D ecem ber 22, 1999 «The $for*tan6 Œbaeruer i Police News/Vancouver Mayor Katz, police tighten down on pawn shops and stolen goods CONTRIBUTED STORY for T he P ortland O bsery Eft Pawn shops and occasional second­ hand dealers and their sellers would face tighter scrutiny under a new ordinance being proposed by M ayor V era Katz and Portland Police. “ W hile the se c o n d -h an d dealers ordinance has helped cut out stolen goods trafficking to som e extent, we know we can do better,” said Katz. "If you are a legitim ate seller, you have nothing to w orry about if you are selling sto len go o d s, w atch out, because this m eans w e ’ll have better inform ation to build a case against you.” Second-hand dealers already have to report the p urchase o f reg u lated property to enable law enforcem ent to keep track o f stolen goods. The new ordinance w ould slightly expand the list o f regulated property, and require storeow ners to obtain more th o ro u g h in fo rm atio n , in clu d in g th u m b p rin ts an d p h o to c o p ies o f identification presented by sellers. Vancouver Briefs Kit helps cultivate health Where: N orris Road Center, 2000 N orris R oad, V an co u v er, W ash. Tim e/D ate: C all 759-4438 for an appointm ent. Adm ission: Fee: $55/$65 (non-city resident) scholarships available for city residents. G ive the gift o f health to you rself or som eone you love. This self-help w eight m anagem ent kit provides a new vehicle for healthy changes and w eight m anagem ent. Kit includes 10 self-paced and resource guides and s e v e ra l o th e r v a lu a b le to o ls . Program s also include two one-half hour sessions w ith fitness and w eight m anagem ent consultant to get you started plus a follow-up. Noon fitness class energizes Where: T he N orris Road Recreation Center located by Fred M eyer’s (4the Plains and G rand Blvd). 2000 N orris Road V ancouver, Wash. Time: 1 2 :0 5 -1:05 p.m. Date: Class starts January 3 ,2 0 0 0 A dm ission: Fee: $24/$30 (non-city residents) Includes all fitness classes and the w eight room offered by City Fitness for one month. Scholarships available for city residents. N eed to get rid o f those holiday pounds, but never have enough tim e before or after w ork? H ow about “ A erobics for Lunch?” Leave w ork feeling sluggish and grum py, com e back feeling happy and energized. City Fitness offers a fitness class for beginners to advanced at Call &59- 4438 (V ancouver-C lark Parks and Recreation) for further inform ation. Class aim s at freedom from fat W here: N o rris R oad R ecrea tio n C enter2000 Norris Road Vancouver, W ash. Time: Tuesday, noon at City Hall, or T hursday, 6pm at 2000 N orris Rd. Date: J a n 4 -A p ril 18or Ja n -A p ril 20 A dm ission: Costs is $100 for city T he ordinance adds som e specifics to the list o fp recio u s m etals, jew elry, gem s, w atches, silver, audio/video/ photographic equipm ent, electrical o ffice an d telep h o n e equ ip m en t, pow er tools, autom otive and hand tools, m usical instrum ents, firearm s, and sporting equipm ent now on list an d adds m icrow ave ovens. T he ordinance also extends the current 15-day holding period to 30 days to allow police to better back dow n stolen property before storeow ners sell it. aMMJWltJ »mi'll« resid e n t an d $120 for non- city resident. Scholarships available for city resident. A re you hungry all the tim e and tried num erous diets to no avail? The F re e d o m F ro m F a t w e ig h t m anagem ent program m ay be the answer. Learn the latest inform ation on insulin resistance, m enopause, d ia b ete s, an d o ste o p o ro sis as it relates to healthy w eight loss. Classes are taught by a SW W ashington Medical Center dietitian and a certified fitness instructor, an eating disorder a n d b e h a v io r s p e c ia lis t a n d a m olecularbiologist. The focus o f the class is on positive lifesty le ch an g es an d im proving eating patterns. P artic ip an ts re c e iv e a te x tb o o k , p e r s o n a lity p r o f il e s , body com bustion analysis, handouts a n d , more. C lasses m eet for one hour per w eek for 16 weeks. Y ou can choose a class on either T uesday o r Thursday. Call 759-4438 for further information. Police Briefs Enhanced DUII Enforcement Patrols The T raffic D ivision o f the Portland Police B ureau in cooperation with the O regon State Police, the M ultnom ah C ounty S h e riff s O ffice, and other local agencies will conduct Enhanced DUII E nforcem ent Patrols throughout the m etropolitan area over the holidays. H ighly trained Police O fficers will conduct saturation patrols to specifically target DUII drivers. The officers will be looking for drivers w ho are im paired by alcohol and/or drugs. The purpose o f these enhanced patrols are to rid Portland area streets o f im paired drivers who cause death, injury and property dam age by their reckless actions. If you see a driver w ho you