Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 09, 2000, Page 11, Image 11

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    February 9, 2000
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Page B5
ïh v ^tattiani* (Observer
Home program aids preschoolers Minority-ownership rules to change
The Home Instruction Program for
Preschool Youngsters (HI PP Y) is a
hom e-based early intervention
program that helps parents provide
educational enrichment for their
preschool children. The program
stresses the vital role that parents
play in th e ir c h ild re n ’s early
e d u c a tio n an d is d e sig n e d
specifically for those parents who
may not feel confident enough in
their own abilities to teach their
children what they consider “school
k n o w le d g e .” By su p p o rtin g
parents, H IPPY ’s primary goal is to
in crease v u ln erab le c h ild re n ’s
success in school and, ultimately,
in adult life.
The HIPPY curriculum, designed
for three-, four-, and five-year-old
children, contains 30 w eeks o f
activity packets, nine story books
and 16 manipulative shapes for each
year. The daily activities are written
in a structured format comparable
to a well-designed lesson plan for a
novice teacher.
The purpose o f the structure is to
provide guidance for the parents and
to ensure a successful learning
experience for the parents and their
children. The materials are easy for
the parents to follow and are designed
to elicit regular feedback from the
children so that the parents can
observe their children’s learning. In
this way, parents can gain confidence
in teaching and interacting with their
The complete HIPP Y curriculum and
story books are available in both
English and Spanish. As a result,
Spanish-speaking parents can help
their children learn in the parent’s
native tongue. HIPPY home visits are
often conducted in Spanish because
th e p a re n t m e n to rs (p a ra ­
professionals) are recruited from
within the community. The U.S.
Department o f Education provides
bilingual education funding to HIPPY
programs to help meet the needs o f
children with limited English.
Hispanic & black leaders
Educación Basic« y HIPPY
El programa Migrante de las escuelas
Publicas de Portland ha recibido fondos
para trabajar con 40 familias de habla
Español en las areas de Norte/Noroeste.
A los padres se les ofrecerá Educación
Basica para adultos e instrucción en ambos
Ingles y Español por medio del colegio
Portland Community.
Q uien C alifica?
Para calificar, el padre o la madre tiene
que haber trabajado en el campo y haberse
movido en busca de este trebajo en los
últim os 3 anos. A dicionalm ente, la
familia tiene que tener un hijo de 3, 4, o
5 anos ya cumplidos. En ciertos casos si
su nino tiene S y va al Kindergarten
mediodía, estos también califican.
Cual es el Horario?
Las clases corren de lunes a jueves,
empezando con la primera semana de
septiembre, 1999. La sesión de la manana
es de las 8:30-11:30 y la sesión de la tarde
es de las 12:00-3:00.
Tienen d u d a d o de Niños?
Tenenos ciudado de ñiños menores de 3
anos. Ud. puede traer a estos ñiños con
Ud. al programa.
Cual es la dirrecion?
Las clases se llevan acabo en la escuela
W hitaker por la 39 y la calle
Killingsworth. Por favor de llamamos al
916-5628 para reserver su lugar! Hable
con Petra Campos, la Coordinadora del
Program a.
P o r il a m ) O bserver
To meet the needs of the growing number o f Latino small
businesses in Oregon and across the country, Wells Fargo
has set a new goal o f lending $3 billion to Latino business
owners over the next 10 years to provide funding for the
growth and expansion o f Latino-owned firms.
In the past two years. Wells Fargo has lent $490 million
under its Latino Loan Program to Hispanic businesses
nationw ide. This pace exceeds, by 49 percent, the
company’s expectation o f lending $ 1 billion by 2003. T oday.
W ells Fargo has set a higher goal o f $3 billion in lending by
“Due to the growth o f Latino small businesses, w e’re
pleased to report that w e’re lending at a far faster rate to
Latino business owners than we had anticipated when we
started ourprogram,” saidTim Rios, Wells Fargo’s national
spokesperson for the program and vice president in the
com pany’s Corporate Community Development Group.
