Martin Luther King Jr. Special Edtion January 19, 2000 (C h e ^ o r t l a n h ( D h s e r u e r C A L L TO A C T IO N " C13 . Willamette University Please Come Celebrate the 18th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr.Celebration PASSAGES OF Willamette University and the Multicultural Law Students Association Present DR. CLAYBORNE CARSON M AR TIN LUTHER K IN G Free and Open to the Public Reception Immediately Following (in Truman Wesley Collins Legal Center, WtJCL) Stanford professor, civil rig h ts historian, d ire c to r o f th e King Papers Project, a nd senior advisor fo r th e PBS series "Eyes on th e Prize" presents his d o c u d ra m a "Passages o f M a rtin L u th e r K in g .’ Friday January 21, 2000 7:30 p.m. Smith Auditorium Willamette University Guest performers: M a rtin L u th e r King, Jr. Frank Thompson, Oregon Department of Corrections J o h n F. K ennedy lohn A, Kitzhaber Governor, State of Oregon C oretta Scott King Otuaner Christian Dark, Uniter) Stares Attorney s Offtre D addy King tohnny I ake, Willamette College of Liberal Arts M a lco lm X Matt Fitzgerafd. Willamette. College of la w Stokely C arm ichael M.Lee Refton, President. Willamette University Dr. Carson Himself G ospel C hoir Gospel Music Workshop of America, Portland/Vant ouver ( hapler SooTMxed I tv Sfudpnl Bur Asux viUm M*«1y