Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 09, 2000, Page 10, Image 10

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February 9, 2000
-------------------------<£tje ÇoriUub ©hseruer--------------------------
Augustana Lutheran Church calls
Native American for Associate Pastor
KMt T u t P oh r n - S u O f c H » t u
At their annual m eeting on Sunday,
J a n u a ry 3 0 , th e m e m b e rs o f
A ugustana Lutheran Church voted
unanim ously to extend a call for the
p o sitio n o f A sso c ia te P asto r to
Ram ona Soto Rank, a m em ber o f the
Klamath Tribe.
T he call has been accepted, and her
O rdination and Installation will take
place at 4:0 0 p.m . on Saturday,
February 26lhat A ugustana(27 IONE
14 ,h A ve.) The public is invited to this
historic event. Ms. Soto Rank will be
the first N ative A m erican ordained in
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
O regon; and the 17'h nationw ide in
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
Ram ona Soto Rank is an enrolled
m em ber o f the Klam ath Tribes o f
Southeastern O regon. Ramona has
served as the Secretary to the General
C o u n cil, on the K lam ath T ribes
Executive Committee and as a member
o f the T ribal R estoration Com m ittee.
In addition to her w ork with the
K lam ath T ribes, Ram ona served as
th e E x e c u tiv e D ire c to r fo r th e
Affiliated Tribes ofNorthwest Indians
(ATN1), as organization representing
th e v o ic e o f th e 49 f e d e ra lly
recognized tribes in W ashington,
O regon, Idaho, M ontana and SE
Ramona is a graduate o f Pacific
Lutheran Theological Sem inary in
Berkeley, C alifornia and has ju st
accepted a call as A ssociate Pastor at
A u g u sta n a L u th e ra n C h u rch in
Portland, Oregon. She has served as
the Inter Lutheran N ative A m erican
Concerns Coordinator for Oregon, as
th e
M u ltic u ltu ra l
M in is try
Chairperson for the O regon Synod,
ELC A and as a m em ber o f the ELC A
N ational C hurch C ouncil, She is
c u r r e n tly th e P re s id e n t o f th e
A m erican Indian and A laska N ative
Lutheran A ssociation.
Ms. Soto Rank has w orked with
Luther Sem inary in St. Paul, MN and
with Pacific Lutheran Theological
S e m in a ry in B e rk e le y , C A on
curriculum and experience that help
train church professionals in the
context o f American Indian and Alaska
N ative perspectives. Ms Soto Rank
w as one o f the founders o f the "O n e 1
In The Spirit” gathering that brings [
together clergy and lay people w ith
A m erican Indian and A laska N ative
Ms. Soto Rank was bom on the
K lam ath Reservation in K lam ath
County, O R and currently resides in
Portland, Oregon.
A ugustana Lutheran C hurch is a
grow ing m ulticultural congregation
in the heart o f Portland. Beginning as
a Sw edish congregation in 1906,
today A ugustana has m em bers w ho
are A frican A m erican, H isp an ic/
Latino, N ative American, A sian, and
E uro p ean A m erican , as w ell as
m em bers w ho are gay and lesbian.
A u g u s ta n a is a 9 4 - y e a r- o ld
c o n g re g a tio n w ith a h isto ry of
com m unity outreach and service.
Today A ugustana has 400 m em bers
with over 200 people in attendance
each Sunday. O ver 100 m em bers are
children below 8lh grade. Four services
are offered each week: Contemporary,
Traditional, Open Circle, and G ospel/
Jazz. For more inform ation, contact
Ram ona Soto Rank, or Lead Pastor
Rev. W.J. Mark Knutson, at 288-6174.
