Volume XXX. Number 3 Committed to C ultural Diversity See inside www.theportlandobserver.com All About My Mother is a hit Vietnam widows remember January IV, 2000 sir See inside Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Special See inside Bulk Rate U.S. Postage PAID Portland, OR Permit No. 1610 University of Oregon PSU president takes over as chair of Urban League Bernstine ttakes over position, intent on continuing goals o f the Urban League Directors. “This is the moment in the rebuilding o f the Urban League when it can most profit from announcing a new leadership team. I am delighted that Dan Bernstine will begin as Chairof the Board,” said Bosworth COISTRIBUTEDSTORV Interim Executiv e Director o f the Urban League, Margaret tor T in: P ortland O bsers yr Carter said, “Because o f Duane’s passion for this community and the things that he was able to do, he brought heart to the It was announced Tuesday Jan 11,1999, Bernstine will assume Urban League. He cared about the kids, the elderly and the the role o f Chair o f Urban League, effective immediately. community. Dan willequallycarry on this legacyofcaring. He Bernstine, who has served as a member o f the Board since will also bring a different leadership style and an increased January 1998, was fo cus on ....... ......... " selected to take over fu n d ra isin g and “This is the moment in the rebuilding o f the Urban as Chair because of meeting the bottom his commitment to line. It will be a League when it can most profit from announcing a the continuation of w o n d e rfu l new leadership team. I am delighted that Dan the Urban League transition for the and the service that Urban League and Bernstine will begin as Chair o f the Board. ” said it provides. He is for the people that Duane Bosworth, former chairperson. succeeding Duane the league serves.” Bosworth, a local Bernstine said that attorney who has serv ed as Chair for the past three years and he hopes to share the talents o f PSU and the experience o f who will continue to serve as a member o f the Board o f (Please se e 'U rb a n 'o n page 6) M argaret Carter Dan Bernstine OHSU researchers clone twin monkeys by splitting embryos * A ssociated P ress Researchers using a technique called em bryo sp littin g hope to grow genetically identical rhesus monkeys in the laboratory _ a breakthrough that would enable experiments such as growing new organs from stem cells to be tested on monkeys rather than mice. Monkeys are closer to human biology. The technique has so far produced only one living rhesus monkey, a female named Tetra, but Professor Gerald Schatten said that four more twinned infants are on the way. Schatten, a researcher at the Oregon H ealth S cien ces U n iv e rsity in Portland, said the goal is to produce identical monkeys that could be used to perfect new therapies for human disease. The study appears Friday in the journal Science. T he P h y sician s C om m ittee for Responsible Medicine objected to the technique, saying monkeys suffer in research labs. “Making one monkey more si mi lar to another does not make them any more like humans,” said Dr. N eal D. B arnard, the g ro u p ’s president. “They are not good models for human health problems. In fact, animal experimentation does a terrible disservice to people with chronic disease.” Most medical therapies are now first tested in mice, but monkeys would be more reliable in developing daring new techn iques such as gene therapy or growing new organs from stem cells, said Schatten. “ It is a huge leap from a mouse to a p a tie n t,” said S c h a tte n . “ T he monkeys could fill that scientific gap. “ Medical research needs to have healthy, genetically-identical animals so cures can be perfected before they are tested on humans,” he said. In their research, Schatten and his colleagues created monkey embryos in the laboratory by combining sperm and egg. When the embryos grew to an eight­ cell stage, they were each split into four parts, with each part containing two cells. These were then nurtured into new embryos. In effect, he said, the single embryo became four embryos, all genetically identical. The new embryos were then implanted into the uteri o f different mothers. In the first test o f the technique, the researchers produced asingleanimal, named Tetra. A twin to Tetra was implanted, but miscarried. Now, said Schatten, four mother monkeys are pregnant with cells taken from two separate embryos. Three o f the mothers were implanted with two unrelated embryo splits and the fourth mother was impregnated with a single embryo split. Schatten said it will not be known until May, when the animals are bom, w hich o f the split em bryos are developing into infants. “ It is likely that we will have genetically identical monkeys bom to different mothers,” he said. Gerald Schatten, a researcher at the Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, poses in a lab Thursday, Jan. 13, 2000, in Portland, Ore. Schatten and a team o f researchers successfully cloned a rhesus monkey, using a technique called embryo splitting. They hope to grow genetically identical rhesus moneys in the laboratory. Martin Luther King Jr. remembered A Call to Action is this years special edition in tribute to the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Inside you will fin d photos and works by, for, and about the movement that King began. Weather Friday Throug' 08130734 " t 48°F /8°C 33°F /0°C A few clouds 46°F /7°C 36°F /2°C Saturday 46°F /7°C 34°F /2°C Sunday 45°F /7°C 34°F /1°C Partially cloudy Occaisonal Rain « 45°F /7°C 33°F /1°C Inside-A Week in Review................... 2 CDC confronts AIDS in African Americans.................. 3 Vietnam widows highlighted by OPB........................................ 5 UPS engages recruitment drive.........................................6 The technique is not cloning in the sense o f p ro d u c in g a g en etic duplicate o f an adult, such as was accomplished with the famed Scottish ew e named Dolly. Instead, said Schatten, the technique clones genetically identical infants that arose from the same embryo. It is virtually unknow n, he said, for identical twin rhesus monkeys to be produced naturally. Schatten said that g en etically - identical monkeys could be used to develop treatments using embryonic stem cells, the ancestral cells from which all organs and tissue grow during gestation. Research using human em bryonic stem cells is controversial because to produce the cells requires the death o f an embryo. Stem cell research, however, offers the promise of growing new organs to replace ailing hearts or livers, or to cure diabetes. His research, said Schatten. may make it possible to split a monkey embryo and use one part to produce a live m onkey, w hile using the other embryos parts to produce stem cells. Those stem cells would be genetic matches to the live monkey. The stem cells could then be used to grow new organs, which could then be tested on the live monkey. For instance, he said, genetically- matched stem cells could be used to grow insulin-producing organs that could then be transplanted into the live monkeys to test a promising technique for curing diabetes. Metro-B Bobby fields passes away..........................................2 Patricia Roberts Harris' new commemorative stamp............ 5 All about my mother develops into great film.......................... 6 El Observador......................... 4 On this day in ISOM. Edgar A llan Poe, famous author ot macabre tales and originator ot the modem detective story, was bom in Boston. Massachusetts On January 24, 1X48. James W Marshall discovered gold on the property Of Johann A. Sutter near Coloma, California. On January 25. 1890. police cleared a path through a cheering crowd for reporter Nellie Bly as she stepped o ff a train in New York just 72 days. 6 hours, 11 minutes, and 14 seconds after setting sail east to prove she could circle the globe in less than 80 days.