V.’ .• — Page A6 December 15, 1999 ÎJurtlanb (Pbeeruer 2 > V« rtlnnb (Dbaeruer Business Home Loans you can Finally Qualify for! < oM m m tK D S T om K )aTntP()H lLA >D O BSLK SLR A Portland-based human resources consulting firm celebrated the holiday season earlier this month by hosting a work party to benefit the Oregon Food Bank. More than 70 Portland area business leaders turned out for the lunchtime work party sponsored by the MBL Group, Inc. The party was held on Dec. 7 at the Oregon Food Bank’s statew ide distribution center in Northeast Portland. In addition to packing 8,000 pounds o f onions for distribution to the needy families, participants donated $3,500 in cash to the Oregon Food Bank. In less than an hour, the volunteers were able to pack nearly four tons of onions into 5-pound sacks. “After searching for the perfect gift for our clients, we realized the best gift o f all would be to provide an Kwanzaa Rates as Low as Purchase: 6.5% * 0% Down 7% APR * VA Loans * 1st Time Home Buyers MBL Group's clients and friends show their holiday spirit after packing nearly four tons o f onion at the Oregon Food B ank’s Northeast Distribution Center earlier this month. opportunity to help the community, said Jim Morris, founding principal of MBL Group “And when the RSVPs began pouring in, we knew we did the Refinance: *Debt Consolidation *Cash for Equity right thing.” The MBL Group, founded in 1992, is a full-service supplier o f human resource management services * Every Type of Real Estate from page 1 we thought that for a lot of people that would be perceived as a barrier,” said Juzang. “ If it was too hard to celebrate then you are missing an opportunity to celebrate. Which was another reason for the guide and we wanted to be easy to pack up as an heirloom and celebrate the next year.” Marketing the kit and Kwanzaa to a generation o f inner city youth presented another set o f challenges. While Kwanzaa is gaining popularity, it is celeb rated m ostly by the nationalist community and older African Americans. MEE wanted to change that to include more youth participation. “ It creates a lot o f challenges because Kwanzaa has been seen as not contemporary so therefore the youth haven’t been driven to it. It’s not in the youth culture,” he said. “So we have to find a way to make it appealing to youth, find ways to make youth want to participate in Kwanzaa, and try to reach out to adults who help make decisions for youth to get them to see the benefits of Kwanzaa and use them in marketing the beliefs o f Kwanzaa and the MEE Complete Kwanzaa Kit .” Having secured the components, warehousing space, assembled the kits, and shipping procedures the next challenge was gaining access to the market, getting exposure for the product. They created their own radio ads and a website specifically for the Kwanzaa Kit. The Website allows for E-commerce, the direct ordering of the product over the Internet. MEE has also linked with the other popular African-American websites such as Net Noir, Everything Black and MSBET.com. We don’t want to look at it as something you only focus on during the holiday season. We want it to be a focus and mindset that people can use throughout the whole course o f the year,” saidJuzang.“Itw illbea 12- month process every year looking at it as a five-ten year plan. We want to focus on America first, then South America, the Caribbean, then Africa then the world.” MEE Productions is a one-of-a-kind o rg a n iz a tio n that fo cu ses on studying, motivating and positively im p a c tin g urban tre n d se tte rs meaning inner city African-American, Latino and low income youth. Founded in 1990, the company has conducted communications research, created media campaigns on a variety o f issues for both private and public sector clients, and won local and national awards for their educational videos on topics such as teen dating violence, HIV-AIDS awareness and prevention, teen m arijuana use/ prevention, and understanding and communicating with the Hip Hop culture. For more information on the MEE Kwanzaa Kit, call 1-877-MEE-PROD or v is it the w eb site: www.MEEKwanzaaKit.com. (£lje Jîortlanb (©baeruer is the place to be TMAJ’s * Every Type of Credit Grade 1 * Every Type of Loan Program • w Barber & Beauty Salon Contact: 305 NE Wygant Portland, OR 97211 (503) 288-6530 Otus Denson Otus Denson 201-0225 AIM 3990 SW Collins Wsy Lake Oswego. OR 97035 ' G? o NailTechnician Camille Nichols Stylist Karen Dixon Barber Tracy Horsley T he P o r t l a n d O b s e r v e r w a n ts you to k n o w w h a t IS H A P P E N IN G IN Y O U R N E IG H B O R H O O D ... ...A n d a r o u n d th e w o r ld ! Day Care Monday through Friday 6 am to 6 pm Infant to 5 years U.S.D.A. Meals One block from Sabin School Will drop off and pick up half day kindergartners Cost: $2.00 per hour, (State funded O.K.) For more info call Doris: (503) 288-9772 The Joyce Washington Memorial Scholarship Fund Presents Les Schwab/Blazer Alumni vs. The Portland Observer's Cory Cougar’s Charity Basketball Game January 23, 2000 at 4 p.m. Join the celebration and see the Portland Observer family and friends take on the Portland Trailblazer’s Alumni Team. Thisbenefit will create scholarship funds for those less fortunate and will create a monument to what Joyce Washington stood for.. .equal opportunity and an education for everyone. Dad’s Oil Inc. is pleased to have provided commercial fueling, Off Road Diesel and Heating Oil Services for the following companies: Intel S ite-Jones Farm 4 - Ronier Acres Hillsboro, OR Seattle Stud Welding - Kent WA CleanPak Systems-Renton, WA Harder Mechanical Contractors - Portland, OR Western Concrete Pumping Company - Tigard, OR C & J Rebar - Beaver Creek, OR Western Partitions-Tigard, OR Streimer Sheet Metal Works - Portland, OR D rake-Portland, OR L.H. Sowles Company- Billings, MT Performance Contracting - Portland, OR Seif Enhancement Center Inc. 3920 N. Kerby Avenue, Portland, OR $3 Advance $4 Door Call Mark Washington for tickets or special group rates at 288-0033 Johntae’s Imported Tobacco & Accessories 2535C NE. Alberta 331-1422 If you are in need of this type of service, contact: Dad’s Oil Inc., 104 N.E. Russell, Portland, OR 97212 PH: (503) 282-5111 M rs.C’s Wigs 707 NE Fremont 281-6515 ATisketATasket 1305 NE Fremont 7344-7344 Simply Cellular 3939 NE MLK Blvd. Suite 109 280-8000 •* -T'V, '.'V > . • ». « . e ■ i > -u.