Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 29, 1999, Page 2, Image 2

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D ecem ber 29, 1999
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fio rtlan à
Police News/Vancouver
Drinking & driving is not only dangerous, it’s costly Crimestoppers
DUII conviction can cost
thousands of dollars
P ortland O bslrs er
“ M any drivers stay sober sim ply because it’s the safe thing to do, but for
others, m oney talks,” said John Vrijm oet, general m anager o f Progressive
Insurance in O regon. “ W hen people know the dollar and cents costs o f a DUII
conviction, it gives them yet another reason to avoid the risks o fd riv in g under
the influence.”
In O regon, the penalties for a first-tim e offense o fd n v in g under the influence
o f intoxicants (D U II) include fines as high as $5,000, license suspension, and/
o r up to one year in jail. The offender can expect to pay bondsm en fees, law yer
fees, and court costs that often total thousands o f dollars.
In addition, insurance coverage may be term inated, o r at the very least,
insurance prem ium s w ill increase for the convicted driver. The increase varies
by com pany, state and individual.
A ccording to the O regon D epartm ent o f T ransportation, there w ere 22,841
DUII arrests in the state during 1998, and seven alcohol-related fatalities during
the C hristm as and N ew Y ear’s holidays. Law enforcem ent is taking aggressive
steps against drunk driving, and w ith all the excitem ent o f Y 2K , there will be
increased enforcem ent over the holidays.
A so fJan u ary 1,2000, a fourth DU II conviction (in a 10-yearperiod)w illcarry
a m axim um five-year jail sentence, $ 100,000 fine, or both. This new O regon law
also im poses a m inim um $ 1,000 fine on first-tim e offenders.
A DUII is cited in O regon w hen drivers have a blood alcohol level (B AC) o f
0.08 percent or higher. For many drivers, a0.08 percent B AC could register after
a single five-ounce glass o f w ine, 12-ounce beer, or shot o f 8 0 -p ro o f liquor.
“W e encourage O regon drivers to use good ju d g m en t w hile celebrating this
holiday season,” V rijm oet said. “T hat includes know ing your limits and calling
a cab for y o u rself or a friend after drinking.”
Clark County moves forward with Y 2K readiness measures
Sheriff’s Office and
W orks
D e p a rtm e n t
prepared to respond
em ergency
situ atio n s
for T he P ortland O bserver
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C lark C ounty has been planning for
Y 2K for a w hile, now only a w eek
away; final preparations are now being
com pleted.
Sheriff’s O ffice staffing at full bore.
For the Clark County Sheriff’s Office,
m uch o f the forces are on deterring
p ro blem s and on being ready to
respond to them should they occur.
T heir plans encom pass the entire
w eekend, not ju st N ew Y ear’s Eve,
w ith com m anders on duty as w ell as
a d d itio n a l d e p u tie s an d rese rv e
d ep u ties w o rk in g patrol in each
A rrangem ents have been m ade for
em ergency back up plans in case
either precinct loses pow er.
“A lthough w e d o n ’t anticipate any
specificproblems,” saidChiefCriminal
T h e P o rtla n d P o lice B u reau , in
cooperation w ith C rim e Stoppers, is
asking for your help in identifying the
person o r persons responsible for a
O n T h u rsd ay , July 22, 1999, at
approxim ately 7:20 in the m orning, a
ja n ito r at C herry Park Elem entary
School, located at 1930 SE 104th
A venue, discovered the body o f a
young m an behind the school. The
victim , identified as 16-year-old Ram
Singh o f Southeast Portland, died o f
an apparent gunshot w ound to the
A c c o rd in g
n e ig h b o rh o o d
residents, the sound o f loud pop,
follow ed by several cars leaving the
area, w as heard at about 12:30 in the
m orning. Investigators w ould like to
speak w ith any w itnesses that may
have been at the location.
C rim e Stoppers is offering a cash
reward o f up to $ 1,000 for information,
T he C ity o f V ancouver is seeking
applicants to fill a vacancy on the
Planning Com mission.
T he Planning C om m ission serves as
a citizen advisory body to the C ity
C ouncil. C om m issioners w ork in
v o lu n ta r y c a p a c ity to c o n d u c t
stu d ie s an d p u b lic h e a rin g s on
subdivisions, com prehensive plan
am endm ents, rezoning requests and
z o n in g te x t a m e n d m e n t. T h e
com mission m akes recommendations
to the city council for review and final
decisions. Applicants m ust live within
the limits. The term run's six years. For
applications o r further inform ation,
contact Peggy F um o in the City
M anager’s O ffice at City Hall, 210 E.
13* SL, P.O.Box 1995, and Vancouver,
WA. 98668 call (360) 696-8484 or Fax
(360) 696- 8049. Applications must be
subm itted by January, 3,2000.
D ana was described as one w ho
exem plifies the spirit o f going above
and beyond the call o f duty in the
daily operation o f the w orkgroup. As
special team m em ber and co-w orker,
she brings a com m itm ent o f service to
the w ork area and represents the City
well. T he announcem ent was m ade at
the C ity ’s annual em ployee aw ards
cerem ony on Dec 16.
O ther aw ards w ent to: 0 . 0 H ow ard
celebrates the N ew Y ear in a safe and
responsible m anner.”
Fed U
A w ard D eanna Sum m erhill H ough
Award: (1) Don Bivins (2) Vancouver
Fire Services (3) V ancouver-C lark
Parks R ecreation Services
D. Elw oodCaples A w ard Christopher
Sheesley M innehaha A w ard” K athy
H eil Pioneer A w ard: Fred Jackson
M other Joseph A w ard: Jennie Ju
M cLoughlin Award: A ngela Brosius
Lewis and C lark A w ard: Printing &
M ail Services.
