January 1 9,2000 Page B7 (Elje rJJoributò CObsenu'v B Classifìeds/Bids 240 Health Care De P au l T re a tm e n t C e n te rs, Inc. Is seeking com m itted professionals to jo in our team Adult O utpatient C ounselor Im m ediate opening for a flexible individual w ith a great sense o f h u m o r to p r o v id e o u tp a tie n t services to A dults recovering from c h e m ic a l d e p e n d e n c y . Id e a l candidate will enjoy evening hours, is in te r n a lly m o tiv a te d , is experienced w ith m e n ’s issues and has excellentclinical skills. CADCII preferred, bilingual skills a plus. Y outh O utpatient Supervisor L eadership position providing day to d ay s u p e rv is io n o f Y o u th O utpatient treatm ent program along with program development. Position requirem ents: • 3 years experience in chem ical dependency populations • B a c h e lo rs d e g r e e /M a s te rs preferred • C A D C I or equivalent • G o o d v e rb a l a n d w ritte n com m unication skills • 2 years supervisory experience C hem ical D ependency-C ounselor- Y outh O utpatient C hem ical D ependency C ounselor- Youth Provide treatm ent services to youth fo r su b sta n c e a b u se d iso rd ers, in c lu d in g c lin ic a l e v a lu a tio n , a s s e s s m e n ts , tr e a tm e n t an d d o c u m e n ta tio n . P o s itio n requirem ents: • C A D C I o r e q u iv a le n t education and experience • T raining and experience in adolescent developm ent • G o o d v e rb a l a n d w ritte n com m unication skills • A bility to w ork independently • G ood organizational, problem solving, assessm ents skills and prioritizing Residential Care Facilitators-OnCall Staff-A dult M ilieu C ounselors-O n C all Staff- Y outh I f you love interacting w ith people, then w e have the jo b for you! • K n o w le d g e o f c h e m ic a l d ep e n d en c y • E ffective com m unication and problem solving skills • L e g ib le h a n d w r itin g an d unrestricted d riv er’s license • D ependable • Team Player • A bility to take direction • A bility to be flexible D e Paul offers com petitive salaries a n d e x c e lle n t b e n e fits . G re a t s u p e r v is io n and tr a in in g opportunities. Positions require 2+ y e a r s c o n tin u o u s s o b r ie ty i f recovering. Respond to: De Paul T reatm ent C enters, Inc. Attn: H um an R esources PO Box 3007 Portland, O R 97208-3007 O r fax your resum e and cover letter to 503-535-1190. 235 General Parking Facility Operator •rimediate opening for full and art-tim e lot attendants w ith ’o rtland’s leading parking Co. W e re seeking dependable individuals nth a neat appearance and a ositive attitude. 7.50 + starting w age luge overtim e potential advancement opportunities dedicai. D ental, 40 lk available ipplicants m ust subm it to drug test ind background check, ipply in person daily betw een 2-1 PM, M onday - Friday. 15 S W 6 ,h Portland, O R 210 Comp./Tech. Columbia ^ C Sportswear o lu m b ia Company® ♦ Sportswear Company® Computer, High Technology Network Systems Engineer W ork for O ne T ough M other! Responsibilities: Ensure the efficient and effective operation o f C olum bia S p o r ts w e a r ’s d a ta n e tw o rk . T roubleshoot and diagnose netw ork system problem s and recom m end solutions. C oordinate repair efforts. Normally perform s the m ore com plex assig n m en ts w ith in th e N etw ork System s E ngineer skill area. M anage data network projects from feasibility s tu d y a n d p la n n in g th r o u g h implementation fo rm id to large-scale d a ta n e tw o rk im p le m e n ta tio n s . Provide support to large netw ork p ro je c ts c o m p le tin g ta s k s w ill c o n s o la tio n as n ec essary . Troubleshoot and diagnose com plex n e tw o rk p r o b le m s a n d e n s u re e f f e c tiv e a n d e f f ic ie n t sy ste m operation. Requirem ents: Requires a High School diplom a or equivalent, plus related college level training and a m inim um o f three to five years experience in LA N troubleshooting a n d /o r d e s ig n o f d a ta n e tw o rk system s or equivalent. Please send resum e an salary history to : H u m a n R e s o u r c e s , D e p t. NETSYS, PO Box 83239, PortlandOR 97283, or FAX to: (503) 735-4597. Equal O pportunity Employer. W o rk fo rO n e T o u g h M o th e r C olum bia Sportsw ear C om pany has p roven that q u ality co n stru ctio n , engineering and innovation in sports apparel is a form ula for success. Join our IS D epartm ent in the follow ing GRA VE Y A RD position: C o m p u ter O p erato r Experience troubleshooting in PC/ W in d o w s /N o v e ll e n v ir o n m e n t required. A S400understanding/skills desired. Previous O perations and/or help desk experience required. C o lu m b ia S p o r ts w e a r o f f e r s com petitive com pensation and a great benefits package. Please send resum e and salary history to: H uman R esources, Dept. C