Martin Luther King )r. Special Edition_____ V. A CATALYST FOR PROFOUND CHANGE (The ^ortkxnb Gfrbserüer B y W ynne B oylan : What essence stirred beneath the surface of a man like Dr. M artin Luther King, Jr. that changed the perceptions of many and raised the consciousness of a nation? Who was this man who captivated thousands and brought humanity together at a time of such turmoil and separation? When we reflect upon the char­ acter of a spiritual leader like Martin Luther Kings, we see the qualities of an individual whose vision transcended humanity’s dualistic nature. When he spoke, he captured the beauty of the soul and provided us with a glimpse into humanity’s higher nature. By operating from the heart, through love, compassion and empathy, the mind is restored to clarity and our life’s purpose begins to unfold. How are we to arrive at this point in our devel­ opment? What is it that sepa­ rates a leader from a spiritual leader? A leader, through pres­ ence o f pow er, can stir the people to action and bring about change in many ways but with­ out the balance of spirit, the heart may be closed and one’s actions may not be based on what is for the good of humanity as a whole. Instead, sacrificing the good ot a tew tor tne suttering of many. Martin Luther King Jr. was a spiritual leader because he car­ ried in his heart a vision o f peace for the whole of humanity; all men, women and children, all races supporting each other through love and mutual respect. By cul­ tivating the qualities of “human being” he was able to achieve a dynamic presence. Of the many qualities that define a spiritual leader, we can perceive seven core qualities that are intercon­ nected and provide a foundation for spiritual development. These qualities are as follows: 1) Stability 2) Creativity 3) Will 4) Love 5) Truth 6) Vision 7) Spirit. A leader who has Stability is one whose feet are planted firmly on the ground. Like a tree with roots buried deep within the earth, they remain stable (rooted) in spite of any chaos and disorder that may sur­ round them. Creativity forms the spark or flame that moves one to action and provides an outlet forcreative focus. The will is the seat of internal power that allows one to have strength of character and place principles before self-gratification. Love (Higher Love) is that which transcends physical love. It moves us into compassion and allows us to feel love for all of humanity, all of creation. It is what the Greeks identified as A gape, love at the highest source. This Love is the neces­ sary ingredient to bring all the other qualities together. Truth is a knowing and a speak­ ing o f what you believe as truth even though it may go against mainstream thought. It takes courage to speak one’s truth re­ garding injustice and inhumane acts. Vision is required if one is to see beyond where humanity is in order to see what humanity has the capacity, through com­ passion and empathy, to become. Spirit provides the inner voice, the inspiring force that guides and directs our actions in accor­ dance with humankind’s divine plan. Spirit inspires us and pro­ vides us with a roadmap direct­ ing us to higher pathways of con­ sciousness. Without that inner voice that lights the path, we become lost, wandering in the darkness. Through cultivating these seven q u alities, we becom e more balanced within. We have the creative spark to propel us "A C A LI TO A C T IO N II C4 January 19, 2000 King addresses demonstrators at Brown's Chapel on March 9 ,1 9 6 5 after their return from the bridge at Selma, Alabama., at Kings right is Andrew Young forward, the will to keep our ego in check and work for humankind’s greater good, the heart to love with compassion and empathy, the voice to speak our truths, the clarity of vision to look beyond our current state and see what possibilities lie before us and the spirit to guide us as we pursue our dreams. Martin Luther King Jr. understood the impor­ tance of operating from the heart while maintaining a rational intel­ lect. The balance of heart and mind brings logic and understand­ ing to each situation. He ex­ pressed this eloquently when he wrote “One day we will learn that the heart can never be totally right if the head is totally wrong." Only through the bringing to­ gether of head and heart/ intelli­ gence and goodness/ shall man rise to a fulfillment of his true nature. He understood the need for love and a compassionate nature to temper the will and draw the human being from ego centerdness to a state o f in terco n n ected n ess as e v i­ denced w ith his statem en t, “Tough mindedness without ten­ der heartedness is cold and de­ tached, leaving one’s life in a perpetual winter devoid of the warmth of spring and the gentle heat of summer.” And we see King’s commitment to a higher ex­ pression of humanity through his communication with Spirit and his connection with God in his words “love is understanding, redemp­ tive goodwill for all men, so that you love everybody, because God loves them. You refuse to do anything that will defeat an indi­ vidual, because you have agape in your soul.” Martin Luther King Jr.was a remarkable human being. He could see, with an inner vision, the transcendence of our species as he spoke regarding hate, “When you start hating any­ body, it destroys the very center of your creative response to life and the universe; so love every­ body. Hate at any point is a can­ cer that gnaws away at the very vital center of your life and your existence. It is like eroding acid that eats away the best and the objective center of your life.” “We must discover the power of love, the redemptive power of love. And when we discover that, we will be able to make this world a new world.” These words are a call to ac­ tion. We cannot read these words without knowing in our hearts that each us must make the necessary changes within ourselves in order to be a light unto others. Pepsi is proud to be a part o f the Commemoration, o f the Blue-Print Created by Martin Luther King, Jr., fo r Social Justice fo r all Americans. • £ S 4 ¿» f 1