Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 05, 2000, Page 12, Image 12

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    January 5, 2000
Page Bö
(Cfye ^.ìortlanb ® lw e w r
i Classifieds/Bids
C ity O f P ortland
Environm ental Services
E nviro n m en tal Serv ices M an ag er
$5,103-$6,519 Monthly
D eadline To Apply
M onday, January 10,2000
The C ity o f Portland is accepting
applications for an Environm ental
S e rv ic e s M a n ag e r (E n d a n g e re d
S p e c ie s A ct (E S A ) S p e c ia lty )
responsible for ESA m anagem ent
in c lu d in g th e d e v e lo p m e n t and
im plem entation o f overall program
direction and policy fortheC ity-w ide
ESA Program. The M anager will
develop Portland’s response to the
recent listings and serve as the C ity’s
policy representative in local, state,
regional, and federal forums on the
E S A an d its im p lic a tio n s and
im plem entation. The position will
actively coordinate with the National
M arin e F ish eries S ervice, o th e r
federal and state agencies, local/
r e g io n a l g o v e rn m e n ts in th e
W illam ette and C olum bia Basins to
respond to the requirem ents.
C a llD ’N orgiaP riceat
I Sn3\X33-7S8Qfr>r additional
P a rk in g
O p erato r
$150 E m p lo y m e n t B o n u s -
See H R Dept. for details.
Im m ediate opening for full and part-
tim e lot attendants w ith P ortland’s
leading parking Co. W e are seeking
dependable individuals w ith a neat
appearance and a positive attitude.
. $7.60 + starting w age
H uge overtim e potential *
7 Ââvancement opportunities
N odical, D ental, 401K available
A pplicants m ust subm it to drug test
and background check.
A pply in person daily betw een
12-1 PM, M onday - Friday.
2 1 5 S W 6 'hP ortland,O R
O ffice
A dm inistrative
A ssistant
jenko II Engineers, a professional
P egenkolb
engineering firm located in Portland,
seeks A d m in is tra tiv e A ssista n t/
Receptionist with a m inim um o f one
year experience to perform daily
adm inistrative tasks in our downtown
o ffic e. R e s p o n s ib ilitie s in c lu d e
phones, file m a in te n an c e, w ord
processing, proofreading, errands
and general office duties. M ust be
p ro fic ie n t in MS O ffic e. R ight
candidate is a professional self-starter
with a great attitude and an eye for
detail. Degree desired. Some overtime
We offer a generous com pensation
and benefits package (incl udi ng profit
sharing, medical, dental, vision, etc.).
To apply, please fax (503) 242-1780 or
mail resum e and co v er letter to:
Degenkolb Engineers, Attn :Teri, 620
SW 5'h Ave., Suite 1100, Portland, OR
97204. N o p hone ca lls, please.
Principals on ly . EOF.. V isit our web
site at w w w .degenkolb.com .
Advertise your
goods in
A ccount Executive
E x p an d in g N atio n al W h o le sa le
M ortgage Lender seeks A ccount
Executive for Portland surrounding
areas. W holesale m ortgage and sales
e x p e rie n c e p referre d . E x c e lle n t
com pensation and benefit plans.
P lease send resum e w ith salary
r e q u ir e m e n ts to : H R D e p t.,
W ashtenaw Mortgage Com pany, 315
E. Eisenhower, Ste. 12, Ann Arbor,
Ml 48108 or fax to: 734-662-9517.
Executive D irector— N on-P rofit
Seeking an experienced m anager/
leader to give direction to our Mt.
H ood YM CA branch. M ust have
dem onstrated success in fund raising,
w o rk in g w ith v o lu n te e rs, fiscal
m anagem ent and program growth.
Excellent benefits. Resum es m ust be
received by February 4, 2000. Send
resum e, including salary history, to:
Mt Hood Executive D irector Search,
YM CA ofColum bia-W illam ette, 620
S W 5* A ve, #410, Portland, O R 97204.
EEO Employer.
