Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 09, 2000, Page 12, Image 12

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    Page B6
February 9, 2000
8 Classifieds/Bids
205 Professional
Local governm ent contracts co. is
seekinga manager with experience in
governm ent contracting, contract
management, operations, preparation
o f c o n tr a c ts /
scheduling. The candidate should
have good com puter sk ills with
working know ledge o f Lotus/Excel,
W ordP erfect/W ord. C o m p etitiv e
salary and exclt benefit package. Fax
resum e and salary requirem ents to
503-288-8157 Attn HR.
205 Professional
C ity O f W est Linn
Job Opportunity
E n v ir o n m e n t a l S e r v ic e s C iv il
E ngineer
$3418 - $4874/m o DOQ. Position is
r e s p o n s ib le fo r p r o fe s s io n a l
engineering support to the C ity’s
sanitary sew er and storm drainage
utilities. Provides lifecycle capital
im p ro v e m e n ts and m a in te n a n c e
p ro je c ts m a n ag e m en t. O v ersee s
preparation o f utility m aster plan and
rep o rts to g o vernm ent agencies.
Coordinates with consortium ofutility
providers. A lso w orks w ith state,
c o u n ty a n d lo c a l ju r is d ic tio n s
managing region-wide storm drainage
issues. R ecom m ends C ity codes to
enhance the C ity ’s Best M anagem ent
Practices and ensures com pliance
with all storm drainage requirem ents.
Field-tim e involves investigation and
resolution o f citizen concerns. Must
have a B achelor’s D egree in Civil
Engineering, 4 years o f professional
Civil E ngineering and 2 years o f
supervisory experience. Professional
E ngineering License required, m ust
o b ta in s u p e rv is o ry e x p e rie n c e .
P rofessional E ngineering L icense
required, m ust obtain O regon P.E.
w ithin 6 m onths o f appointm ent.
Com petent use o f com puter programs
a plus. E xcellent benefit package.
Successful use o f com puter programs
a plus. E xcellent benefit package.
Successful candidate m ust pass pre­
em ployment drug screen. Application
packets are available at W est Linn
City Hall, 22500 Salam o Road, W est
Linn, O R 97068, or by calling (503)
722-3427 (voice m ail) or (503) 656-
4518 TD D. Com pleted application
must be returned toC ity Hall. Position
will rem ain open until sufficient,
qualified applications have been
received. EE O www.ci.westlinn.or.us
205 Professional
R e sp o n sib le fo r all a c c o u n tin g
functions in small office. Includes
monitoring o f federally-funded sub-
gran,ees, and related activities. Also
oversees Human Resource function
for 5-person staff. BA/BS degree in
business, business adm inistration,
accounting, or equivalent required.
$30,000- $36,000annual salary. Submit
cover letter, resume and tw o letters o f
referenceto: PSU /CSC-369N H . P.O.
Box 751. Portland OR 97207. Review
o f applications will begin immediately.
Position opened until filled. An EO/
AA Institution.
260 Sales
G reat O pportunity
Im m ediate opening for a salesperson
with 3-5 years experience selling
building m aintenance services in the
Portland area. Salary, commission and
benefits. Fax/mail your resum e to:
5 0 3 -2 8 8 -8 1 5 7 o r U S m a il to:
Salesperson, PO Box 11225 Portland,
or97211. Equal opportunity employer.
Public Relations Specialist
W ashington C ounty
M anagem ent A nalyst II
Sportswear Company®
(Central Services Supervisor)
W o r k fo r O n e T o u g h M other
C olu m bia Sportsw ear C om pany has
C lo ses F eb ru a ry 1 8 ,2 0 0 0
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503 ) 846-
4 8 9 8 fo r in fo rm a tio n . C o u n ty
a p p lic a tio n a n d s u p p le m e n ta l
application form s required. W omen,
minorities, and people with disabilities
are encouraged to apply.