O SS, PO Box 83239, Portland O R 97283, or FA X to: (5 0 3 ) 735-4 5 9 7 . E qual O pportunity Em ployer. P ro d u c e U n iv e r s ity - w id e an d s p e c ia liz e d p u b lic a tio n s . R equirem ents: bach elo r’s degree; extensive desktop publishing (Quark, FrameM aker, Illustrator, Photoshop), w r itin g , c o p y e d itin g , an d proofreading experience; experience a n d /o r tr a in in g in n e w s p a p e r , m agazine, adv ertisin g , or public relations. Salary range $27-31K based on ex p e rien c e. S end resu m e & p ro fe ssio n a l referen c es to: Jean Tuom i, Publications Office, Portland State Uni versity, PO Box 751, Portland, O R 97207. Interview s will begin February 14 and the position will rem ainopen until filled. Portland State U niversity is an affirm ative action/ equal opportunity institution. Call Today Facsimile................ 503.288.0015 S end co v e r le tte r, re su m e , and personal statement o f faith to: W am er Pacific College, 2219 SE 68th Ave., Portland, 97215; fax: 517-1350; e-mail: Columbia P u rc h a sin g A gent C oordinate supply purchasing for c o r p o r a te o f fic e s e m p h a s iz in g econom ies o f scale and efficient use o f resources. W ork with vendors on o b ta in in g b id s and m ake rec o m m en d atio n s for im proving supply sourcing. Position entails the w hole spectrum o f purchasing from re s e a r c h , b id d in g , r e c e iv in g , delivering and invoice follow-up. M inimum two to three years work experience as a purchasing agent. E x p e rie n c e m a n a g in g s u p p lie s inventory and analyzing usage. Send resum e to: H uman Resources, Dept. PA, PO Box 83239, Portland OR 97283, or Fax to: (503)735^4597. Equal O pportunity Employer. 205 Professional Development Director V olunteers o f A m erica O regon, is seeking a dynam ic and innovative professional to assum e leadership in d e s ig n in g , a r tic u la tin g an d im plem enting the future fundraising strategies o f the agency. T h e id e a l c a n d id a te w ill b e a p a s s io n a te an d a c c o m p lis h e d individual w ith the dem onstrated a b ility to w o rk e ffe c tiv e ly and c o lla b o ra tiv e ly , an d to p ro d u ce superior results. Strong oral/written com m unication skills, organizational skills, and the ability to work in a team environm ent is required. H ighly organized, motivated, strategic th in k er, s e lf starter w ith proven interpersonal skills. Experienced in public speaking and know ledge o f prospect research, cultivation and solicitation techniques is required. Bachelors degree; advanced degree preferred. 8-12 years of progressively responsible development experience with some in a non-profit agency. C o m p e n s a tio n w ill b e b o th com petitive and com m ensurate with the ideal candidate’s experience. No phone calls please. Forw ard resume and cover letter to: V olunteers o f A m erica Oregon 537 SE A lder Portland, O R 97214 Attn: Human Resources C loses Feb. 15,2000 V olunteers o f A m erica is a nation-a hum an s e rv ic e o r g a n iz a tio n delivering social services at the local level. TheOregon affiliate iscomprised o f three divisions - C hildren and Families, Community Corrections and Senior Services. The organization has over 200 em ployees, and a budget o f approximately $ 12 million. Equal O pportunity Em ployer All Classified Ads and Bids will be accepted up until noon, Monday. Via Post, e-mail, facsimile or in person at 4747 N.E. MLK Blvd Where you put your energy can make a difference. I NW N a tu r a l P o rtla n d C o m m u n ity College F a c u lty P o sitio n s - 2000/01 P o rtlan d C o m m u n ity C o lleg e in P o rtlan d , O reg o n se ek s 35 new faculty for academ ic year 2000/01. G reat opportunities in a variety o f disciplines: C om puter Inform ation System s, Com puter Science, Medical L a b o r a to r y T e c h n o lo g y , M icroelectronics, T rade Extension- Electrical, Developmental Education/ E nglish/W riting. E nglish as a N on­ native Language, A rt/Photography, A rt H is to r y , B u s in e s s A dm inistration, C h em istry , Early C h ild h o o d E d u c a tio n , E n g lish , H istory, M athem atics, M ultim edia, N ursing, Personal, H ealth, Physical E d u catio n , P h y sics, P sy chology, Sociology, S ociology (gerontology focus). E xcellent com pensation and b en e fits p ack ag e fo r em p lo y ees, s p o u s e s /d o m e s tic p a r tn e r s an d dependent children. Salary range: $37,478-560,500. Call (503)978-5856 for inform ation and application or visit our w eb site at w w w .pcc.edu/hr iobs.htm . PCC is actively seeking m inorities, w om en and people with disabilities to apply. A A /EO E. Employment r— 5O3.288.OO33 W a rn e r P a c ific C o lle g e is an accred ited , C h ristian liberal arts college serving over 700 students. Sportswear Company® Computer P ublications E d ito r Requires: A A degree or equivalent; 3 years experience in financial aid or adm issions; experience in financial aid p a c k a g in g a n d F A F S A p rep a ra tio n s; a c c u ra c y & d etail o rie n ta tio n ; w o rk w ith d iv e rse s tu d e n ts a n d f a m ilie s ; PC & EDExpress experience; and excellent com munication skills. 