“By creating a new goal, w e’re increasing our commitment
to the growth and success o f Latino businesses in this
country.” Wells Fargo was recently ranked among the
“most friendly banks for small business” by the Small
Business Administration. The SBA reviewed 1998 lending
practices o f the country’s 57 largest banks (those with
The Hispanic community is well established in the U.S.
marketplace as a result o f increased purchasing power,
expanded business entrepreneurship, and greater political
participation. Over a relatively short period o f time, the
us. Anything less is unacceptable.
We respectfully request that every corporate member o f
the NMSDC make theirvote public immediately. The time
for secrecy is over.
Wells Fargo lends $3 billion
to Latino-owned businesses
tor T he
On October 14,1999, Hispanic and Black leaders
joined forces to denounce a proposal by the National
Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) that
threatened loosening the rules defining minority-owned
businesses. The NMSDC proposed to lower the 51%
ownership threshold as necessary for an enterprise to
qualify as minority-owned.
On February 1,2000, the rules changed without
the consent o f Hispanic and Black leaders. The leaders
were outraged at such a change because the proposed rule
has the potential ofbecom ing a defacto national policy that
could change the distinction between truly minority-owned
companies and minority-managed businesses. This action
could result in the weakening and destruction o f programs
critical to the continued growth and development o f
minority-owned companies.
The United States Hispanic ChamberofCommerce
(USHCC) was one o f the key opponents to this ruling.
Today, Mr. George Herrera, President & CEO released this
The USHCC takes very seriously the action o f Corporate
America via the NMSDC to arbitrarily change the definition
o f minority businesses without engaging the Hispanic
business community in this process. The complete and
total disregard o f our com m unity is offensive and
phenomenal growth of the Hispanic market has dramatically
transformed the U.S. demographic landscape and business
environment. Simply stated, Hispanic buying power is
booming and projections indicate that this trend will
continue throughout the 21“ Century!
Currently, our community represents 11 percent o f the
national population and over 12 percent o f the school-age
population. Hispanics will add more consumers to the
national economy than any other group. By the year 2010,
the Hispanic American population will exceed 39 million
and Hispanics will become the largest ethnic minority
group in the United States. In less than forty years the
Hispanic population will have increased from 9 percent to
more than 20 percent o f the total U.S. population.
For Corporate America the increase in numbers translates
to billions o f dollars for the U.S. economy. The
unprecedented population increases and economic growth
is especially reflected in the marketplace. Hispanic men,
women and children patronize supermarkets, dealerships,
general and specialty stores, restaurants, airlines, banks,
credit unions, real estate, travel agencies and others.
Currently, the annual purchasing power o f Hispanic
Americans is approximately $348 billion. By our total
numbers, the Hispanic population in the United States is
the fifth largest Hispanic community in the world and the
As loyal consumers o f Corporate America’s products and
services, its disregard of our community in this dialogue
is unacceptable. Thus, the rules o f engagement have been
altered by Corporate America. We will encourage our
constituency to patronize only those companies who
have a genuine commitment toward establishing mutually
beneficial relationships. We buy from you, you buy from
assets greater than $10 billion) and assigned each a
“friendliness” score. The former Norwest Corporation
ranked first and the former Wells Fargo ranked fourth.
To qualify for a Wells Fargo small business loan, business
owners must be in business for at least three years, have
no declared bankruptcy within the past 10 years, have a
satisfactory personal and business credit record, have a
profitable business, and have an established bank account
for business.
The loan application process is quick and hassle-free.
Information about applying for the loan program can be
obtained by fax anytime in either English or Spanish by
calling Wells Fargoat 888/275-7245.
Latino business owners across the country can apply for
loans up to $ 100,000 by contacting Wells Fargo between
7 a.m. and 7 p.m. (PST)at 1 -800-35-WELLS, extension 350.
In addition, all types o f business loans, including those
over $ 100,000, are available in the 21 states where Wells
Fargo and Norwest have banking stores.
