Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 12, 2000, Page 3, Image 3

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January 12, 2000
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Central Catholic Soccer Team embodies Flu season returns
spirit of student athlete, excellence
u a Q l l i J M i i - A SU .ihfcJU O t.il
for T iie
P o r i u m ) O bserver
If you looked up the definition o f
“Student A thlete” in the dictionary,
you ju st m ight see som ething like
this: “See C entral C atholic G irls’
Soccer Team . “ It co u ld n ’t be more
right on.
O n Nov. 20, during the halftim e
ce rem o n ie s at th e O reg o n S tate
P la y o ffs G irls’ final, the O regon
S o c c e r A c tiv itie s A s s o c ia tio n
(OSA A) in conjunction with the Dairy
Farm ers o f O regon presented its
annual aw ard for “ H ighest G irls’
S o cce r C u m u la tiv e G rad e P oint
T h is aw ard w ent to th e team
captains o f both P endleton High
School and C entral C atholic High
School. Each team w as honored for
having a team cum ulative CPA o f
3.75. T his aw ard w as the result o f
three years o f hard w ork by the g irls’
soccer team m em bers. Itie y n o io m y
focused on athletics but on academics
as well.
By 1996, the team had achieved
success on the playing field by making
it to the state quarter finals. V arsity
C oach Bill M iller heard about the
state academ ic aw ard and challenged
his team to excel not only on the
playing field, but in the classroom as
True to their form, the team members
responded to the challenge and this
year proved they are true “student
athletes.” Every girl on the team has
a G PA above 3.0. and eight o f the
Central Catholic 1999 Girls' Soccer team. Bottom row.Abby Stark, Katie Ferre, Megan Dunn,
Kelly Schoenbeck, Mindy O'Malley. Second row: Lesley Defazio, Katherine Kurz, Amber Richart,
Zina Zografos. Third row: IVhitney Cave, Gina Fazio, Katie Evans, Kyra Evans, Andrea
Schoenheit. Top row: Angela Schoenheit, Crystal Conway, Coach Bill Miller, Head Coach Rich
Potter, Helen Hudson, Catherine Conway.
g irlsh a v erec eiv e d 4 .0 G P A ’s. A tthe
sam e tim e, the team w as again in the
quarter finals in the state tournam ent,
and just m issed m aking the Final 4
when they lost an overtim e shootout
to the team from C rescent Valley.
Central C atholic Head Coach for
G irls’ Soccer, Rick Potter is thrilled
w ith the team ’s accom plishm ents. “ I
think it is a b so lu te ly w onderful
because this team has affirm ed what
it m eans to be a true student athlete.”
T his is exactly w hat Central Catholic
athletics is about — excellence in
academ ics as well as excellence on
the playing fields. The goals for the
so ccer program are to represent
Central Catholic in a positive manner,
to make the games fun forall involved
(from p lay ers and o p p o n en ts to
spectators and officials), and for
players to play to the best o f their
Both Potter and M iller are proud o f
their team , and feel that Central
Catholic is a special school, “ We turn
out very w ell-rounded young adults
and w e’re proud that the G irls’ Soccer
Program can contribute to th at,”
c o m m e n te d P o tter. “ T h e e n tire
Central C atholic com munity can take
pride in a team that has show n what
it m eans to be a true “student athlete.”
T he flu is w aging an attack on the Portland area. But this year, new m edical
resources and treatm ents are available to help tlu patients m anage the battle.
T am iflu (oseltam ivir phosphate), a new pill for the treatment o f the most
com m on strains o f influenza, types A and B, was approved on O ctober 27,1999
by the U.S. Food and Drug A dm inistration (FD A ) in tim e for the arrival o f this
y ear’s flu season.
“For the m any residents o f Portland who will suffer from the flu this season,
T am iflu has the potential to provide relief, if they know to consult a doctor as
soon as possible, “ said Robert M atheson, M.D., Oregon M edical Research
D eveloped by H offm ann-La Roche Inc. and G ilead Sciences, Inc.,
(N A SD A Q :G ILD ), Tam iflu is indicated for the treatm ent o f uncom plicated
acute illness due to influenza infection in adults w ho have been symptomatic
for no m ore than tw o days. Tam iflu, when taken tw ice daily for five days, has
been proven to be effective in shortening the duration o f the flu. Since Tamiflu
is m ost effective when taken w ithin the first 48 hours o f the onset o f symptoms,
it is im portant to contact your healthcare professional as soon as flu symptoms
“O ne o f the biggest problem s patients have each flu season is not knowing
w hen to see the doctor for flu sym ptom s,” said Robert Matheson, M.D.
“ Patients either d o n ’t realize they have the flu, or they believe the flu isn’t
serous. T he general lack o f influenza aw areness means those infected by
influenza will keep suffering needlessly.”
A recent telephone survey o f 1000 adults 18 years o f age or older in the U.S.
exam ined consum er attitudes and know ledge regarding the flu. Survey findings
show ed that less than h a lf o f adults can differentiate between the flu and the
com m on cold. Flu sym ptom s, w hich include the sudden onset o f fever, dry
cough, headache, chills, sore throat, and muscle and joint pain, are more severe
than cold sym ptom s. T he G allup poll also revealed that only 24% o f the
consum ers surveyed are confident in their ability to treat the flu. Only 28% saw
a healthcare professional last tim e they had the flu, and those who did waited
two days or more after they developed flu symptoms. Seven in ten o f those who
saw a healthcare professional report receiving an antibiotic, which is ineffective
and inappropriate for viral infections such as the flu.
T hese results dem onstrate the need for aw areness o f new antivirals
available in convenient pill form to reduce the duration o f the flu. Consum ers
can take a proactive step against influenza by asking their healthcare
professional about the new treatm ents. These medications must be taken
within the first two days o f symptom onset, making it imperative that consumers
learn to recognize flu sym ptom s and contact their healthcare professional
Up to 4 0 million Americans get the flu each year, an average o f about 300,000
are hospitalized, and 20,000 to 40,000 people die from influenza and its
com plications. The econom ic impact is high as well, costing the United States
an annual $14.6 billion in physician visits, lost productivity, and lost wages.
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