205 Professional Columbia 235 General F inancial Aid C o u n selo r position at W arner Pacific C ollege to: prepare financial aid packages; create and m aintain financial aid records & reports; assist w ith interview s & c o n f e re n c e s ; and conduct scholarship & financial aid research. Equal O pportunity Em ployer Sportswear Company® — j Computer, High Technology 210 Comp./Tech. W o rk fo r O n e T o u g h M o th e r C olum bia Sportsw ear C om pany has proven that q u ality co n stru ctio n , engineering and innovation in sports apparel is a form ula for success. Join our Inform ation System s departm ent in the follow ing position: B usiness A n a ly st II: A ct as liaison betw een business group and project team ensuring that all concerns and r a m if ic a tio n s o f a c tio n s a re considered before im plem entation. Ensure that business goals and issues are considered w hen changes are m a d e in p ro g ra m m in g /s y s te m s . R equirem ents: B achelors degree in Business, m inim um o f three to five years experience in progressively re s p o n s ib le p o sitio n s p ro v id in g m anagem ent support by analyzing business processes. E xperience m ust in c lu d e p r o v id in g m e d iu m to advanced level com puter operations support. C o lu m b ia S p o r ts w e a r o f f e r s com petitive com pensation and a great benefits package. Please send resum e and salary history to: H um an R esources, Dept. BAIL PO/Box 83239, PortlandO R97283,or F A X to: (5 0 3 ) 735-4597. Equal O pportunity Employer. 227 Education 210 Comp./Tech. I I If you had your choice of jobs, we bet you'd choose the one that offers challenges, variety and rewards. Then bring your energy to NW Natural where you can make a difference. I M a jo r Account Representative- I I I I I I I I I (Requisition #00019-PO) Responsible for NW Natural's sales of natural gas and related services to new and existing large business customers. Develops, evaluates, and implements business plans to meet goals consistent with division objectives. Develops and manages sales strategies including direct marketing efforts, newsletters, advertising, and solicitation. Implements pricing plans including market analysis and regulatory strategies. Requires 4+ years o f applied sales/marketing or technical expertise and/or applicable college-level training/degree Knowledge of natural gas equipment and applications, supply conditions, competitive advantages, and availability preferred. I Industrial & Business Development • Senior Public Relations Specialist (Requisition #99211-PO) We are seeking a Senior Public Relations Specialist to develop and implement public rela­ tions strategies involving NW Natural and its products and services. Requires the ability to develop and implement a public relations plan; develop and maintain strong relationships with the media; and prepare press releases, events and written materials to support NW Natural's public relations efforts. Requires minimum 7 years' experience in public relations or community affairs, or related work; experience in the energy industry is desirable Strong verbal and written skills and the ability to communicate with all levels of employ­ ees, public figures, media, and diverse groups and organizations. Bachelor's degree in public relations, journalism, communications, or related field, or equivalent combination of experience, training and education in public or community relations. Employee Development Specialist- O rganization D evelopm ent/H um an Resources (Requisition #00020-P0) Responsible for assessing employee development needs and ensuring that the necessary resources are provided to meet these needs. This w ill include design and delivery of train­ ing, protect management, database management, coordination with technical trainers, and supporting compliance needs. Requires 5 years' employee development experience and a bachelor's degree with major study in Human Resources, Organization Development or a closely related field. Four additional years of relevant experience w ill be required in lieu of a degree. For more job description detail: lobline - (503) 226-4211 x2434 or www.nwnatural.com Please direct resume, salary history and cover letter relating to the qualifications with the requisition # to: NW NATURAL, HR Employment (Req. #), 220 NW Second Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97209; FAX - (503) 721-2506, Email: employment@nwnatural.com An Equal Opportunity Employer i WebSitt-: uttwinubii.'