Page 4 February 2, 2000 u i i M l v ------ J O lack X A is to r y JLonth (T ta Ohuitani* ©taeruer Focus Read-in commemorates Black History Month M t ÇflftTRIBVîEP STORY for T he P ortland O bserver North Portland Branch Library, the P o rtla n d C o u n c il of the International Reading Association, Portland Public Schools and the Interstate FirehouseCultural Center A sso c ia tio n , P o rtla n d P u b lic Schools and the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center (I FCC ) presents the fourth annual African-American Read-ln on Sun., Feb. 6,2000 from 3:30-5:30 p.m. at the IFCC, 5340 N. Interstate Ave. All ages are welcome and admission is tree. Promoting this year’s theme o f “African-American literature is for everyone!” community leaders and local celebrities will read selections from th e ir fav o rite w orks by P ortland O bserver The Metropolitan human Rights C enter w ill present D ynam ic D iffe re n c e s- an in te ra c tiv e workshop that examines various form s o f m u lticu ltu ralism -o n Monday, February 21“, from 6:30 to 9 :0 0 p.m . at R ose C ity M ethodist C hu rch , 5830 NE Alameda. The workshop is free and open to the public. The goal o f Dynamic Differences is to increase understanding of cu ltu ra l d iffe re n c e s and perceptions on a basic level, and further, to identify ways we can work together for the common good. Pre-registration and confirmation are required, as workshop space is limited. Please concoct 823-5126 (Voice/TTY) to register. If you are a person with a disability and need accommodations, please call at least 48 hours in advance. Dynamic Differences workshops are not designed to fulfill training needs m andated by the court system or employers. The Metropolitan human Rights Center (MHRC) funded by the City o f Portland and Multnomah County, is a program o f the O o f Neighborhood Involvement. The Center is a resource for education i l ns Live Music • Group Lvents D elicious Pub Fare • G reat Specials H andcrafted Ales & W ines 8203 N Iv an h o e S tre e t - P o rtla n d (503) 28.3-8520 All food, iiirs and wines available to go Center presents multi-cultural workshop mw THE w ST. JO H N S PUB African-Americans. Individuals scheduled to read are: musicians Akbar DePriest, news anchor Gray Eubank, 7th grader Solomon A. Ford, 4,h grader Lesieli L. Kalamafoni, Portland Police C h ie f M ark K ro ek er, a u th o r Terence O ’Donnell, actress Brenda Phillips and the Prospective Gents Speech Choir. < and technical assistance on human rights and offers programs that foster M l mutual understanding and respect among all people. kmhd f°rthe i°ve °^azz James DePrcist, Music Director & Conductor A C O N C E R T FOR LO VERS “ R o m a n tic M u s ic o f V ie n n a ” Valentines Special Monday, Feb. 14 at 7:30 pm Norman Leyden, conductor Larissa Shahmatova, violin t 89.1 TMAJ’s Treat your sweetheart to an evening o f romantic Viennese music, including such clas­ sics as The Blue Danube Waltz, Vienna City o f My Dreams, Tales o f the Vienna Woods, The Pizzicato Polka and beautiful violin music. Tickets $18.75 - $50 Barber & Beauty Salon Advertise in The Focus 305 NE Wygant Portland, OR 97211 (503) 288-6530 ■g Q Stylist Karen Dixon Call 503-228-1353 (1-800-228-73431 Barber Tracy Horsley Mon.-Sat. 9am -5p m or order tickets at: L a ris s a S h a h m a to v a Sponsored by the Family Supported by K ! O.t and Will omette Week , I ndriunoff \R L E N K S C H N IT Z E R C O N V E R T H A IT S \\ Main & Broadway ■ Portland Center for lire Performing Arts |