Hage A6 January 19, 2900 Purtlaiib (Oli. (Tlye ^ìnrtlanb ©baeruer Family Living M M M H OPB program highlights Vietnam widows -— ■ ■ — ■ 1 . . - X Z — - . • • t } . ' ‘ I ' » ' . . . I Lula Ì From I left to right: Xuan X Z Ngoc Nguyen Portland. a* Oregon, Bia Window Rock, Ariz., Barbara Sonneborn Berkley, Calif, Norma Banks Vallejo, Nguyer Thi My Hien, Hanoi, Vietnam. t ’ . . .J à . - /. 4 . V F- . ■ - - u . / - " ■ • . 2 / f t t sa RETAIL FABRIC STO RE IN THE WEST January 18,2000 through February 1,2000 PRINT SATE! ALL PRINTS 30% OFF War widows from theU.S. and Vietnam join forces for five city tour to mark 25th anniversary of the end of the war CONTRIBUTED STORY EO r T he P o RILAS d O b SLRSLK “There were times,” says Norma Banks o f Vallejo, California, “ when 1 wanted to give up and forget about it.” “ It” was the painful experience of fighting the system for recognition and benefits owed to her late husband, Michael - a casualty of war in V ietnam. Unlike many soldiers who died in the trenches fighting that controversial war, Michael Banks died years later o f a mysterious cancer now known to be caused by a chem ical-based weapon called Agent Orange. After years o f having few people to tell her story to, Norma Banks agreed to participate in a documentary film created by B arbara Sonneborn, hersel f a widow o f Vietnam War. Sonneborn ’ s film, titled REGRET TO INFORM - drawing on the first words oftheofticial government notification o f a death in the armed services (“ We reg ret to inform you th a t...” ), eventually was nominated for an A cad em y A w ard as B est Documentary. It reveals the headache and pain o f the woman - both American and Vietnamese - who lost husbands and families to the war. REGRETTO INFORM will premiere on television as part of PBS's “P. V .0 .” series o f independent non-fiction films on Monday, January 24,2000 at 10:00 PM ET (check local station schedules to confirm date and time). The film is “ so exquisitely filmed, edited, and sored," wrote Stephen Holden i n the New York T imes, “it is the documentary equivalent o f a tragic epic poem. Every word and image quivers with an anguished resonance.” Norma met Michael Banks in 1970, two years after he got out o f the Army. They were married five years later, and had a daughter, Michelle. Norma also had a daughter, Deanna - by a previous marriage - whom Michael helped raise. Beginning in 1980, Michael began to suspect something was wrong. He started breaking out with lesions, and suffered a constant itch on his back. After seven years o f suffering, researchers at Stanford University - working in c o n c e rt w ith th e V e te ra n s A d m in istratio n - sta rte d w hat Michael had long feared: that he had cancer from Agent Grange. He began radiation therapy and also was treated with chemotherapy before his death. Michael died in 1989. There were no fo rm al ap o lo g ie s and no (Please see ’W idows' page 6) Sale in clu d es: C alicos, H om e D ee (D rapery and U ph olstery) • Special O ccasion • R ayons • C hild ren’s Wear • Active Wear • Flannel Prints B illy R eed ’ s ) t R estaurant A t the . standard B ar D airy ALL FLEECE A N D FUR '~5) 40% OFF c 2808 N6 MLK Jr. Blvd Portland, OR 97212 (503) 493-8127 Includes Outerwear and Sweatshirt Fleece VOGUE PATTERNS Now Open! Daily Lunch & Dinner Sunday Brunch Live Music 6 Nights a Week 60% OFF L im it 6 p e r c u s t o m e r . V a lid 1 /1 8 /0 0 t h r o u g h 2 /1 /0 0 . BE SURE TO CHECK OUR STORE FOR “MANAGER'S SPECIALS" •Discounts do not apph lo previously discounted or marked down items 1/18/00 thru 2/1/00. 1 ¡RETAIL - RETAI 1 II >1 RS JS4 1 F 1 N J / I r £>/ / STARK s ? s ★ STREET 1 SMI RUM 'll m.im-“ pin si \1 )\> IDI i.un-” pm W H O IIS A II H O I RS MOVI R I" A h . m-7 An,im si \ 1 ) \ ) I I I •am- ipm www.billyreeds.com WHOLESALE 700 S.E. 122nd Ave. Portland, OR 252-9550 Visit our website at www fabritdepot.com 1-8OO-392-3376 SAFEWAY FOOD & DRUG Look For Your Safeway Weekly Shopping Guide In Y o u r O re g o n ia n F O O D d a y in th e P ortland M e tro Area Lay's Potato Chips ...a n d save m o re by s h o p p in g Fresh Pork Shoulder Roast at Safeway. 'y & h SAVE up to $1.10 lb | | PRICES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 19 THRU JANUARY 25. 2000 Sun 1 Mon L h* . Wed Thur 10 20 13.25-oz. Assorted varieties. Limit 2. Bone-In Blade C ut Visit Safeway's Web site at wwwsafewaycom I I 4. Fit Sat 21 22 Safeway Club Price Safeway Club Price SAVE up to $2.98 on 5 Sunkist Seedless Navel Oranges Grown in California. (Full cases approx. 40-lbs., $6.99) SAVE up H to 26< lb. ID. « * £ & • k feway C|ub Utor> 19 thm TuryWy l4 w n t pre*, * Hw «1 r e *-«UWe * your total to u m » r e t t a r r * or rriMUirom S4e, *1 ret*