'W e've teemed up wirti P o p e f« to tpreod the « o d
aboetton x And we mean R A V O fil Popeyes' own
dudcen is so pocked with S a w , r rw y M t.is a
PARTY POP YOUR M O U T H That's every bite of every
way Popeyes serves it wp... Chicken Botes, Dinners,
Sandwiches, W injs end Sirips. Not to mention the
taste-tempting side tfcltts ond bncmts!
Htessir, you can C O U N T O N PO PfTKS to deliver
flew rfut goodness, no matter bow you love p u r
rhukee. If p u are tired to death o f A fli
blond chicken those other guys verve, come
on over to POPEYES. And help us in oer m M e e to
-R e d d & Z e J fe
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N o strings attach ed . Anytime something
knocks out the lights, we're ready. We're here to give
you fast, responsive, dependable help. Our Customer
Service Center is open 24 hours a day to answer your
calls. Our crews work around the clock, too. And we
have teams from all over our service area prepared to
offer extra help wherever there's a major outage.
Lights out? We’re on it.
Now here's what you can do if the lights go out:
Keep in your house: a flashlight, hattery-
ed radio, battery-operated clock,
bottled water, manual can opener and extra
batteries. If someone in your home is on life
support, be sure to have a backup system and
an action plan in case of an outage.
Before you call us, check your breakers_____
or fuse box to make sure you don't have a
tripped breaker or blown fuse. Look for lights at
your neighbors'.
Dana Vest chosen
City Employee of
the Year
reported to C rim e Stoppers, w hich
leads to an arrest in this case or any
unsolved felony crim e, and you need
not give y o u r nam e. C all C rim e
Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP.
Investigator: D etective Frank Jolly
Portland Police Bureau (5030823-4814
A lte r n a te
C r im e
S to p p e r s
C oordinator: O fficer John W rigley
Portland Police Bureau (503) 823-4357
Happy New Year
Vancouver Briefs
applications for
P la n n in g
C o m m is s io n
any particular problem s at the stroke
ofm idnight on January 1. “A s a public
agency, we have the responsibility o f
being prepared to assisting other
governm ental agencies in need. W e
ta k e th a t r e s p o n s i b ilit y v e ry
seriously,” said Cave. W e hope that
w e d o n ’t have to use any o f our
co ntingency plans, and everyone
departm ent w illbe on-call to the Clark
Deputy Mike Evans, “w e will be active
Region C oordination agency in case
over the entire N ew Y ea r’s w eekend.
f a m ajor event, as w ell as available
W e w ill be responding to reports o f
other governm ent agencies that
activities that are in violation o f local
m ay need
as w ell as
state law ,
a s
and we will
“As a public agency, we have the a n tic ip a te d
be m aking
responsibility o f being prepared a n d
arrests or
is s u in g
to assisting other governmental prepared for
an y m a jo r
c ita tio n s
agencies in need. We take that e v e n t s
v io la to rs .
responsibility very seriously, "Bud d u r in g th e
ew Y e a r
W e w ill be
Cave, Road Operations Manager N celebrations,”
— ————
Sa id B ru c e
to reports
Cross, Public
W orks D eputy D irector. “ W e have
activities that are in violation o f local
p u r c h a s e d a n d in s ta lle d f o u r
ordinances as well as state law, and
generators at key intersections in Clark
we w ill be making arrests or issuing
County in case o f pow er interruption.
citations to violations. W e w ill be
W e also have an additional fuel truck
paying particular attention to driving
that is full, and on-hand to service the
activities, especially to drunk driving
m otor pool. O ur fuel pum ps are Y2K
pliant, but w e need to take every
Evans added that there w ould be
-p re ca u tio n and be ready to assist
h e ig h te n e d s e c u r ity fo r th e
other agencies in need.”
courthouse and the jail
A staffing plan is prepared and in
“ W e are asking county resident to
place to call out w orkers, should they
c e le b r a te r e s p o n s i b ly .” E v a n s
be needed. “ W e have an action plan
em phasized “ Identify designated
in place and ready to go should it be
drivers and be patients w ith one
necessary,” said B ud Cave, Road
another. Staying safe is the best w ay
O perations M anager.
to see in the N ew Y ear.”
Like the Sheriff’s O ffice, the Public
Public W orks ready to assist
W orks D epartm ent is not anticipating
T h e c o u n t y ’s P u b lic w o rk s
Crime Stoppers Case # 99-50
After you’ve checked,give us a call
at 1-877-548-3768 to report the outage. Have
your account number handy to help us work
more quickly.
Turn off major appliances
equipment to prevent over
and other electrical equi
loading circuits once the power's back.
Keep warm and safe.
Wear a hat and extra layers of clothing. Make
sure propane or kerosene heaters have proper
ventilation and never burn charcoal inside
your house.
Cover your freezer with a blanket
and keep the door dosed
Food should stay frozen and safe for about
two days.
Turn your porch light and one inside light on.
That way you and our crews will know when
power is back on.
W hen your power returns, if your lights are
There may still be a problem.
If there's an outage, we don't kid around. We'll get
the power back as fast as we can.
V ancouver M anager Vernon E. Stoner
has announced the selection o f D ana
V est, U tility Service Inspector, as the
1999 C ity ofV an co u v er em ployee o f
the Year. D ana w as originally hired in
1969 as a tem porary em ployee for the
C ity ’s and Parks Recreation in April
1972; she w as hired as a full tim e,
reg u la r em p lo y ee for the C ity ’s
Finance D epartm ent
To report an ou tage, call I -877-548-3768 ( I -877-LITESO UT).
A PacifiCorp Company
Making it happen.
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