Apply To:
W a s h in g to n
C o u n ty
H u m an
Resources D ivision
155 N. First A venue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
205 Professional
Sportswear Company®
W o r k fo r O n e T o u g h M o th er
C olum bia Sportsw ear Com pany has
proven that quality construction,
engineering and innovation in sports
apparel is a form ula for success. Join
our inform ation System s departm ent
in the following position:
Business A nalyst II: A ct as liaison
between business group and project
team ensuring that all concerns and
r a m ific a tio n s o f a c tio n s a re
considered before im plementation.
Ensure that business goals and issues
are considered when changes are
m a d e in p ro g ra m m in g /sy ste m s.
Requirem ents: Bachelors degree in
Business, m inim um o f three to five
years experience in progressively
re sp o n sib le p o sitio n s p ro v id in g
m anagem ent support by analyzing
business processes. Experience must
in c lu d e p r o v id in g m e d iu m to
advanced level com puter operations
support. Experience in accounting
and JDE highly preferred.
C o lu m b ia S p o rts w e a r o ffe rs
competitive compensation and a great
benefits package.
Please send resum e and salary history
to: Human Resources, Dept. BAIL
PO Box 83239, Portland OR 97283, or
Fax to: (5 0 3 ) 7 3 5 -4 5 9 7 . E qual
O pportunity Employer.
210 Comp/Tech
Sportswear Company®
N etw o rk S y stem s E n g in eer
W o rk for O n e T o u g h M oth er!
Responsibilities: Ensure the efficient
and effective operation o f Colum bia
S p o r ts w e a r ’s
d a ta
n e tw o rk .
T roubleshoot and diagnose netw ork
system problem s and recom m end
solutions. C oordinate repair efforts.
Norm ally perform s the more complex
assig n m e n ts w ith in the N etw ork
System s E ngineer skill area. M anage
data network projects from feasibility
s tu d y a n d p la n n in g th ro u g h
im plem entation form id to large-scale
data netw ork system s. C oordinate
through im plem entation for m id to
la r g e - s c a le
d a ta
n e tw o r k
im plem entations. Provide support to
large netw ork projects. Troubleshoot
an d d ia g n o se co m p lex n etw o rk
problem s and ensure effective and
e f f ic i e n t
s y s te m
o p e r a tio n .
R e q u irem e n ts: R e q u ires a H igh
School diplom a or equivalent, plus
related college level training and a
m inim um o f th ree to five years
experience in LA N troubleshooting
a n d /o r d e s ig n o f d a ta n e tw o rk
system s or equivalent.
Please send resum e and salary history
to : H u m a n R e s o u r c e s , D e p t.
NETSYS, PO Box 83239, PortlandOR
97283,orFax to: (503)735^597. Equal
O pportunity Em ployer.
proven that quality construction,
engineering and innovation in sports
apparel is a formula for success. Join
our IS D epartm ent in the following
Com puter O perator-G raveyard Shift
E xperience troubleshooting in PC/
W in d o w s /N o v e ll e n v iro n m e n t
required. AS400 understanding/skills
desired. Previous O perations and/or
help desk experience required.
C o lu m b ia S p o rts w e a r o f fe rs
com petitive compensation and a great
benefits package.
Please send resume and salary history
to: Human Resources, Dept. COII, PO
Box83239,PortlandO R97283,orFax
to: (503)735-4597. Equal Opportunity
210 Comp/Tech
Sportswear Company®
A s s is t a n t to th e D ir e c to r o f
C om m unity & Em ployee Relations
V ancouver H ousing A uthority
The V ancouver H ousing Authority
is currently accepting applications
for the position o f Public Relations
specialist. T he primary responsibility
ofthis position is to provide technical
and adm inistrative support to the
D irector o f CER. Requires two year
post high school course work in
journalism . Com munications, public
adm inistration, or a related field and
three years progressively responsible
ex p e rien c e in an ad m in istra tiv e
c a p a c ity , o r an e q u iv a le n t
com bination o f education and work
ex p e rien c e w hich resu lts in the
dem onstrated ability to fully carry
o ut th e re s p o n s ib ilitie s o f the
position. M aintain good w orking
relationships with other agencies and
VHA staff. Com petitive salary and
excellent benefits. Call (360)694-2501
e x t.
e -m a il
h rv h a fe v h a u s a .c o m to re q u e st
re q u ire d a p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls.