Founded in 1852, Wells Fargo & Company is a $218 billion
diversified financial services company providing banking,
insurance, investments, mortgage and consumer finance
th ro u g h a lm o st 6 ,0 0 0 sto re s, the In te rn e t
(www.wellsfargo.com) and other distribution channels
across North America, including all 50 states, and elsewhere
Learn Spanish
reading the news
_______________________________ >
Bélgica pide consultar
informe médico de Pinochet
Londres (Efe) - Los abogados de
Bélgica pidieron a los tres jueces del
Tribunal Superior de Londres que se
ocupan del C aso P inochet que
ordenen al ministro del Interior, Jack
Straw, les permita ver el informe
médico del ex dictador chileno. Se
trata del famoso informe elaborado
por cuatro esp ecialistas tras el
re c o n o c im ie n to q u e se h izo a
Augusto Pinochet el 5 de enero y que
concluyó -según Straw, de forma
inequivoca y unánime-que el general
no estaba en condiciones de afrontar
un juicio.
Esta conclusión es la que ha inclinado
al ministro del Interior a denegar la
extradición de Pinochet a España y,
por tanto, a liberarlo por razones de
salud. La revisión del proceso contra
el ex dictador se realizó en el Tribunal
Superior de Londres.
Examinan peticiones
Esta vez son tres los magistrados que
examinarán las peticiones de Bélgica
y de seis grupos pro derechos
humanos, con Amnistía Internacional
a la cabeza, para que el proceso sea
revisado por la justicia.
A m b as p artes in te n ta n que el
triunvirato de jueces les conceda
ahora lo que el 31 de enero les negó
el magistrado Maurice Kay en esta
misma instancia.
El actual tribunal está presidido porel
juez Simón Brown, experto en la
Convención Europea de Derechos
Los otros dos magistrados son John
Anthony Dyson y Thayne Forbes.
En la sesión habló solamente el
abogado que representa a Bélgica,
Nigel Pleming, quien pidió una orden
judicial para tener acceso al informe
médico sobre la salud de Pinochet.
Según Pleming, el propio Straw aceptó
que, si un juez lo ordena, no le quedaba
más remedio que hacer público un
informe que hasta la fecha considera
El derecho de Bélgica
Bélgica, un país que pide la extradición
para que Pinochet sea juzgado, tiene
derecho a opinar si es correcta la
conclusión a la que ha llegado el
ministro del Interior, dijo Pleming.
Para Pleming, la actitud de Straw -de
mantener la confidencialidad del
informe médico de Augusto Pinochet-
impide a Bélgica contestar o incluso
apoyar sus conclusiones.
En un momento determinado, el juez
Brown explicó que el ministro del
Interior tenía todo el derecho del
mundo a tom ar la decisión que
quisiera tomar por razones puramente
políticas, así que se espera la decisión
final que debe determinar la suerte de
Augusto Pinochet.
Piense. Su hijo es inteligente,
saludable y encabeza la lista
para ir a la universidad. Le
encanta la trayectoria que su
c a rre ra ha to m a d o . Está
haciendo muchas de las cosas
que planeó y hasta otras que no había planeado. Vivir
la vida en plenitud es fácil cuando tiene una familia que
lo respalda American Family Mutual Insurance. Llame
ahora mismo y platique con nuestros agentes amables.
sted tiene una familia que lo respalda
Comprobará por qué constantemente nos mantenemos
en el rango A+ (Superior, según A.M. Best la autoridad
en la puntuación de agencias de seguros. Después,
vaya...sueñe...planee. Usted decida lo que haga
enseguida; nosotros estaremos aquí para ayudarle
Envidia la suerte de Fujimori
Buenos Aires (R euters) - El ex
presidente argentino Carlos Menem
dijo ayer que envidiaba al mandatario
peruano, Alberto Fujimori, por poder
lanzar su candidatura a un tercer
mandato consecutivo, oportunidad
a la que él no tuvo acceso.
“Lo envidio. A mí no me dieron otra
oportunidad. Sabían que iban a perder
conmigo”, dijo el ex mandatario.
M enem fue e le c to p re sid e n te
argentino por primera vez en 1989 y
reelecto en 1995, tras una enmienda
c o n stitu c io n a l que le p erm itió
g o b e rn a r por dos p e río d o s
consecutivos. Pero el año pasado ya
no pudo repetir el plato por tercera
Toda La Protección Bajo Un M ism o Techo
La póliza que usted adquiera sólo está disponible en idioma inglés
American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiarles, Madlson. Wl 53783-0001 wwwam fam com