Don't miss out,
advertise you available
positions in
(O b s e ru c r
R equest for Proposals #99-39
C ity o f P o rtla n d , O reg o n
P lan n in g an d U rb a n D esign S ervices fo r F re m o n t/M L K V ision S tu d y
Decem ber 15,1999
The Portland D evelopm ent C om m ission (“PD C”), in partnership w ith
local neighborhoods, seeks the services o f a consultant o r consultant
team to provide planning and design services resulting in the preparation
o f development concepts forproperty in th e area o fth cN .E . Frem ont Street
and M artin L uther K ing Jr. B oulevard intersection.
The selected C onsultant should posses know ledge o f the neighborhoods
along M artin Luther K ing Jr. B oulevard, and understanding o f the public
partnership process, and experience in urban design and planning.
Experience in real estate developm ent is o f additional benefit. T he
Consultant will w ork closely w ith PDC and the citizen-based F rem ont/
M LK Vision Com m ittee to identify the desirable redevelopm ent objectives
o f the co m m u n ity an d to p re p a re co n cep tu al m o d e ls fo r su ch
PDC invites consultants to subm it proposals addressing the requirem ents
identified in the R equest for Proposals (“ RFP”). T he proposals shall be
responsive to the form at, scope o f w ork and subm ittal requirem ents
described in the RFP.
The full R equest for Proposals m ay be obtained by request to:
Gail Palma, Portland Development Commission
1900 SW Fourth Avenue, Suite 7000, Portland, OR 97201
' Telephone (503) 823-3331- Fax (503) 823-3368
------ ------
E-mail: GPalmci(n'porrtanddev, orhz:
Q uestions about the RFP and the selection process should be addressed
to Lois Cortell, PD C Project Coordinator, by telephone (503) 823-3303 or
e-mail: Cortell.frt.portlanddev.org.
P ro p o sals m u st b e received by th e P o rtla n d D evelopm ent
C om m ission. N o la te r th a n 5 :00 p.m . on T h u rs d a y , J a n u a r y 6 ,2 0 0 0 .
The Portland D evelopm ent C om m ission strongly encourages the
participation o f M inority-ow ned. W om en-ow ned and Em erging Small
Business contractors in its projects. T he successful contractor m ust be
certified as an Equal E m ploym ent O pportunity E m ployer and be licensed
to do business in the C ity o f Portland.
R egional A s s is ta n t- E u ro p e
A re you seeking to be a part o f an internationally recognized apparel
m anufacture? Does w orking with upbeat, friendly people that hike, bike,
snow board, ski, and fishing their free tim e m ake you w ant to sign up right
now? I f your answ er is YES read on - th e re’s More!
Columbia SportswearCompany, a global leader in the design and manufacture
o f outerw ear and sportsw ear is currently seeking a Regional A ssistant to join
our international departm ent. D uties include assisting the Regional
C oordinator for Europe in all aspects o f sales and order processing from
receipt o f order to delivery and invoicing. Establish and m aintain accurate
purchase order/shipping docum ent files by account. C oordinate shipm ent
o f m aterials including export docum entation preparation. Provide superior
custom er service to o u r partners in Europe and Russia.
O ur benefit package includes, M edical/D ental, 401 (K), em ployee stock
purchase plan, paid tim e off, and a discount on em ployee product so you look
great w hile enjoying the active lifestyleofaC olum bia Sportswear employee!
M inimum A ssociates D egree plus 1-2 years o f related experience in
adm inistrative or office support assignm ents or equivalent com bination of
education/experience required. Proficient in Excel and Word. Foreign language
skills and/or international experience a plus.
Please forward resume to Colum bia SportswearCompany, Human Resources,
Dept. IRA, PO Box 83239,Portland O R 97283,orFAXto:(503)735-4597. Equal
O pportunity Employer.
^C Sportswear
olum Company®
Request For Letters O f Interest
From Certified DBE
D esign/C onstruction M anagem ent Firms
LTK Engineering Services (LTK ) is a nationw ide firm with a regional office
in Portland that specializes in rail transit planning and system s engineering.
