Page B6 P ortland (0b s f ruer January 12, 2000 (Tije ^Jortlanb (Observer Classifieds/Bids büUHKH C om m unicationsC oordinator T n-M et, the region’s progressive p u b lic tr a n s it a g e n c y , h as an im m e d ia te o p e n in g fo r a Com m unications C oordinator in our C a p ita l P ro je c ts an d F a c ilitie s Division. The successful candidate’s r e s p o n s ib ilitie s w ill in c lu d e : coordinate design and production o f p u b lic a tio n s , p ro d u c e b rie fin g materials, update w ebsite, develop displays and exhibits, m anage photo/ video library, design and produce construction notices, signs, and other s h o r t- n o tic e c o m m u n ic a tio n s , m aintain speakers’ bureau and tour program , and o versee input and update o f project data bases for the C a p ita l P ro je c ts and F a c ilitie s Division. Q ualified candidates will have the following background: • D egree in Public Relations or related field. • M in im u m o f fo u r y e a rs experience in com m unications work with em phasis on lay and business audiences • Any equivalent com bination o f experience and training. Closing date: January 14,2000 Excellent benefit package and salary rangeof$3105 to$3882/month. Submit resum e and cover letter stating your in te re s t w ith y o u r a p p lic a tio n . A p p lic a tio n m a te r ia ls m ay be obtained from T ri-M e t’s H um an Resources Office, 4012 SE 17th Ave., P ortland, O R 97202. A pplicants outside the Portland metropolitan area m ay request application inform ation by calling 503-962-7635. V isit our w egbsite at w w w.tri-m et/org/iobs/for m ore detailed inform ation. TRI-MET How w e get there matters. T ri-M et is an equal opportunity and drug free w orkplace em ployer. New Position on team of m ental health w o rk e rs p ro v id in g stab ilizatio n , living skills, and resource linkage to chronically m entally ill person living in independent housing or w ith their fam ilies. T h is p ro g ram w ill be expanding to serve N /N E and will a c tiv e ly o u tr e a c h to m in o r ity com m unities. W e are looking for som eone with a BA in the social sciences and/or experience in working with chronically m entally ill persons. M u st h a v e g o o d s k ills in com m unication, positive problem solving with landlords, com m unity providers and fam ily members. M ust be flexible, creative and a team player, willing to take direction and learn new skills. Own care useful. M inorities, bicultural, strongly encouraged to apply, will provide additional training to right applicant. C om petitive salary (low to mid 20K) and benefit package. Send resum e to Unity Inc., 710 SW 2nd, 4'h floor. Portland, O regon 97204, ATTN: Dolores M organ. P art-tim e A d m in istrativ e A ssistant W ant to w ork in a fun, fast-paced environm ent, but onlv have so m anv hours a w eek you can spare? Been looking for that perfect part-tim e fit, but d o n ’t w ant nights o r w eekends; well, if y o u ’re detail-oriented; have b a s ic c o m p u te r s k ills , an d are organized, com e talk with us. You should have at least six m onth’s office experience, w hich included faxing, filing, copying, sw itchborad relief, and com puter skills such as w ord p r o c e s s in g and sp rea d sh ee t programs - MS Office preferred. This position is located close to public transportation in the Pearl D istrict. For consideration, please em ai 1 your 503-224-64 K A tt: KK. EOE. E d u ca tio n C o u n se lo r - A lternative High School FTE Position. A bility to w ork w ith stro n g -w ille d y outh. M inim um 5 yrs. Exp. In a counseling position. Know ledge o f Positive Peer Culture Format. M inority experience. M ust have a can-do attitude. MSW or BSW preferred. ValidODL required. Mail resum e: 3710 N. M ississippi/ PortlandOR97227. ClosesO I /27/2000. I i I nited States Attorney’s Office, District o f O regon seeking qualified Legal Secretary (O ffice Automation). B eginning salary $23306 to $28868, depending upon qualifications. Well- q u alified ap p lica n ts w ill rec eiv e consideration w ithout regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sexual o rie n ta tio n , ag e , m a rita l sta tu s, disability or any o th er non-m erit factors. E m ploym ent is contingent upon the satisfactory com pletion o f a full field background investigation and n e g a tiv e d ru g test. For full vacancy announcem ent, call 727-1080 United States Attorney’s Office, D istrict o f O regon seeking qualified A dm inistrative T echnician (O ffice A u to m a tio n ) . S o m e d u tie s as receptio n ist - m ust b e skilled in com m unications. B eginning salary $23306. W ell-qualified applicants will receive consideration w ithout regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disab ility o r any o th er non-m erit factors. E m ploym ent is contingent upon the satisfactory com pletion o f a full field background investigation and n e g a tiv e d ru g test. For full R ad io B ro a d c a st Sales: A re you hungry for accom plishm ent? Do Y ou keep going w hen others give up? Do you have courage and com petence? W e w ant 1-2 en erg ized account m anagers who m ake things happen! C o m p e n s a tio n m a tc h e s y o u r experience and your contribution. Resume/references to Sales Manager, K N RK Radio, 0700 S. W. B ancroft Street, Portland, O R 97201 - em ail s fo rs v th frj-k n rk .c o m E q u al O pportunity Employer. Free Internet Access! A m azing T op Secret W eb Site Show s Y ou How! 1-900-740-1119EXT. 1169 $2.99 Per Min. M ust Be 18 YRS. SERV-U(619)645-8434 ----------------------- - Advertise your goods in ^ J o r tla n b (jftb se r u e r Customer Service Retail Services Representative C olum bia Sportsw ear C om pany, a g lo b al lead er in th e d esig n and m a n u fa c tu re o f o u te rw e a r an d sportsw ear is currently seeking a Retai 1 Services Rep to implement retai 1 services for o u r C ustom ers. This p o sitio n w ill b e re sp o n sib le for com piling, m aintaining and updating data to support value added services for our custom ers. Serve as backup to the Retail Services C oordinator and c o n d u c t s p e c ia l p r o je c ts as necessary. Q ualified candidate will possess An A ssociates D egree, or equivalent experience, and a m inim um o f one y e a r e x p e r ie n c e in b u s in e s s environm ent, preferably in custom er service o r related field. Columbia Sportswear Company® Please forw ard resum e to C olum bia S p o r ts w e a r C o m p a n y , H u m an Resources, Dept. Retailrep, PO Box 83239, Portland O R 97283, or FAX to: (503) 735-4597. Equal O pportunity Employer. vacancy announcem ent, call 727-1080 United States Attorney’s Office, D istrict o f O regon seeking qualified Legal A ssistant (O ffice A utomation). M ust b e sk illed using autom ated litigation softw are. B eginning salary $23306 to $28868, depending upon q u a l if ic a tio n s . W e ll- q u a lif ie d applicants will receive consideration w ithout regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, m arital status, disability o r any other non-m erit factors. E m ploym ent is co n tin g en t upon th e sa tisfac to ry com pletion o f a full field background investigation and negative drug test. For full vacancy announcem ent, call 727-1080 Part-time Administrative Assistant W ant to w ork in a fun, fast-paced environm ent, but only have so m any hours a w eek you can spare? Been looking for that perfect part-tim e fit, but d o n ’t w ant nights o r w eekends; w ell, if y o u ’re detail-oriented; have b a s ic c o m p u te r s k ills , an d are organized, com e talk w ith us. Y ou should have at least six m onth’s office experience, w hich included faxing, filing, copying, sw itchborad relief, and com puter skills such as w ord p r o c e s s in g and sp rea d sh ee t program s - MS O ffice preferred. This position is located close to public transportation in the Pearl District. For consideration, please em ail your resume to or fax it to 503-224-6414, Att: KK. EOE. Sales Business Is Booming And We Need Help! Do you have w hat it takes to work for the leading seller o f skiw ear in the c o u n ty ? I f so , jo in o u r S a le s departm ent in the follow ing position: Retail A nalyst: Plan and im plem ent product assortm ent, inventory plan, s a le s r e p o r tin g p r o c e s s e s an d analysis for C olum bia Sportsw ear s Concept Shop program . D evelop and execute concept shop sales reporting p r o c e d u r e s , a n d c o m m u n ic a te a n a ly sis. R e q u irem e n ts: p o ssess advanced know ledge o f visual retail m arketing and retail sales reporting. B achelo rs d eg ree sp ecializin g in Retail Sales or V isual M arketing M anagem ent and three to five years experience in retail visual marketing. C o lu m b ia S p o r ts w e a r o f fe rs com petitivecom pensation and a great benefits package. ♦ Columbia Sportswear Company® P le a se se n d re s u m e to H u m an Resources, Dept. R A, PO Box 83239, Portland, O R 97283 or FAX to (503) 7 3 5 - 4 5 9 7 . E q u a l O p p o r tu n ity Employer. E xperience the w orld o f Law E nforcem ent D o y o u lik e to b e c h a lle n g e d ? A re y o u lo o k in g for a w ay to se rv e y o u r co m m u n ity ? I f so , w e w a n t to ta lk to y ou. • Minimum age 21 • 250+ hours per year • Dedicated and responsible • US citizen M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty S h e r if f s O ffic e is a c c e p