Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 19, 2000, Special, Page 37, Image 37

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    Martin Luther King Jr. Special Edition
(Tire ^ îo rtlan b (Observer
January 19, 2000
A C T IO N "
Recommended Reading
Freedom Days
365 Inspired Moments in Civil
Rights History
by Janus Adams
Tom Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 1998
'’'F re e d o m D ays: 365
Inspired Moments in Civil Rights
H istory-3 6 5 markers along the road
from 1936 to 1976 (plus a leap year’s
lagniappe for a total o f366); 366 days
o f challenge and choice, the choice to
wind a trail o f freedom. And what a
journey it has been.
Freedom Days is a book
about love and remembrance - a
To go down to the bridge is
to know how our ancestors - and
those still with us who walk in that
noble tradition - loved life hard
enough to make a way out o f no way
for us. No matter the winds and the
tides, they knew, as my grandfather
would say, to “let no one contaminate
your mind.” That is the knowledge
that is ours to treasure. “Praise the
bridge that carries you over,” we have
been told. Come down to the bridge.
Let us celebrate our Freedom Days!”
- by Janus Adams
Beyond Fear
Twelve Spiritual Keys to Racial Healing
By Aeeshah Ababio-Clottey and Kokomon
HJ Kramer; 1998
A c c o rd in g to th e A m erican
Anthropological Association, “The concept
o f ‘race’ has no validity...in the human
species.” While most o f us might agree that on
a biological, scientific level races do not exist,
exploring ideas and feelings about racism can
be difficult.
Unique in its spiritual approach,
Beyond Fear presents a refreshing vision o f the
internal peace possible for each individual as
we release our social and cultural beliefs about
race. Using personal stories, Aeeshah and
Kokoman Clottey give us tools to help us
clarify our intent as we progress through the
twelve spiritual keys to racial healing.
Recipients o f the Jampolsky Award
forExemplary Work in Attitudinal Healing for
the Racial Healing Project and theGhana Project,
Aeeshah Ababio-Clottey and Kokoman Clottey
are intern atio n ally recognized for their
workshops on racial healing. Together they
founded the Attitudinal HealingConnection in
Oakland, California, and Ghana, West Africa.
Creating A W orld That W orks For
By Sharif Abdullah
Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.;
In Creating a World That
Works for All. Abdullah shows how
we can change our world by changing
our consciousness. We can actually
put an end to these complex problems
by em bracing inclusivity - the
realization that all o f our lives are
inextricably linked. With a practical
blueprint for this positive approach
to change, he reveals how to tum
from a mentality that disconnects us
to one that embraces the goals of
restoring balance to the Earth and
building community with all others.
A bdullah
show s
transformation to inclusivity lies at
the heart o f all the world’s spiritual
Sharif Abdullah writes, “We
live in a world that works for only a
few.” The problem, he asserts, is
exclusivity: the fundamental belief
that we are separate from one another.
By practicing exclusivity, we have
created a soul-starved society. We
suffer, both personally and as a
society, from complex, interlocking
problems so intense that they create
a deep sense of emptiness in all o f us.
W o rld
111 AT W ORI
I n tr o illa t o n Z s y u i h i I
H avi t
Celebrate the life o f Martin
Luther King Jr. everyday.
Best Wishes
from Senator
Ron Wyden
v h , . i , s pir«?
F oreword by
lessages from the Heart
iy Lexie Brockway Potamkin
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Spirit is something that we all have in common yet the way we each see Spirit is as individual as a finger print,
/hat Is Spirit?: Messages from the Heart is a unique inquiry into how people of all faiths, backgrounds and walks of
fe experience the presence of Spirit in their lives. From a Priest, a Rabbi, nine I ibetan Monks, a United States President,
Disco Diva and an Astronaut, the book brings together great minds and hearts who express feelings about Spirit.
These people have graciously shared their stories o f ways in which Spirit has touched their lives - inspirational
lies from extraordinary life experiences - along with many diverse quotes. These quotes and stories come alive with
“ Let us rise up tonight with a
greater readiness. Let us stand
with a greater determination.
And let us move on in these
powerful days, these days of
challenge, to make America a better nation...”
- - Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
olorful art work by Peter Max.
A few o f the public figures included in these pages are: President Jimmy Carter; Robert Wagner; Gloria
teinman; Donald Trump; Tommy Lasosrda; Astronaut Kenneth Reightler; Maestro Gerard Schwartz; Sir John
empleton; and Mother Teresa. What Is Spirit? is a laborof love that Lexie Brockway Potamkin has been working on
Paid for by Wyden Senate.
,r several years.
LEXIE BROCKWAY POTAMKIN is a counselor and human rights activist who comes to her Spirit work with
ears o f experience in the worlds o f entertainment, fashion, public relations and corporate management consulting.
are as diverse as
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