- . Classifieds $ 11.50........................................................................................... per column inch $ 1 3 .0 0 ........................................................................ per column inch and boxed $ 15 .0 0 ..........................................................per colum n inch boxed and shaded $14.00....................................................................................................... RFP/Bids $90.00....................... Sub-Bids(2 colum nby 3")each additional inch= $ 10.00 All Classified Ads and Bids will be accepted up until noon, Monday. Via Post, e-mail, facsimile or in person at 4747 N.E. MLK Blvd INDEX InformationTTravel 1 Public Notices.............. ...... .......000 1 I A nnouncem ents/W eddings....010 I A n nouncem ents/B irths.. .......015 Fam ily Services................. ...... 020 Lost and Found................... ___ 030 M eeting Notices................. ...... 040 T ic k ets, fo r Sale W a n te d ............. . ..... 050 T ravel................................... .......060 Real Estate A creage................................ ...... 100 Homes for sale.................... ...... 110 Homes for ren t................... .......115 A ppartm ents, duplexes fo r Sale________ ■•■■■■■ 120 A ppartm ents, duplexes fo r R ent........... ...... 125 M anufactured Homes fo r S ale................. ...... 130 M anufactured Homes for Rent........__ _ ...... 135 O th ers for Sale................... ......140 O th ers for R en t.................. ......145 C om m ercial Real Estate..........150 W aterfro n t P ro p erty .............. 155 Real E state Services.......... ......160 Real E state W an ted ................. 165 Employment G uidance/R esum es................. 200 P rofessional........................ ......205 C om puterflechnology..... ...... 210 C o n tra cto rs._________ .............215 O u td o o r H om e C are....__ ......220 Indoor H om e C are, D o m es tie ............... 225 E ducation______ ....._____.......227 Financial, In su ra n ce......... ......230 G e n e r a l.................................... ......235 H e a lth c a r e ____________ ......240 M ark etin g ........................... ......245 O ffic e ........................................ ......250 R etail--------------------------- ____255 Sales............................................ 260 Social S ervices................... ......265 T em p o rary , Part-T im e, 270 Seasonal.............. Positions W a n te d .............. 275 Business o p p o rtu n itie s.......... 280 Items for Sale .....J 0 0 A ppliances____________ _ .....J 0 5 A uctions_______________ .....J 1 0 C lothing------------------..----.....J 1 5 Clothing......................... ...... .... J 2 0 C om pu ters/E lect ronics, __ 325 S oftw are....... E state A uctions/Sales....... ...3 3 0 Earm Item s.......................... .« 3 3 5 F u rn itu re________ __ ___ .« 3 4 0 G arag e Sale..............................3 4 5 G arden Equipm ent--------- .... J 50 I Heavy E quipm ent..................... 355 Hobbies/Collectors.....-----.....360 L ivestock...........------------ .... 3 6 5 M iscellaneous for S ale..... ....3 7 0 M iscellaneous W a n te d ..... ...3 7 5 Office E q u ip m e n t---------- ....3 8 0 I I P ets/ Pet T ra in in g , S how s....385 1 I Stereo E q u ip m e n t Television, j V C R 's,C D 's,T apes ....3 9 0 Tools__ ______ _____ .....—......3 9 5 Automobiles A T V 's_________________ ..... 400 A ntiques............................... ..... 405 A utos by M ak e.................... .....410 410 B M W ....................... Buick....................... ...... 412 C adillac.................. ...... 414 C hevrolet............... ...... 416 C h ry s le r................. ...... 418 Dodge....................... ......420 Eagle........................ ......422 Ford.................................424 G M C ........................ ......426 Honda...................... ......428 Jeep.......................... ......450 Lexus....................... ...... 432 Lincoln.................... ...... 434 M azda...................... ......436 Mercedes................ ...... 438 Nissan...................... ...... 440 O ldsm obile................... 442 Plym outh................ ..... 444 S aturn ...................... ......446 Subaru..................... ...... 448 Toyota...................... ...... 450 Volkswason........... ..... 452 O thers..................... ..... 454 BUSeS.......... ..... 460 C a m p e rs/T ra ile rs.............. .....465 M otorcycles................„ „ .« . .....470 Parts/D om estic................... .....475 P arts/Im p o rts................. ..... 480 I i( hups................................ ......485 R .V ./S ales, R e n ta ls........... .....490 S liV ’s. ......495 Personals M essages__________ ..... 500 1----- ---------------------- I