tin g a p p lic a tio n s fo r R E S E R V E D E P U T Y S H E R IF F . • Pass medical exam • Able to legally drive in Oregon ♦♦Invitation For Bids** T he Polk C ounty H ousing A uthority (PC H A ) w ill receive sealed bids for A rbor Court Laundry and Storage until W ednesday, 4:00 p.m. on the 26°’ day o f January 2000, at 204 S W W alnut, D allas, O regon 97338, at w hich tim e and place all bids w ill be opened and m ade public. T h e basic w ork includes: Site alterations, interior and exterior alterations to the existing m aintenance shop, and laundry room for A rbor C ourt Elderly U nits betw een 620, and 622 A rbor Court, and replacem ent o f existing sliding glass doors w ith new vinyl sliding glass doors in seven duplex units in Independence, O regon under a “lum p sum ” contract as show n on the draw ings and as specified herein. A ll interested parties are encouraged to attend a pre-bid site m eeting scheduled for 11:00 a.m . on T hursday, January 13 at 620 A rbor Court, Independence, Salem, O R 9 7 3 5 1. Bid docum ents, including plans and specifications are on file at the PCH A ; Salem Contractors Exchange, (503) 362-7957 (2256 Judson Street, Salem , O R 97302); D aily Journal ofC om m erce Plan Center, (503)274-0624 (2840 N W 35,h A ve., Portland, O R 97210); and Eugene Builders Exchange, (541)484-5331 (860 M cKinley Street, Eugene, O R 97402). Interested bidders may obtain one set o f bid docum ents at 204 SW W alnut, D allas, O R 97338 upon receipt o f a $20 deposit, w hich is refundable w hen docum ents are returned in good condition w ithin 10 days o f the bid opening. A dditional sets m ay b e obtained for a $5 non refundable fee. A bid security o f 5% o f the bid is required as prescribed in the “Instructions to B idders.” N o b idder m ay w ithdraw their bid after the hour set for the opening th ereo f until after the lapse o f 60 days from the bid due date. T he successful bidder w ill be required to furnish and pay for a satisfactory perform ance and paym ent bonds. A ttention is called to provisions for equal em ploym ent opportunity, and paym ent o f not less than the m inim um salaries r w ages as set forth in the Project M anual m ust b e paid on this p ro je.i. A s required by the U .S. D epartm ent o f H ousing and Urban D evelopm ent: Retainage is 10 percent not 5 percent; interest w ill not accrue on retainage; and bonds or securities m ay not b e substituted as an alternate from o f retainage. T he PCH A m ay reject any bid not in com pliance w ith the prescribed bidding procedures and requirem ents and m ay reject any or all bids and w aive any inform alities in the bidding. Polk H ousing A uthority Ml I I \()M UK ( H NIA SHERIFF'SOI-FK F c.ill 1503) 255-’600 \ 523 now. and find out w hat n takes to sign up for our next aeadentx . Women and minorities tire especially encouraged to apply. City of Vancouver Request For Qualifications For >000 Engineering, Architectural And Professional Services Consultant Roster rhe C ity o f V ancouver announcing its projected requirem ents for certain irchitectural and engineering services for the 2000 calendar year in accordance vith RC W C hapter 39.80. T he required services include, but are not lim ited o: 3uildings: architectural, electrical, plum bing, mechanical/H V AC, structural; C o m p u ters; sy ste m d e v e lo p m e n t & m a in te n a n c e , tra in in g , d ata com m unications; Land U se Planning: com prehensive planning, ordinance ievelopm ent, socio-econom ic studies, zoning, land division, w etlands, environm ental studies, perm it processing m anagem ent; parks: landscape irchitecture, civil engineering, architecture, structural engineering, tree service, g rap h ic art, site location stu d ies, airpark m aster planning, com prehensive planning, economical feasibility study, grant writing, property m anagem ent serv ices, eco n o m ical/en v iro n m en tal stu d ies, o rd in an ce ie v elo p m en t; R adio C om m unications: project m anagem ent; Sanitary Sewerage: pum p station design, collection system design, treatm ent plant design, regional sew er studies; Solid W aste: facility siting, transfer station design, com post facility design, com prehensive solid w asteplanning, recycling studies, public education, public relations/m arketing; Storm W ater Drainage: water quality studies, conveyance system s design, detention facilities design, regional drainage studies, flood control; Transportation: geotechnical studies, aerial photography, material testing, road design, bridge design, transportation m odeling, construction m anagem ent, road im provem ent districts, traffic signal design and studies, pavem ent testing, analysis and d e s ig n , c o n s