Decem ber 2 9 ,1 9 9 9 Page B6 Chv fjtartlauh (Dboerner BClassifleds/Bids EMPLOYMENT 235 General X R esid en tia l R em o d elin g D esig n - E ntry Level NeilKellyCo.,anationallyrecognized design/build remodeling firm, has an immediate opening in its Remodel division. Trainee position potentially le a d in g to w ard e ith e r d esig n associate position or commissioned residential remodeling sales. Degree in interior design, interior architecture, or housing required. Board drafting required. CAD experience a plus. W aged entry level position with benefits. Job description available on request. Send resume and cover le tte r to: D iane S tark , H um an Resources Dept. Neil Kelly Company, 804N. Alberta St,Portland, O R97217 or email to Executive Assistant to the Dean. The College o f Liberal Arts at Oregon State University invites applications for a key position in its executive o ffices. T his p o sitio n provides executive support to the individual who is dean o f the College and works collaboratively w ith departm ent c h a irs an d s ta f f in acad em ic departments and units. The position requires a combination o f education in relevant disciplines and experience in progressively more responsible executive or administrative support roles. $30,000to $34,000. Fora detailed p o sitio n d e sc rip tio n , sp ecific qualifications, and information on how to apply, contact the Office of the Dean, College ofLiberal Arts, 207 Social Science Hall, Corvallis, OR 973331, (541) 737-4584. Completed applications must be received a the same address by 5 p.m. January 31, 2000. OSU is an AA/EOE, with a policy o f being responsive to dual-career needs. C ity O f P ortlan d Environmental Services E n viron m en tal S ervices M anager $5,103-$6,519M onthly Deadline To Apply Monday, January 10,2000 The City o f Portland is accepting applications for an Environmental S ervices M anager (E ndangered S p e c ie s A ct (E SA ) S p e c ia lty ) responsible for ESA management including the developm ent and implementation o f overall program direction and policy for the City- wide ESA Program. The Manager will develop Portland’s response to the recent listings and serve as the City’s policy representative in local, state, regional, and federal forums on the ESA an d its im p lic a tio n s and implementation. The position will actively coordinate with the National M arine Fisheries Service, other federal and state agencies, local/ re g io n a l g o v e rn m e n ts in the Willamette and Columbia Basins to respond to the requirements. Call D ’Norgia Price at (503) 823-7589 for additional information. The City o f Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer. C o o k s, B a rten d ers an d S ecu rity G u ard s needed for various shifts at CleoLilliann Social Club (CLEO's). Cal Xavier for appointment at 284- 7150between l:00pm and4:00pm . M an ager/ln stru ctor 501(cX3), Aerospace based youth program. Extracurricular learning project with aviation focus for youth. 20hourw eek. 503-292-4542 Sub-Bids Requested & COMMUNITY Parking Facility P Operator $150 Em ploym ent B onus- See HR Dept. for details. Immediate opening for full and part- time lot attendants with Portland’s leading parking Co. We are seeking dependable individuals with a neat appearance and a positive attitude. $7.60 + starting wage Huge overtime potential Advancement opportunities Medical, Dental, 401K available Applicants must submit to drug test and background check. Apply in person daily between 12-1 PM, M onday-Friday. 215 SW 6'h Portland, OR 333 SW Oak SI . Apartment - Renovation * Portland, OR Bid Date: January 5,2000 * 2:00 PM SEABOLD Public N otices.............- .............. 000 A nnouncem ents/W eddings— 010 1 A n n ou n cem en ts/B irth s..........015 Plans Available at the above location. Contact: Ted Minton We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from all interested suppliers & subcontractors. Women, minority, disadvantaged owned businesses, emerging small business enterprises, low income businesses or subcontractors are encouraged to submit bids on this Fam ily Services.......................... 020 L ostan d F ou n d ---------------------030 M eeting N otices............ ............. 