Martin Luther King Jr. Special Edition Œlje J^ortlanò (DbeerUer January 19, 2000 ■ "A c A 1 1 T 0 C ll A C T IO N " APRIL FREEDOM DAYS MOMENTS IN CIVIL RIGHTS HISTORY » B r J a m s A dams = = ■ When CORE launched the Free­ dom R ides in the 1960s, m any thought it a new idea. It w asn’t. The first Ride, called “The Journey o f Reconciliation,” took place in 1947, lasted two weeks, and traveled to fifteen cities in V irginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky. thers sought to rout. Who was getting the news and e d itin g th e p a p e r? T h e B lack Panther’s “ M inister o f Information underground” - a provocative allu­ sion to the parole status o f Eldridge Cleaver. W riting for the established Ramparts m agazine was one thing; editing the Black Panther was an ­ other. C leaver knew that his work would target him for retaliation. His ies promised as volume one, num ­ ber one, o f the Black Panther new s­ paper went on sale on April 25, 1967. Six m onths after founding the party, the Black Panthers launched their first cooperative business - the publication and distribution o f the newspaper. Two legal-size sheets o f paper, typed and printed on both sides, the Black Panther began with a first printing o f ten thousand cop- 1 é ê A m azingly enough, as the group w ound its w ay through Durham, North Carolina, on a Greyhound bus on April 11,1947, w hile they were threatened with arrest, none w as ac­ tually made. It was a first. ies and grew to a circulation o f fifty thousand copies within weeks. But the look o f the newspaper only added to its credibility - here was a voice of, by, and for the people. That was its mission - as was made clear in a 'H ® would target him for retaliation. His fear was later borne out in the parole revocations o f several ex-offenders who had become the paper’s street vendors. The violation; “failure to maintain gainful em ploym ent.” It T he n ext t im e YO UR PO W ER G O ES □ U T, R E M E M B E R , 77ie Black Panther launched their first cooperative business - the publication and distribution of a newspaper on April 25. 1967. Their tabloid size edition was a voice of. by. and for the people. The Academy Awards ceremony is a ritual almost everyone is famil­ iar - the glamour, the tension, the career-making voice that says “And the O scar goes to ...” On April 13, 1964, Sidney Poitier was on the hot seat with a Best A ctor nomination for his perform ance as a handy-man upholding a reluctant vow to needy nuns in Lilies o f the Field. He won - the first African American male ac­ tor in the forty-five-year history o f the Oscars. W hat is it like to be there and to w in? He answered elo­ quently in his autobiography, This Life. Why was Denzil Dowell killed? the handwritten headline demanded. It was ju st one o f the ongoing inquir- later, more sophisticated, tabloid- size edition o f the paper with a m ast­ head proclaim ing “Pow er to the people.” A major success, the Black Panther becam e increasingly im­ portant to the organization and the com m unity as its profile heightened around the innovative night patrols that tailed police as witness and de­ terrent to the brutality that killed Denzil Dowell and inspired the first o f many high-risk headlines and in­ quiries. “ Denzil Dowell was un­ arm ed” when shot by a Contra Costa County s h e riffs officer, and the angle o f the bullets suggests that his hands were raised, the paper re­ ported. “So how can six bullet holes and shotgun blasts be considered ju stifiable hom icide?” Justifiable hom icide had been the frequent and official response that licensed po­ lice to kill blacks with impunity. was a sign o f the times. \P R II 2« Asked to com ment in the press on his 1 -A draft status. World Heavy­ w e ig h t B o x in g C h a m p io n Muhammad Ali tossed o ff the rhyme that would turn his fame into in­ famy: “ Keep asking me, no matter how long - On the w ar in Vietnam. I sing this song - 1 ain ’t got no quarrel with the Viet C ong.” A year later, having lost his bout for conscien­ tious objector status on religious grounds, at 8 :30 a m. on Friday, Apri I 28, 1967, he stood before H ouston’s Local Draft Board No. 61 for induc­ tion into the Army. Refusing induc­ tion could mean five years in prison. This is an excerpt from the hook. "Freedom Days. " Perm ission fo r reprint is given by John Wiley and Sons. Inc. LJ T H IS L IG H T IS ALW AYS O N . H igh-efficiency natural gas appliances not only save yo u money and energy every m onth, they also w ork when the pow er goes out. Not that this happens all the time. But w hen it does, y o u ’ll be com forted to know you can still cook on y o u r gas range, show er using y o u r gas w ater heater, and w arm y o u rself by y o u r gas fireplace. Your neighbors just might be com forted to know this, too. Northwest Natural Gas J