On record: ‘I can help people overcome
anyone or anything blocking their prosperity’
for T he P ortland O bserv er
T hese incredibly pow erful w ords
com e from T haddeus M uham m ad,
one o f the nation’s leading personal
growth and developm ent trainers and
author o f the now popular book, Set
Y ourself in H eaven A t O nce and the
upcom ing book, The G od o f the
“It’s not about w hat the good old
b o y s n e tw o r k , d e m o c r a ts o r
r e p u b lic a n s , c o n s e r v a tiv e s o r
liberals, foreigners or anybody is
doing to you— it’s about w hat you
are doing to yourself,” said Thaddeus
w ho has helped thousands o f people,
from all w alks o f life im prove their
lives. “ It’s tim e to m ove aw ay from
the era o f protest and blam e into a
new era o f p ro-action, building,
grow ing and establishing our place
in the sun by learning universal
principles that apply to all regardless
to class, religion, or color.”
T haddeus has received critical
acclaim from his audiences in a variety
o f religious institutions, colleges,
m entoring program s, and various
m edia outlets throughout the country
w ith his unique brand o f spiritual,
self-im provem ent tips developed
through years o f practical application.
The Chicago-based author is a superb
interview w ho will fill your audience
with inform ation that will be o f value
to them today and for the rest o f their
lives. His new book, The God o f the
Living (galley copy) w as published
by Em erging Light International and
is available for review. Publication
date is Feb. 24,2000. To schedule an
interview call (773)536-2699.
Thaddeus M uham m ad honed his
skills as a peak perform ance trainer,
lecturer, and m otivator w hile serving
for over 15 years as a top lieutenant
and the First O fficer o f the N ation o f
Islam under the leadership o f the
H onorable Louis Farrakhan. A s First
O fficer he w as directly responsible
fo r th e te a c h in g , tr a in in g an d
m otivation for the men know n as the
F .O .I. at th e N a tio n o f Islam
headquarters in Chicago.
Known for his strong work ethic,
principled leadership and sincere
co n cern for th e w e lfa re o f th e
individual, he has helped thousands
transform theirliv esfo rth e better. He
has worked w ith everyone from high
school dropouts to college students,
th e
u n e m p lo y e d
p ro fe ssio n a ls, d ru g a d d ic ts and
entrepreneurs. In addition, he has
served for over five years as dean o f
Boys at M uham m ad U niversity o f
Islam where he acted as guidance
counselor, m entor and disciplinarian.
He currently lives in C hicago’s Hyde
Park com m unity w ith his wife.
Chata Addy and Susuma in concert
r or T he P ortland O bserver
Sunday, February 13, at 3 :00 p.m..
Rose C ity Park U nited M ethodist
Church will present C hata A ddy and
Susum a in concert. This concert is
the seventh o f tw elve concerts in the
1999-2000 concert season.
C hata A ddy, a local recording artist,
com es from a long tradition o f master
drum m ers and dancers from Ghana,
W est Africa. H e leads the group
Susum a with his highly-acclaim ed,
unfo rg ettab le th ree -C o n g a drum
playing, and perform s as w ell on the
talking drum and other percussion
instruments. Susum a plays music
w hich Chata calls “A fro-R eggae,
Funky Highlife” - an upbeat blend o f
traditional African and contemporary
world music styles with a rhythm that
makes people want to move. The band
consists o f eight pieces including
bass guitar, drums, keyboard, guitars,
hom s and flute as w ell as vocals.
Black History Month
Susum a has ju st released its first CD,
“This is W hat I Feel.”
Rose City Park U nited M ethodist
C hurch is located at 5830 N .E.
Alam eda. A dm ission to the concert
is a free w ill o ffe rin g tak en at
interm ission with net proceeds to
benefit tw o local agencies, FISH and
Loaves & Fishes. Free child care is
available. The church is located on
Tri-M et bus lines # 12 and #71 and is
h a n d ic a p p e d a c c e s s ib le by an
M em bers o f the Shiloh B aptist church in the M ontavilla neighborhood. This w eek's observation o f B lack
H istory M onth cover the yea rs o f ¡900-1950. A t the beginning o f the century, there were fo u r large, B lack
churches in N ortheast Portland. O ne o f the churches was m oved to F irst a n d Schuyler and rebuilt at the sam e
location in ! 912. The lum ber used to construct the building was d o n a t e h" n tn ra l branch o f the Klu K lux
Kian. Can yo u nam e that church that currently exists?
A nsw er: M ount O livet B aptist Church.
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