040 (T ic k e ts, for S ale CL he Call 503-288-0033 project. ______________ ___ The Multnomah County Health Department is currently recruiting for DIVERSITY Meet the E mployer OF C hoice Perhaps you’ve enjoyed State Farm Insurance’s refreshingly different approach to service and quality as a valued policyhold­ er. Now is the opportunity to enjoy the same friendly approach as it applies to our employment opportunities. We currently have strong growth opportunities for: C laim s R epresentatives Learn to inspect property and casuality claims and analyze structural losses. Candidate should have an interest and ability to investigate, evaluate and negotiate claims. Candidate should also possess exceptional customer service and communica­ tion skills. A Bachelor's degree Is desirable. Must be willing to relocate within the the following positions: • • C o r r e c tio n s H ealth D iv isio n D irecto r (closes 1/7/2000) H ea lth S erv ice s S p ecia list _ C L E A R C o r p s P ro g ra m (clo ses 1/ • 2 1 /2 0 0 0 ) S o cia l W o rk er B ilin g u a l/.S p a n ish ( closes 1/21/2000) Application materials and formal job announcements are available at: . in person or by mailing a self-addressed stamped envelope requesting application forms to: Multnomah County Human Resources Division, 1120 SW 5th Avenue. First Floor Lobby, PO Box 14700, Portland, OR 97293-0700. Assisted access to Multnomah County job information and web site is available at Multnomah County Libraries. M ultnom ah C ounty is ac tiv e ly recruiting persons from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds to enhance service to our diverse community. Bilinguai/bicultural candidates are encouraged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer State of Oregon. State Farm offers competitive salaries All interested candidates should forward a and a choice benefit package that Includes medical and dental, 401(k) resume Io Stale Farm Insurance, Attn: Human Resources Recruiter, 12400 SE Freeman Way, Milwaukie, OR 97222 or fax: (503) 794-5085. plus a retirement package and more. We offer excellent growth potential, diverse career paths, and the strength o f an established industry leader State Office for Services to Children and Families. Statewide R FA465-Attorney Services for G uardianship and Adoption-All C ounties The State Office ofServices to Children and Families requests applications in response to the following solicitation: Request for Applications #465. liraugfc STATS F A « M f@ > @ ( S ) w w w .sta tefa r m .c o m IN S U IA N C I We are an Equal O pportun ity E m ployer w ho believes that diversity is more than ju s t a choice, it's a way o f life . Clerical H ousing M an agem en t StafTSupport V an cou ver H ou sin g A u th ority The Vancouver Housing Authority is currently accepting applications for the position o f Housing Management Staff Support person. The position performs clerical and record keeping duties for assigned assisted housing programs. This includes maintenance o f tenant files, processing o f verification o f income and household status forms, initiation o f review process, monitors completion o f review process, monitoring ofcomputer screens, file documents and signatures on leases and amendments. Maintains good working relationships with other agencies and VHA staff. Salary $1676 to $2373 per month; excellent benefits. To request required application materials please call (360) 694-2501 or e-mail Resumes without applications will not be accepted. Completed applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 4,2000. Vancouver Housing Authority, 2500 Main Street, Vancouver, WA98660. Equal Opportunity Em ployer Sub-Bids Requested City O f Portland, Bureau O f W ater Works (Demolition, Paving, Irrigation, Landscaping, Reinforcing Steel, Paving, Site Concrete, Masonry, Plaster, Finish Carpentry and Casework, Insulation, Metal Roofing and Sheet Metal, overhead Doors, Aluminum Entrances and Glazing, Gypsum Sheathing, Flooring, Painting, Acoustical Ceiling, Toilet Accessories, and Fire Protection) Bids Due Not Later Than 3:00 P.M. January 7,2000 The Natt McDougall Company 16150 S W Upper Boones Ferry Road, Portland, OR 97224 Phone:(503)968-7552 Fax:(503)968-6761 OregonCCB#l 1,237 On Tuesday, January 4,2000 representatives ofNM C will be available for pre-bid discussions at our corporate office from 8:00A.M. to 10:00 A.M. all other inquires should be directed to our Estimating Department at the numbers given. Bid Documents are available at the following plan rooms, and at our corporate office: Construction Data/FW Dodge (503) 225-0200 Daily Journal ofCommerce (503) 272-0624 Oregon Contractor (503) 650-0148 Oregon Assoc, o f Minority Entrepreneurs (503) 249-7744 We are an equal opportunity employer, and request subbids from all interested firms including minority, women, and emerging small businesses. The Department o f Human Services, State o f Oregon, State Office for Services to Children and Families (SOSCF), is seeking to establish a list of qualified attorneys, to be available as needed by client families, to process guardianships and adoptions. One list will be developed as a result of this solicitation, with options for providing legal services for adoptions, guardianships, or both. Attorneys will be paid a set fee for providing these services: $350.00 plus court costs and filing fees for guardianships, and $425.00, which includes filing fee andbirth certificate, for adoptions. Services are anticipated to be needed in all Oregon counties. For copies o f the RFA, please contact Janice Colvin at (503) 945-5657. Open Date: 12-20-99 Due Date: 1-31-00 Due Time: 5:00p.m. Call Today **Invitation For Bids** The Polk County Housing Authority (PCHA) will receive sealed bids for Pioneer Village Accessible Units until Wednesday, 3:30 p.m. on the 26ll, day of January 2000, at 204 SW Walnut, Dallas, Oregon97338, at which time and place all bids will be opened and made public. The basic work includes: Accessibility modifications to four existing one bedroom dwelling units and two parking areas under a “lump sum ’ contract as shown on the drawings and as specified herein. All interested parties are encouraged to attend a pre-bid site meeting scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, January 13 at Pioneer Village, 375 Taybin Rd., NW, Salem, OR 97304. Bid documents, including plans and specifications are on file at the PCHA; Salem Contractors Exchange, (503) 362-7957 (2256 Judson Street, Salem, OR 97302), Daily Journal ofCommerce Plan Center, (503) 274-0624 (2840 NW 35* Ave., Portland, OR 97210), and Eugene Builders Exchange, (541 )484-5331 (860McKinley Street, Eugene, OR 97402). Interested bidders may obtain one set ofbid documents at the PNHA office, upon receipt o f a $20 deposit, which is refundable when documents are returned in good condition within 10 days o f the bid opening. Additional sets may be obtained for a $5 non refundable fee. A bid security o f 5% o f the bid is required as prescribed in the “Instructions to Bidders.” No bidder may withdraw their bid after the hour set for the opening thereof until after the lapse o f 60 days from the bid due date. The successful bidder will be required to furnish and pay for a satisfactory performance and payment bond or bonds. Attention is called to the provisions for equal employment opportunity, and payment o f not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Project Manual must be paid on this project. As required by the U.S. Department o f Housing and Urban Development: Retainage is 10 percent not 5 percent: interest will not accrue on retainage; and bonds or securities may not be substituted as an alternate form o f retainage. The PCHA may reject any bid not in compliance with the prescribed bidding procedures and requirements and may reject any or all bids and waive any informalities in the bidding. Polk County Housing Authority j 111 so 503.288.0033 Od Facsimile 503.288.0015 V» $90.00.......... W an ted .......................050 iT r a v e L ----- -— ---------—— — 060 Real Estate I A creage.---------------------- - H om es for sale------ ---------- H om es for rent-------- — | A ppartm ents,duplexes for Sale--------- --- __ 120 | A ppartm ents, duplexes .125 for R e n t----------- I M anufactured H om es .130 for Sale— — — | M anufactured H om es .1 3 5 for R e n t----------- .140 I O th ers for S ale.....— — I O th ers for R e n t...— — .... .145 .150 C om m ercial R eal E sta te- .155 W aterfron t Property.— . „160 R eal E state S ervices------- ..165 R eal E state W an ted ........... Employment I G u id an ce/R esu m es............. — 200 P rofessional.................................205 C om puter/T echnology----- — .210 C on tractors................................. 215 O utdoor H om e C are.------------ 220 | Indoor H om e C are, D om estic.................... 225 I F inancial, In su ran ce.................230 G en eral...................................... -.2 3 5 H e a lth c a r e ------------------------- 240 M ark etin g............................... — 245 O ffice______________________ 250 R etail.......... ......................... — — 255 S ales.............................................-2 6 0 [S o cia lS erv ices.------—..........— 265 , I T em p orary,P art-T im e, S eason al..................... 270 I P ositions W a n ted ...... - ..............275 | B u sin ess o p p o rtu n ities........... 280 Items for Sale I A ntiques...— ——.—— — ——————300 A p p lian ces-— ....................... JOS Auctions.................................. J 10 ........... per column inch and boxed . per column inch boxed and shaded ........................RFP/Bids Sub-Bids(2 column by 3") each additional inch=$ 10.00 All Classified Ads and Bids will be accepted up until noon, Monday. Via Post, e-mail, facsimile or in person at 4747 N.E. MLK Blvd Softw are.— — - — — 325 I E state A u ctio n s/S a les........... J 3 0 F arm Item s..------ — — — J 3 5 F urniture— — ------ -— - — 3 4 0 I G arage Sale— .J 4 5 G ard en E quipm ent----- —— - 3 5 0 I H eavy E quipm ent-------- ——-3 5 5 I H obbies/