Page 8 January 12, 2000 Music Focus ------------------- JJorHattii CObövruvr Cypress hill blends Spanish spice into new album *90’s “Mentirosa” (“Lie”). Though not credited, Cypress continued to support him behind the scenes and wrote the (“lie”). T hough not cred ited , C ypress continued to su p p o rt him b e h in d the sc e n e s and w ro te the o rig in a l version ofmost o f the material that appeared on his album debut. Members also contributed to his follow up album. Mellow Man returns the favor here helping fine tune the songs’ Spanish lyrics as w ell as contributing a vocal to t h e a lb u m ’s n e w version o f ’ No Pierdo N a d a ” (“Nothin” to Lose” from IV). (jfw>nMt« Tok Purses C CSI&m VItEJilQRY The roots o f Los Grandes Exitos En Espanol -C ypress Hill’s Spanish language greatest hits album - were planted a long time ago, way before the current crossover pop success o f a rtists o f L atin o h eritag e, according to the band’s Havana, C u b a-b o rn Sen D og (S en n en Reyes). “My mom used to make me sing in the church choir when I was a kid, so I know what it’s like to carry Spanish words in the melodies and rhythms.” Says the man who formed an early version ofCypress Hill, the Spanglish rap quartet DVX, back in 1988 intheL.A. suburb o f Southgate with Mexican-Cuban L.A. native Louis Freese(B-Real),Queens,NY Ita lia n -A m e ric a n L aw ren ce Muggerud (DJ Muggs) and his own younger brother Ulpiano Sergio (M ellow Man A ce). “T his is something w e’ve wanted to do for a long tim e.. .ever since we came out, really,” Sen explains about this Spanish language release. Los Grandes Exitos En Espanol follows hard on th e ‘98’slV album, which added to their string o f nine gold, platinum and multi-platinum RIAA c ertificatio n s. To date. Cypress Hill has sold more than 12 million albums worldwide and over seven million in the U.S. alone. The album showcases together hip hop en Espanol at its finest with Spanish language versions o f 13 o f Cypress Hill’s most popular songs drawn from their first four albums (an EP o f remixes and B-sides, Released & Revamped came out in ’96) - Cypress Hill ( ’91), Black Sunday ( ’93), III (T em plesof Boom) ( ’95), IV(’98) - as well as a brand-new track, “Siempre Peligroso” (“always D angerous”), featuring vocalist Fermin IV Caballero o f Mexican hardcore hip-hop stars control Machete. “They come real hard and a g g re ssiv e , b u stin g m ad, metaphors,” says Sen Dog. Who was turned onto the group by his brother. A pioneering Latino artist in his own right, Ace left DVX to go solo and scored the very first Spanglish hip-hop crossover hit in Gloria Estefan getting Award of Merit at American Music Awards A ssocia ted rRLss Gloria Estefan is joining some prestigious company. The entertainer will be the 27th recipient o f the Award of Merit during next week’s American Music Awards. The tribute recognizes “outstanding contributions to the musical entertainment o f the American public.” Previous Award o f Merit winners include Bing Crosby, Irving Berlin, Johnny Cash, Ella Fitzgerald, Perry Como, Benny Goodman, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley. Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Loretta Lynn and the Beach Boys. Twenty other awards will be handed out during M onday’s A BC-TV special from the Shrine Auditorium. Whitney Houston, Britney Spears and Shania Twain lead American Music Award nominees with three apiece. All name brand cigarettes Wallets $3.00 Pop’s GPC 2.10 Chips Americanspirit $4.00 Candy Marlboro Cartons $25.00 We have human & synthetic hair at low prices Phone cards at 2.5 cents per min We also have top hats & baseball caps On the corner of 26“ & Alberta 331-1422 Email us at Dad’s Oil Inc. is pleased to have provided commercial fueling, Off Road Diesel and Heating Oil Services for the following companies: Intel S ite-Jo n es Farm 4 - Ronier Acres Hillsboro, OR Seattle Stud Welding - Kent WA CleanPak System s-Renton, WA Harder Mechanical Contractors - Portland, OR Western Concrete Pumping Company -T igard, OR C & J Rebar - Beaver Creek, OR Western Partitions-Tigard, OR Streimer Sheet Metal Works - Portland, OR Drake - Portland, OR L.H. Sowles Company-Billings, MT Performance Contracting - Portland, OR If you are in need of this type o f service, contact: Dad’s Oil Inc., 104 N.E. Russell, Portland, OR 97212 PH: (503)282-5111