tru c tio n an d d esig n s u rv e y in g , so u n d s tu d ie s /n o is e investigation; W ater System : design, w ater treatm ent system design, m aster planning, hydro geology, w ater quality testing, ground w ater m onitoring and studies, iron and m anganese treatm ent, conservation studies; Other: rate analysis, geotechnical, structural and corrosion engineering, H V AC design, electrical, hazardous m aterials, instrum entation and control, land surveying, property appraiser, professional graphic arts, managed m aintenance system s and telem etry. Interested consultants are requested to obtain and com plete the City of V ancouver C onsultant Services Q ualifications Sum m ary Form, w hich is available from the City Purchasing D ivision located at the City Financial Services C enter, 100 E 13,h Street. V ancouver, W ashington or by phone at (360) 696-8231. This information will be retained in the division's files through January 3 1 ,2 0 0 1 . T he C onsultant(s) to be considered will be selected from those on file or from responses to advertisem ent for consulting services specific to a project. A vailability o f w ork is not guaranteed. T he C ity o f V ancouver is com m itted to providing equal opportunities to State o f W ashington Certified M inority, D isadvantaged and W om en’s Business Enterprises in contracting activities. Q ualified disadvantaged, w om en and m inority consultants are encouraged to respond. V. M arcelyn Jandreau, Purchasing A gent **Invitation For Bids** T he Polk County H ousing A uthority (PC H A ) w ill receive sealed bids for Pioneer Village Accessible Units until W ednesday, 3:30 p.m. on the 26"’ day o f January 2000, at 204 S W W alnut, Dallas, Oregon 97338, at which tim e and place all bids will be opened and m ade public. T he basic w ork includes: A ccessibility m odifications to four existing one bedroom dw elling units and two parking areas under a “ lump sum ” contract as show n on the draw ings and as specified herein. All interested parties are encouraged to attend a pre-bid site m eeting scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on T hursday, January 13 at Pioneer V illage, 375 Taybin Rd., NW , Salem, O R 97304. Bid docum ents, including plans and specifications are on file at the PCHA; Salem Contractors Exchange, (503) 362-7957 (2256 Judson Street, Salem, O R 97302), Daily Journal ofC om m erce Plan Center, (503)274-0624 (2840 N W 35“' Ave., Portland, O R 97210), and Eugene Builders Exchange, (541 >484-5331 (860 M cKinley Street, Eugene, O R 97402). Interested bidders m ay obtain one set o fb id docum ents at the PNHA office, upon receipt o f a $20 deposit, w hich is refundable w hen docum ents are returned in good condition w ithin 10 days o f the bid opening. A dditional sets m ay be obtained for a $5 non refundable fee. A b id security o f 5% o f the bid is required as prescribed in the “Instructions to B idders.” N o bidder m ay w ithdraw their bid after the hour set for the opening th ereo f until after the lapse o f 60 days from the bid due date. T he successful bidder will be required to furnish and pay for a satisfactory perform ance and paym ent bond or bonds. A ttention is called to the provisions for equal em ploym ent opportunity, and paym ent o f not less than the m inim um salaries and w ages as set forth in the Project M anual m ust be paid on this project. A s required by the U.S. D epartm ent o f H ousing and U rban Developm ent: R etainage is 10 percent not 5 percent: interest will not accrue on retainage; and bonds or securities m ay not b e substituted as an alternate form o f retainage. T he PCHA may reject any bid not in com pliance w ith the prescribed bidding procedures and requirem ents and m ay reject any or all bids and w aive any inform alities in the bidding. Polk C ounty H ousing A uthority Sub-Bids Requested CO P. SE 37*, SE C ora & SE H olgate Sew er Repair & D etention Facility Bid Date: January 13,2OOO@2:OOPM Moore Excavation, Inc. (503)252-1 l80Fax(503)252-1730 P.O. Box 30569, Portland, OR 97294-3569 CCB #28397 Sub-Bids Requested Mead Building Elevator Upgrade We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small, minority and women business enterprises. Bid Date: 1/18/00 B idT im e:2:00P M All Classified Ads and Bids will be accepted up until noon, Monday. Via Post, e-mail, facsimile or in person at 4747 N.E. MLK Blvd McCarthy 9735 SW Sunshine Court, Suite 500 Beaverton, Oregon 97005 Phone:(503)643-6700 Fax:(503)646-4900 CCB # 7 9 7 9 1 W e are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small, m inority and women business enterprises f Don't miss out, advertise you available positions in 2I1|C ^ o r t l a t t b (© bseruer Classifieds 5