz or Leslie Louis Plans Available at: Walsh Construction Co., DJC Plan Center, Oregon Contractor Plan Center, Construction Data and Oregon Association o f Minority Entrepreneurs Items Excluded: Fire Sprinklers, Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical, low voltage. Framing Emerging Small Business Enterprises, Minority Business Enterprises and Woman-owned Business Enterprises are encouraged to bid on this work. Self Enhancement, Inc. An Equal Opportunity Employer The following positions are currently open at the Center for Self Enhancement. Job descriptions and applications are availableat theCenter For Self Enhancement located at 3920 N. Kerby, Portland, OR 97227, Fax (503)249-1955. Positions Are Open Until Filled S taff A ccountant ( 1 full-time position) Responsible for accounts payable, maintaining corporate credit cards system, processing cash receipts and bank deposits, handling government contract receivables, act as backup to payroll processing and other accounting related duties as assigned. Work experience in a non-profit environment preferred. Must have a degree in accounting or related field, a minimum ot two years experience applying basic accounting principles and functions to include fund accounting, accounts payable/receivable and account reconciliation. Knowledge of payroll procedures, rules and regulations helpful. Computer skills to include Microsoft Word and Excel and data base application experience preferably Blackbaud. Must have the ability to handle multiple tasks with varying deadlines, must be detail oriented and must have excellent interpersonal skills. Salary Range: $2,041.66-$2,916.66 M IS/Finance C lerk (1 full-time position) Responsible for providing B WESTWOOD II II disadvantaged, minority, women, veterans and II em ereina small business enterprises. II W p atp Brownfield Showcase Program Community Involvement Strategy Developm ental Implementation R equest for Proposals #00-02 City of Portland, Oregon administrative support to Finance, MIS and Contracts administration departments. Duties include, but not limited to, file maintenance, data entry, and general clerical. Work experience in a non-profit environment preferred. Must have a high school diploma or equivalent, college level course work a plus, file maintenance experience, ability to handle multiple tasks with varying deadlines and must be detail oriented Salary Range $ 1,708 to $2,375 per month SEIoffersexcellent benefits including40l (k)Retirement Plan, 125Cafeteria Plan, excellent medical/dental plan, 4 weeks accrued vacation and paid life and disability insurance. SEI Is Committed To Achieving And Maintaining A Drug-Free Workplace. EXPO - Hall D Construction Pre-Bid Meeting: February 15 at 10:00am Bids Due: February 25 at 2:00pm Bid documents available from Willamette Print & Blueprint (503/223-5011) Hoffman intends to submit bids to self-perform Concrete and/or Rough Carpentry Work HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY H OFOREGON Bid Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8934 1300 SW Sixth Avenue - Portland, OR 97201 - OR CCB #28417 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. O th e r S u b c o n tra c tin g O p p o rtu n itie s - Internet h ttp :// I www.hoftmancorp.com Social Serv ices Advocacy Coord. For non-profit domestic and sexual violence program. Ability to work with legal system on these issues. $21,500, full time, plus benefits. Send resume and cover letter to: PWCL, PO Box 42610, Portland, OR 97242. Position closes 2/15/00. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Social Services Community Education Coord. For non-profit domestic and sexual violence program. Ability to do public speaking to diverse groups, especially students. $21,500, full time, plus benefits. Send resume and cover letter to: PWCL, PO Box 42610. Portland, OR 97242. Position closes 2/15/00. An Equal Opportunity Employers. Social Serv ices Volunteer Supervisor for non-profit domestic and sexual violence program. Ability to work with a diverse group ofvolunteers. $21,500, full time, plus benefits. Send resume and cover letterto: PW C L, PO Box 42610, Portland, OR 97242. Position closes 2/15/00. An Equal Opportunity Employer Social Services Senior Citizen Crisis Response Team Coord. For non-profit domestic and sexual violence program. Ten hours per week, $10.33 per hour. Domestic violence experience preferred. Send resume and cover letter to: PWCL, PO Box 42610, Portland, OR 97242. Position closes 2/15/00. An Equal Opportunity Employer