Resum es w ith out applications will
not be accepted. O pen until filled,
a p p lic a tio n re v ie w w ill b eg in
T u e s d a y , F e b ru a ry 2 2 , 2 0 0 0 .
V ancouver Housing Authority, 2500
M ain St, Vancouver, W A 98660
Equal O pportunity Employer
Sourcing/M aterials Research
W ork for O ne T ough Mother!
C olum bia Sportsw ear C om pany has
proven that q u ality construction,
235 General
engineering and innovation in sports
apparel is a form ula for success. Join
Im m ed iate O pening! O v ern ig h t/
our M aterials Research departm ent W eekend.
in the follow ing position:
N ew s Anchor/Board Operator. Two
Senior M aterials Research A nalyst
Years Experience required. Send tape
M an ag e the fab ric d ev elo p m en t an d re s u m e to P aul P im e n te l-
process from concept through to O perations M anager
com m ercialization. Provide training 0234S W Bancroft, Portland, OR97201.
and direction to ju n io r M aterials No phone - calls. Equal O pportunity
Research A nalysts. W ork closely Employer.
w ith D esign and M erchandising to Interviewing immediately.
procure critical design information.
240 Health Care
W ork w ith Sourcing M anager to
d eterm in e p o ten tial co u n tries o f ( Small A gency hiring Direct Care
production for new fabrics. Must have W o rk e rs w h o w an t to m ak e a
advanced know ledgeoftextiles. Must difference. M ust be 18 years old.
be fam iliar with textile construction Starting $7.25-$7.60. Call 669-6622.
m e th o d s a n d m a n u fa c tu r in g ,
240 Health-Care
m a te r ia ls te s tin g m e th o d s an d
New Position on team ofmental health
appropriate interaction o f lab results
workers providing stabilization, living
as they pertain to products. College
sk ills , a n d re so u rc e lin k a g e to
degree with course w ork in textiles,
chronically mentally ill persons living
m anufacturing or related experience.
in independent housing or with their
Three to five years experience in
fa m ilie s. T h is p ro g ram w ill be
m ateria ls d ev e lo p m e n t/m ate rials
expanding to serve N /N L and will
laboratory or related field. Experience
a c tiv e ly o u tr e a c h tc m in o rity
w ith A sian m aterials developm ent
com m unities. W e are looking for
som eone w ith a BA in the social
C o lu m b ia S p o rts w e a r o ffe rs
sciences and/or experience in working
com petitive com pensation and a great
w ith chronically mentally ill persons.
benefits package.
M u st h a v e g o o d s k ills in
Please send resum e and salary history
com m unication, positive problem
to: H um an Resources, Dept. MR, PO
solving with landlords, com m unity
Box 83239, Portland O R97283, or Fax
providers and family members. Must
to: (503) 735-4597. Equal Opportunity
be flexible, creative and a team player,
willing to take direction and learn new
skills. O w n car useful. Minorities,
240 Health Care
bicultural, strongly encouraged to
apply, will p' ovide additional training
M en ta l H ealth S p ecia list 2
to right app. ant. Com petitive salary
C risis In terven tion an d T ria g e
and excellent benefit package. Send
$2990 - $3797 per month
resum e to Unity Inc. ATTN: HR-1,
C lackam as C ounty’s Mental Health
710 S W 2nd, 1 “ floor, Portland, Oregon
D ivision is seeking an experienced
c lin ic ia n
to p r o v id e c r is is
intervention, telephone triage, and
Construction Trainee
(Requisition #00031)
assessm ent to adults and children in
NW Natural (formerly NW Natural Gas) has
all program areas. Required: M aster’s
full-time job opportunities for Construction
Trainees in the Portland and Clark County
D egree in Mental Health or related
areas. W ill be expected to stand, walk, and
frequently bend and twist for an 8-hour shift,
field. Licensure as Mental Health
in various weather and terrain, and lift a
Clinician preferred.
