Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 19, 2000, Special, Page 28, Image 28

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    Martin Luther King )r. Special Edition
Il,c jtlurtlauò ©becrucr
J««uary /», 2000
C A l L
A C T IO N "
ourselves for not seeking Truth
and Freedom.
In the words of Marianne
W illiam son, author o f The
H ealing o f A m erica , “ The
leader with conscience must be
willing to risk repudiation. The
person with conscience must
be willing to risk being con­
sidered a whiner by polite so­
ciety. The person with con­
science must be willing to risk
being considered a whiner by
polite society.
The person with conscience
has a responsibility to be a
thorn in the side of a compla­
cent status quo. The person
with conscience holds up a
mirror to the world, which must
include himself. The person
with conscience is an agent of
awakening in a world where
there is a collective urge to
Mounted officers assaulted 600 marchers in Montgomery on March 21. 1965. National
Guardsme~n were ordered by Judge Johnson to be on guard at the Alabama Stafe Capitol.
B y B en M isslek -
“We are called to be a people
o f conviction, not conformity,
not social respectability. We
are commanded to live differ­
ently and according to a higher
loyalty.” - Martin Luther King
Are we living in an illusion
o f freedom ?
Everywhere you look, one
sees evidence of control in ev­
ery aspect o f our lives.
Little by little, our Consti­
tutional and Sovereign rights
to own and use our property,
our rights to travel, rights of
privacy, freedom of speech,
rights to bear arms and other
legal rights are gradually be­
ing controlled or taken away
from us. Are these violent ma­
nipulations an accident?
The rise of economic chaos,
shortage of food and energy,
confiscatory taxes, a crisis in
education, wars and threats of
war and other diversions to
condition Americans for a new
societal order.
The techniques used by ill-
intentioned manipulators is as
old as Politics itself: It is the
Hegelian principle of bringing
about a three step process:
1. THESIS is to create a prob­
2. ANTITHESIS is to gener­
ate opposition to the problem
to get a reaction such as fear,
panic or hysteria.
3.SYNTHESIS is to offer a
definite one step solution to the
problem, bring about change
which would have been impos­
sible to impose on people with­
out the proper psychological
conditioning achieved in stage
one and two.
These powerful and insidi­
ous schem es by subterfuge,
create widespreadconfusion in
all human affairs. The schemes
aim to influence, then control,
any and all the natural finan­
cial affairs o f every person
th ro u g h
d e s ta b iliz in g ,
disinformation and dismantling
of the lawful social and politi­
cal structures by which free
people govern themselves.
An example o f this is the
conditioning of the people to
believe that we are a Democ­
racy. We are not a democracy
but a Republic.
In a democracy, you have a
mob rule (where the majority
vote rules right or wrong and
never lasts very long). Histori­
cally, it is designed to fail. That
is why our forefathers set up a
Representation Republic where
we the people do not vote for
the laws that govern us. We are
supposed to elect statesmen of
impeccable, honest character
who will look after our interest
as well as the country’s and the
God-given rights of the people
as a whole.
A much more simple story
could be of the two frogs. You
have two pots o f water, one
boiling, the other lukewarm.
Put the frog in the boiling wa­
ter and he will make every ef­
fort to escape, but put him in
the lukewarm water, he will
merely relax and feel comfort­
able while the heat is slowly,
gradually turned up till he flops
over dead, not knowing what
Who is the THEY manipulat­
ing us? Are they the Rich, The
M oney
C h an g ers,
Obligarchy, The Bureaucrats,
The Communists, The Aliens
or possibly us?
Well, what can we do?
There are several things:
•Get more informed, listen
to alternative news and get edu­
•Look for the Hegelian signs
of entities creating the prob­
lem, getting the reaction and
their just happening to have the
exact solution to the problem
that was created.
•Keep an open mind to alter­
native news.
Watch for disinformation or
controlled bias news.
■Get involved at local as well
as at national levels.
Are we a sleeping giant about
to be awakened? Our apathy and
ignorance is violence toward
can be great. Because anybody can serve. You
don’t have to have a college degree to serve.
You don’t have to make your
subject and your verb agree to
serve. You don’t have to know
about Plato and Aristotle to
serve. You don’t have to know
Einstein’s theory of relativity
to serve. You don’t have to
know the second theory
of thermodynamics in
physics to serve. You
only need a heart full of
grace. A soul generated
by love.”
From, The Words of Martin Luther King,
Selected by Coretta Scott King
The Portland Development Commission would
like to thank all the men and women, citizens and
neighbors who take time to volunteer, attend com
munity meetings and serve on committees. Your
input and involvement is extremely important to our
work in the community. Together, we are working
to make Portland a better place for all citizens.
have a dream..."
He had the power o f a vision.
W e honor the legacy o f Dr. M artin Luther King, Jr.
The dreams o f courageous people have endured
through generations.
N o w it is our turn to make a difference
for the future o f our community.
Experience your power in the new millennium.
.T H E P O W E R