LTK is actively soliciting DBE firms certified by the State o f O regon who
may be interested in offering services as subconsultants in the areas of
design engineering, construction m anagem ent, CA D D , testing, field
inspection, etc. W e are particularly interested in firmS'Wifh specializations
or prior experience in disciplines such as electrical pow er distribution, street
lighting design, industrial building design (architectural, structural,
mechanical, and electrical), civil site engineering, and/or foundation design.
W ork experience in these disciplines in rail transit applications is desirable
but not mandatory.
Interested firms should subm it a b rief Letter o f Interest ai.d Statem ent o f
Q ualifications via FAX or E-m ail, follow ed by a hard copy w ith any firm
brochures or literature, to the following:
Thom as B. Furm aniak.P.E.
V ice President, N orthw est Region
LTK Engineering Services
O ne Main Place, Suite 810
101 SW M ain Street
Portland, O R 97204
Fax: 503/227-1156
Telephone inquiries may be directed to Mr. Furm aniak at 503/248-1790.
Please respond by January 10,2000.
M ultnom ah County
A ging & D isability Services
. . . .
Call Today
H-— _________ — —..... ....... ...
T his person will direct and m onitor delivery o f services to clients w hile
assuring quality o f services provided: Supply Technical A ssistance and
consultation to assigned personnel: investigate and resolve service
complaints: hire, orient, train and manage staff. Requires 2 years’ increasingly
responsible case m anagem ent experience and the equivalent to a B achelor’s
degree from an accredited college or university with m ajor coursew ork in
social work, social services or public adm inistration. Supervisory experience
preferred. Startingsalary is$38,000to$45,600(Full range $38,OOOto $53,200)
Apply by January 14,2000.
A pplication m aterials and formal jo b announcem ents are available at:
w w w .m ultnom ah.lib.or.us/iobs:. In person o r by m ailing a se lf addressed
stam ped envelop requesting applications form s to: 'M ultnom ah County
Em ployee Services, 112OSW-5'*’-
A venue, First Floor Lobby, PO
Box 14700, Portland, O R 97293-
A ssisted access To M ultnom ah
C o u n ty jo b in fo rm atio n and
w e b s ite
is a v a ila b le
M ultnom ah C ounty Libraries.
M aterials will not be sent or
received by fax.
**Invitation For Bids**
T he Polk County H ousing A uthority (PC H A ) will receive sealed bids for
Pioneer Village Accessible Units until W ednesday, 3:30 p.m. on the 26^ day
o f January 2000, at 204 SW Walnut, Dallas, Oregon 97338, at which tim eand
place all bids will be opened and m ade public.
T he basic work includes: A ccessibility m odifications to four existing one
bedroom dw elling units and tw o parking areas under a “lump sum ” contract
as show n on the draw ings and as specified herein.
All interested parties are encouraged to attend a pre-bid site m eeting
scheduled for 9:30 a m . on Thursday, January 13 at Pioneer V illage, 375
Taybin Rd., NW , Salem, OR 97304.
Bid docum ents, including plans and specifications are on file at the PCHA;
Salem C ontractors Exchange, (503) 362-7957 (2256 Judson Street, Salem,
O R 97302), Daily Journal ofC om m erceP lanC enter, (503)274-0624(2840
N W 35"1 Ave., Portland, O R 97210), and Eugene Builders Exchange,
(541 )484-5331 (860 McKinley Street, Eugene, OR 97402).
Interested bidders may obtain one set o fb id docum ents at the PNHA office,
upon receipt o f a $20 deposit, w hich is refundable when docum ents are
returned in good condition w ithin 10 days o f the bid opening. A dditional
sets may be obtained for a $5 non refundable fee.
A bid security o f 5% o f the bid is required as prescribed in the “ Instructions
to B idders.” N o bidder may w ithdraw their bid after the hour set for the
opening th ereo f until after the lapse o f 60 days from the bid due date.
T he successful bidder will be required to furnish and pay fo ra satisfactory
perform ance and paym ent bond or bonds.
A ttention is called to the provisions for equal em ploym ent opportunity,
and paym ent o f not less than the minimum salaries and w ages as set forth
in the Project M anual must be paid on this project.
