Martin Luther King Jr. Special Edition OHje ■(Jurtlaiih (Observer Junuary 19, 2000 Vl - 1 A L L_ _ T 0 RE' URNING POWER ’J’O Tl a c t io n II C9 •: oj “ In these times of unprecendented economic prosperity, low unemployment rates and rampant consumer spending, it is impossible to mistakenly assume that all people share equally in the wealth of our great nation. However, despite these often touted signs of well being, the majority are struggling. In memory of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose life we celebrate this month, let us join together to return power to the people.” Oregon Representative, Deborah Kafoury Share information on the Internet ♦ Turn employees into business owners ♦ Reconnect schools with the community ♦ Form a community-based economic program Watch for controlled bias news ♦ Support Public Access TV ♦ Join a Neighborhood Association ♦ Create Campaign Reform ♦ Broaden Citizen Participation in the media ♦ Form a Tenants IJtion ♦ Support Minority Business ♦ Reparations for African Americans ♦ Make taBreform simple ♦ Organize worker buyouts ♦ Vote to limit all terms of office ♦ Support voter initiatives that limit campaign spending ♦ Create community wealth measurements ♦ Work toward educational reform ♦ G et involved in community policing ♦ Allow corporate decision-making by employees ♦ Organize a minimum wage campaign ♦ Hold press conferences ♦ Create a Student Advisory ♦ Board ♦ Become a citizen lobbyist ♦ Hold local government “accountability sessions” ♦ Organize your neighborhood block ♦ Talk openly with city officials ♦ Meet with the editorial board of your local newspaper ♦ Eliminate oppressive and wasteful government agencies ♦ Uphold the Constitution ♦ Promote P ome Business and Small Entrepreneurship ♦ Return to Community Welfare Boards ♦ Join a Citizens Review Board ♦ Form a chart ttp-school ♦ Keep an open mint! to altern ative news ♦ Become a socially r JM w lniile business «^Practice urban sustainability regularly, vote often!