Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Special Edition 2000 A N INTERVIEW W ITH ROSA PARKS B y J oy R amos P ortland O bserver of the Rosa Parks is famously known as “the mother o f the ci vil rights move­ ment.” Her refusal to give up her seat for a w hite man on a Montgomery, Alabama bus on December 1, 1955 became a turning point in American history. Rosa Parks was physically tired, especially o f the treatment she and other African Americans re­ ceived with racism, segregation, and Jim Crow laws o f the time. Parks was later arrested for her defiance and underwent trial. Draw­ ing from her quiet strength, she be­ came relentless by organizing a 381 - day Montgomery bus boycott which led to the Supreme C o u rt’s ruling in November 1956 that segregation on transportation is unconstitutional. Q: O u r them e this y ear is “ A C all to A ction.” You have exem plified th a t m indset even b efore y our a r ­ rest in 1955 by serv ing as secretary of the N A A CP and la te r A dviser to the N A A CP Y outh C ouncil. How can we be cataly sts fo r societal change? Rosa P a rk s: By helping one an­ other. It just takes one person treat­ ing another person with respect and kindness to change society. Q: You have also been a model of service for the greater good. What kind o f inner work is needed to re­ spond to the urge or calling? Rosa P a rk s: Start by teaching the children to respect one another. I am always concerned about chil­ dren and human rights in general. We must take care o f the children and we must respect the rights o f a' 1 people to be free. Q: You and your family have en­ dured much discrimination for being A frican A m erican. W hat is the source that you tapped into during times o f trouble and discernment? Rosa P arks: God. My mother and grandparents taught me to pray as a child. They taught me not to lean on my own understanding but to draw my strength from God. I have always had faith and believed if you do the right thing, it will work out in the end. Q : R egarding M artin L uther King, a verdict was decided by a Memphis jury that Dr. K ing's assas­ sination was a conspiracy. Do you have any thoughts on this case? Rosa P ark s: No. I am just pleased to know that his children are getting some well deserved answers to their photo by Moneta Sleet, Jr. questions. Mrs. Rosa Parks, “the mother o f the civil rights movement" is shown with Martin Luther King, Jr. at left. "A Call To Action " In the midst of eco­ nomic chaos, disinformation, a cri­ sis in education, wars and other di­ versions, we are be­ ing called upon to be a people o f convic­ tion, not confoimity. Transformative change in the new millenium will not come from the top down but as a grassroots effort from the bottom up. Please join us in this year’s Martin Luther King special edition to heed the “Call to Action” in creating a New Societal Order that works for the good o f the Whole. Did James Earl Ray act as a lone assassin or was he just a patsy in a major con­ spiracy to kill Martin Luther King, Jr. The verdict is now in. For more on this, see page C14 and 15. 4 Y I t ♦ I I »