Martin Luther King Jr. Special Edition (Elje ^ orttani* (iDbscruer January 19, 2000 "A C A LL TO A C T IO N " C24; The Makings of Visionary Leader By J o h n O d a ------— M artin L u th er K ing w as a visionary w ho fought for all o f m a n k in d . W e c a n a ls o acknow ledge the “ V isionary Leader” w ithin ourselves to shape our ow n destiny. The process is never easy. Dr. King m odeled this in the follow ing ways: • Find new w ays to raise our self-esteem . T he greatest loveofall is towards ourself. • B elieve in your cause no m atterwhat anyone tel Is you. A b e lie f is a feeling o f certainty. You m ust create m any positive references to support your belief. Y ou have to have a bum ing desire to succeed. W e need to visual ize the outcom e on a daily basis. Conditionyourselfto positive reinforcements. W hen wedo som ething w ell, w e m ust rew ard ourselves. Practice positive self-talk, and learn how to control your • • emotions. W e m ust ask em pow ering questions. It is better to ask y o u rse lf how I can benefit from this situation and enjoy the process rather than asking yourself, “ W hy does this happen to m e?” W e m ust have the certainty to accom plish our goals. John Oda is a PeakPerfomanee expert residing in Northeast Portland. He can be reached at w o n d erkid S IM P L Y Martin Luther King, Jr. G / Y / l l S Federal Holiday, 2000 Shear Perfection Barber-Beauty Salon By The President of The United States of America A Proclamation Holiday. I call upon all Americans to observe this occasion with appropriate programs, ceremonies, andactivitiesinhonorofDr. King’s life and achievem ents and in response to his call to service. In W itness W hereof, I have h e re u n to set m ay hand this fourteenth day o f January, in the year o f our Lord two thousand, and o f the Independence o f the United States o f America the two hundred and twenty-fourth. NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED Business Award of Excellence Best o f Portland (Willamette Week) Just this m onth, thousands o f " We do all types of hair " Americans gathered at the Lincoln Memorial to welcome a new year, Hair • Nail • Pedicure a n ew c e n tu ry , an d a new Shoe Shine mi 1 ler nium. There - where 37 years ago M artin Luther King, Jr., so Hours: 9-6 Mon-Fri, 8-6 Sat, 10:30-3 Sun eloquently voiced his dream for (503)285-1159 Am erica’sfu ture-w epledged not 5601 N .E . M artin L. K ing Jr. Blvd. • Portland OR. 9721 only to keep Dr. K ing’s dream e-mail: paulsr@ alive, but also to bring it to reality in WilliamJ.Clinton the 21” century. W e are living in a tim e o f unprecedented peace and prosperity FASTSERVICE 284-9582 for our Nation, where the struggles HOLSECALLS o f the valiant and visionary men and wom en who came before us have bom e fruit with the guarantee o f civil rights at hom e and the trium ph o f freedom in nations AFFORDABLE across the globe. But we cannot afford to becom e complacent. As Dr. King so wisely observed, “We have learned to fly in the air like W E M A K E K EY S FRO M SCRA TCH birds and swim the sea like fish, 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE but we have not learned the simple art o f living together as brothers. Our abundance has brought us neither peace o f mind nor serenity o f spirit.” W e must seize this rare moment JOHNNY J. MOORE 4724NEKILL1NGSWORTH in our N ation’s history to build a REKEY AND INSTALLLOCKS PORTLAND, OR 97218 society in which w e accept our di fferences and honor our common humanity. We must unite against the forces o f hatred, fear, and ignorance that seek to divide us. W e m u st use o u r ec o n o m ic success and our technological prowess to widen the circle o f H alf or W hole M arinated Sm oked/ opportunity, to elim inate poverty, Deep Fried Turkeys and to give all our children the O r d e r T o d a y (4 day advance) e d u c a tio n , v a lu e s , and $3.95 encouragem ent they need to reach Lunch Specials their full potential. Each year since 1994, when I 11:30-3:00 pm signed into law the King Holiday and Service Act, Americans have m a rk e d th is o b s e rv a n c e by devoting the day to service projects A ll you can s tu ff in their communities. By renovating T h u rsd a y s & s c h o o ls , c le a n in g up Saturdays neighborhoods, tutoring children, Salutes 5907 N. Lombard donating blood, organizing food Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 240-0615 drives, or reaching out in some other way to those in need, our Think Superbo«! P a rty !... Gobble Gobble citizens can work together to make this a day on, not a day off, and to make their own contributions to Dr. K ing’s legacy o f service. Martin Luther King, Jr., was not content to rest on past successes or to compromise his convictions. If he were with us now to mark his 71” birthday, he would exhort us not to grow weary in doing good but to reach out to one another in the spirit o f service and forge a We serve clients in both future in which all Am ericans are Oregon and proud o f our diversity and united in Washington. our reverence for freedom, justice, You can have the home you and equality. desire Call us at: Now, Therefore, I, W illiam J. Clinton, President o f the United 503-281-9900 States o f America, by virtue o f the authority vested in me by the 360-690-0281 Constitution and laws o f the United S ta te s , do h e re b y p ro c la im M onday, January 17,2000, as the Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday. I call upon all Americans C E LLU LA R Salutes The Legacy o f Dr, Martin Luther King NO CREDIT CHECKS DEPOSITS TURNDOWNS ACTIVATE YOUR OWN CELLULAR PHONE ONLY $59.95 INCLUDES AIRTIME ACTIVATE YOUR OWN PAGER ONLY $19.95 INCLUDES 3 MONTHS VOICEMAIL 3939 NE MLK • 280-8000 OPEN MON - FRI 10AM TO 6 PM OFFER VALID DEC. I THRU DEC. 31, 1997 "GIVE THE GIFT OF CELLULAR" Gerald M. Chase ~ Richard L. Weil JJ LOCKSMITH & KEYS - KILLER TURKEYS A-ZFBRA Realty Inc. The Dream is Any Home Anywhere. 1 — Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.