maximum of 90 lbs. Must be able to
demonstrate basic math, reading compre­
C ounty E m ploym ent A pplication
hension and mechanical skills. These jobs
require the ability to work in a structured
R eq u ired . A p p licatio n m aterials
team environment and are random drug-test
a v a ila b le at C lac k am a s C o u n ty
Personnel, 900 Main Street, Oregon
Applications available at the State
Employment Division (1433 SW 6th Avenue
City,97045, (503)655-8459or web site
in Portland). Deadline is February 18,2000.
h ttp ://w w w .c o .c la c k a m a s .o r.u s /
For more job description detail: |obline>-
(503) 226-4211 x2434 or
personnel/jobs.htm l. Closing date
February 22, 1999, 5:00 PM. EEO
An Equal Opoortunitv Emolover
R e ce p tio n ist/S ec re tary for Project
Alliance, a project to strengthen the
family and school connection forthree
m iddle schools in N orth and NE
Portland. M inorities are encouraged
to apply Hours are 8:30 AM -5:30 PM
M-F. Start ASAP. Answ er telephone,
greet clients, type, file, run errands,
order supplies, handle m ail, other
duties. Requirem ents: Fourt-years in
p ro fe ssio n a l o r la rg e o ffic e or
co m b in a tio n o f e x p e rie n c e an d
education. Car required. Type 60 wpm;
satisfactory scores on other office-
related tests. K now ledge o f w ord
processing; prefer W ord. M ust like
people, be flexible and cheerful.
E xperience w orking w ith diverse
c u ltu ra l p o p u la tio n s p re fe rre d .
Starting pay, $ 17,810/year. Company-
paid health and dental, other benefits.
Subm it application, letter o f intent,
and resum eby M onday, February 14
to Project A lliance, application, letter
o f intent, and resum e by M onday,
February 14, Attn: M ary, 2738 NE
B roadw ay, P o rtlan d , O R 97232.
Phone: 282-3662. EEOAA.
265 Social Services
Immed. FT position for a Short Term
Intervention Spec. Provides info,
referra l, ad v o cacy , h o u sin g and
problem solving asst. W age $9.53 -
$ 10.56. Apply at Portland Impact,4707
SE Hawthrone Blvd. EOE
265 Social Services
D om estic V iolence/Social Change/
S o cial S e rv ic e s. B ra d le y -A n g le
H o u se is se ek in g : * F a c ilitie s /
M aintenance Coordinator 40 Hour/
W eek ($10.44/H our); * Bilingual
Spanish N ight Case M anager. 40
H o u r/W e e k ( $ 1 0 .9 5 /H o u r ); *
V olunteerCoordinator40Hour/W eek
( $ 1 1.20/H our) *** A ll p ositions
provide benefits *** A pplication
packets required and available by
calling 503/296-8225 or at O ne Stop,
3034 NE M LK Jr. Blvd. Closing Date:
M arch 6, 2000 EEO /A A /Fem inist
Em ployer* W omen, People ofC olor,
and Sexual M inorities encouraged to
Facsimile.................... 503.288.0015
Public N otices...................... ....000
Announcements/W 'eddings. ...010
A n n ou n cem en ts/B irth s...... ...015
Fam ily S ervices..................... .....020
1 o*»t jintl hound
M eeting N otices..................... .....040
T ick ets, for S ale
W an ted ................... ...050
T r a v e l....................................... ....060
Real Estate
H om es for sale__ ................... .„.110
H om es for rent......................... .„.115
A ppartm ents.duplexes
for Sale.....................„.120
A ppartm ents, duplexes
fo r R e n t..................... .„.125
M anufactured H om es
for Sale.....................„.130
M anufactured H om es
for R ent....„„„„„„„..„.135
O th e rs f o r S a le ......................... ...140
O th e rs fo r R e n t....................... „.145
C om m ercial R eal E state..... „„150
W a t e r f r o n t P r o p e rty ........... .„.155
R eal E state Serv ices...............„.160
R eal E state W an ted ____ .... „„165
G u id an ce/R esu m es.............. .„.200
P ro fessio n al.............................. ...205
C’om p u terT ech n o lo g y ............ 210 I
C o n tra cto r« ,__...................... .„.215
O u td oor H om e C are-,.......... .„.220
Indoor H om eC are,
D om estic
Education.............................. ....227
F inancial, In su ran ce............ „..230
G e n e r a l , ......................... ....235
H ealth C are__.........— ...... ....240
M ark etin g............................... ....245
O ffice................ ...................... TT....250
R e ta il........................................... ....255
1 Nales.......• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .1
S ocial S ervices....................... ....265
T em porary, Part-Tim e,
S eason al......................270
Posi tions W an ted ....................275
B u sin ess o p p o rtu n ities...... .„.280
Items for Sale
A ntiques... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••«...J 0 0
A ppliances.------ ...— ............. ...3 0 5
A uctions,,............................— ...3 1 0
...3 1 5
C loth in g.......