As required by the U.S. D epartm ent o f H ousing and Urban D evelopm ent:
R etainage is 10 percent not 5 percent: interest will not accrue on retainage;
and bonds or securities may not be substituted as an alternate form o f
The PCHA may reject any bid not in com pliance with the prescribed bidding
procedures and requirem ents and may reject any or all bids and w aive any
inform alities in the bidding.
Polk C ounty H ousing A uthority
5O3.288.OO33 w
........... ........
$13.00........... ............................................................ per column inch and boxed
$ 15.00.......... .............................................. percolum n inch boxed and shaded
$14.00........... ...........................................................................................RFP/Bids
Public Notices— .................—000
A nnouncem ents/W eddings.... 010
A n n o u n cem en ts/B irth s.... ....015
Fam ily Services.................... .....020
Lost and F o und..................... .... 030
M eeting Notices................... .... 040
T ic k ets, fo r Sale
W a n te d ................ ....050
1 ravel.................................... .... 060
Real Estate
Acreage................................. .... 100
H om es fo rsale...................... .... 110
Homes for re n t.................... .... 115
A p p artm en ts, duplexes
fo r Sale................. .... 120
A p p artm ents,duplexes
fo r R ent................ .... 125
M an u factu red Homes
fo r Sale................. .... 130
M an u factu red Homes
fo r R ent________ ..... 135
O th e rs fo r S ale................... .....140
< )th ers fo r R en t.................. .....145
C o m m ercial Real Estate... .....150
W a te rfro n t P ro p e rty ........ .....155
Real E state Services.......... ......160
Real E state W a n te d ........... ......165
C ase M anager Supervisor
Cbc hartiani» (íDhsertier
All Classified Ads and
Bids will be accepted up
until noon, Monday.
Via Post, e-mail,
W facsimile or in person at
i o
4747 N.E. M LK Blvd
G u idance/R esum es........... ......200
P rofessional........................ ......205
C om puter/T echnology........... 210
C o n tra c to rs......................... ......215
O u td o o r H o m eC are.......... ..... 220
In door H o m eC are,
D om estic...................225
Financial, In su ra n ce......... ......230
G en e ra l................................. ......235
H e a lth c a r e ......................... ......240
M a rk e tin g ............................ ......245
Office..................................... ......250
............... .............. ..... 255
Sales....................................... ......260
Social S ervices................... .....265
T em p o rary , Part-T im e,
Seasonal.............. .....270
Positions W a n te d ............... ......275
Business o p p o rtu n ities.... .....280
Item s for Sale
A ntiques •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I .......300
A ppliances.................................-305
A uctions..................................... -310
C lothing..................................... J 1 5
C lothing_____ ...__...................320
C o m p u ters/E lectro n ics,
S oftw are................... -325
E sta te A uctio n s/S ales............330
F arm Item s.._________ .._— 335
F u rn itu re .................................. -340
G a ra g e Sale...............................-345
G ard en E q u ip m en t_____ ___ -350
H eavy E quipm ent---------------- 355
H obbies/C ollectors................. .360
Livestock...............__________ 365
M iscellan eo u s fo r S ale...........370
M iscellaneous W a n te d ......... -375
O ffice E q u ip m en t....................-380
P ets/ P e t T ra in in g , Show s....385
S tereo E q u ip m en t, Television,
V C R 's,C D 's,T a p es.....390
Autom obiles
A n tiq u es.......
A utos by M ake...
Cadillac........................ 414
Chevrolet..................... 416
Dodge............................ 420
Eagle............................. 422
C M C ............................. 426
Honda........................... 428
Lexus............................ 4)2
Lincoln......................... 4)4
Mazda........................... 4)6
Mercedes...................... 4)8
Pldsmobile.................. 442
Plymouth..................... 444
Saturn.......................... 446
Subaru.......................... 448
Buses........ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••I ..... 460
C a m p e rs/T railers................... 465
M otorcycles...............................470
P a rts/D o m e stk ........................ 475
P arts/lm ports........................... 480
P ickups................................
R .V 7 Sales, R en tals................ 490
SU V 's------------------------------- .495
M essages....