C loth in g ,,.............................. ...3 2 0
265 Social Services
Youth Em ploym ent& Empowerment
, Executive Director
For a n o n -p ro fit o rg an izatio n in
N ortheast Portland, serving gang
impacted and at risk-youth. D esired
experience in facilitation, system
planning and program developm ent,
fund developm ent and outreach and
human resources for youth.
Job D eveloper
T he position reports to the E xecutive
Director and involves developing and
m a in ta in in g r e la tio n s h ip s w ith
existing and prospective em ployers
in the greater Portland area. Desired
experience in outreach and human
re so u rc e p ro g ra m s, p a rtic u la rly
interview ing and pre-em ploym ent
training for youth.
Please send letter o f interest and
resum e by M arch 10,h to: Y .E .E .C .,
1818 N E Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd,
Portland, OR 97212.
C om p u ters/E lectron ics,
S oftw are................~325 I
E state A u ction s/S ales......... „ 3 3 0
Farm Item s............................. ...3 3 5
...3 4 0
F u in it 11 re.
(■arage Sale,,,,,,,,*,,•••••••,•••,•••••-345
G arden E quipm ent_________350
Heavy Equipm ent--------------- 355
H ob b ies/C ollectors............. .....360
1 i \ es t< k k............................. •„..365
M iscella n eo u s fo r S a le ...... ...3 7 0
M iscellan eou s W a n ted ...... ,..3 7 5
O ffice E quipm ent................ ....3 8 0
P e ts/P e t T r a in in g , S h o w s.,.,3 8 5
Stereo E q u ip m en t,T elevision ,
V C R ’s,C D ’s,T apes. ...3 9 0
I ools............................*.*,,*aa*„ ..3 9 5
A I V s.....
I Vntupies...................................405 I
A u tos by M ake..•••••••••••• •••••• ....410
Talk to
Ext. 3033
$3.99 permin.
M ust be 18yrs.
Serv-U (619)645-8434
NW N a tu r a l
$11.50...........................................................................................per column inch
$ 13.00........................................................................ per column inch and boxed
$ 15.00......................................................... per column inch boxed and shaded
$90.00.......................Sub-Bids(2 column by 3")each additional inch = $ 10.00
Al, Classified Ads and
Bids will be accepted up
until noon, Monday.
Via Post, e-mail,
facsimile or in person at
4747 N.E. MLK Blvd
L ive 24
(Ebe —In r t lattò
Call Today
B M W ........................ .....410
Buick......................... .....412
C adillac................... ...... 414
Chevrolet................ ..... 416
C h rysler.................. ...... 418
Dodge....................... ...... 420
Eagle......................... ......422
Ford.......................... ......424
C M C ......................... ......426
Honda....................... ......428
Jeep........................... .....4.10
Lexus........................ ......412
Lincoln..................... ......414
M azda.............................416
Mercedes................. ......418
Nissan...................... ...... 440
Oldsm obile............. ..... 442
Plymouth................ ..... 444
Saturn...................... .....446
Subaru..................... ...... 448
T o yo ta....................... ...... 450
O thers...........................454
B uses....................................... ......460
C am p ers/T railers..............
M otorcycles.......................... .....470
P a r t «/D om estic..................... .....475
I P arts/Im ports............................ 480 I
P ickups.........................................485
R .V ./S a les, R en tals........... .....490
S U W .... ................................
M essages.....................................500