suspect is im paired, call 911 and report them im m ediately. The life you save may be yours o r a fam ily m em ber. The Portland Police Bureau considers DUII a “ Z ero T olerance" crim e. D ecem ber will be targeted by law enforcem ent throughout the area as D runk and D rugged Driving (3D) Prevention M onth. M ayor V era K atz, C ity o f Portland, has issued a proclam ation to this affect. Point o f contact is Sergeant Dan Parks o f the Portland Police Bureau Traffic Division, 823-2209. Arrest In Homicide NE 102~* A venue The arrest w as m ade w ithout incident at a residence located in Tigard. The T igard Police D epartm ent and the Sm ith, w as arrested for M anufacture o f a Controlled Substance II, $50,000 bail. Portland Police Bureau HazMat Team re s p o n d e d to th e lo c a tio n an d assisted in rem oving all hazardous chem icals from the scene. Crime Stoppers Case # 99-49 T h e P o rtlan d P o lice B u reau , in cooperation w ith C rim e Stoppers, is asking for your help in locating and a p p re h e n d in g R o b e rt T ru e v e tte Taylor. A felony arrest w arrant is on file c h a rg in g T a y lo r w ith C rim in al M ischief in the First Degree. In addition, auto theft investigator w ould like to speak w ith Taylor regarding several cases involving stolen vehicles. Investigators believe T aylor m ay be using an assum ed identity, and could be living in Southeast Portland or the Clackam as area. Robert T ruevette T aylor is described not give your name. Call Crime Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP Investigator: D etective Scott Pitton Portland Police Bureau A uto Theft Task Force (503) 823-5098 A lte r n a te C rim e S to p p e rs Coordinator: O fficer John W rigley Portland Police Bureau (503) 823-4357 (503)823-0830 Community notification of sex offender 2400 Block O f SE Clinton St. T h e P o rtla n d P o lic e B u rea u is n o tif y in g th e c o m m u n ity o f a Registered Sex O ffender living in the Portland area. ORS. 181.588 allow s agency in Oregon, Ffis criminal history p laces him in a ca te g o ry w hich in d icates he m ay reoffend. T his subject is not w anted by the police at this time. w ill not be tolerated and m ay be a law enforcem ent agencies to release su c h in fo rm a tio n to th e p u b lic regarding convicted offenders, who are required to register, w hen such in fo rm atio n w ill in crease public aw areness and prom ote com m unity safety. The Sex O ffender has been convicted o f a sex offense that requires he reg ister w ith a law en forcem ent This O ffender has served his sentence and is no longer being supervised by th e O re g o n D e p a rtm e n t o f C orrections. The purpose o f this com m unity notification is to reduce the chances o f further victim ization by this offender as w ell as to prom ote co m m u n ity aw aren ess and ch ild safety. Intim idating, harassing, or threatening ofthis registered offender o f the Sexual A ssault Detail at 823- 4636. S ubject’s nam e is M ichael K enneth Cohron. C ohron has been convicted o f Burglary I, Rape I, Sodom y I, & Prostitution and is no longer under supervision. H e has targeted young adult females in the past. It is believed there is a substantial risk C ohron could reoffend. crime. If you have any inform ation about this offender com m itting additional crim es, please contact the D etectives U.S. 101 expected to open today H ig h w a y o f f ic ia ls a n n o u n c e d M onday that a tem porary, tw o-lane bypass for U.S. H ighw ay 101 will open W ednesday m orning. The m ain north-south route along the O regon C oast w as closed last w eek after a 150-foot section o f the highw ay was w iped out by a m assive m ud slide, stopping traffic betw een N ew port and Lincoln City. The bypass, w hich is to open at 10 a.m . W e d n esd ay , is b ein g b u ilt adjacent to the dam aged road. “W e had a geologist take a good look at the area,” said O regon D epartm ent o f Transportation spokesm an Dave Davis. “T hey are about as confident as a geologist can get.” Davis said the perm anent road would not reopen for six to eight weeks. But crew s are holding o ff on w ork to stabilize the slipping hillside over the h ig h w ay near F lorence, w here a second landslide blocked the road last week. T he slide has dum ped about 7,000 cubic yards o f m aterial and more than 300 trees onto the highway. Fabric Depot THE LARGEST. MOST COMPLETERETAIL FABRIC STORE IS THE WEST December 21,1999 through January7 4,2000 ALL HOME DEC 30 off * Methamphetamine Arrests 7135 N orth M ontana A venue On D ecem ber 16,1999, at 6:00p.m ., officers o f the Portland Police Bureau D rugs and V ice D ivision, contacted occupants o f a residence located at 7135 N. M ontana A venue. O fficers received inform ation o f a possible c la n d e s tin e m e th a m p h e ta m in e laboratory operating at that location. T he investigation revealed an active m etham phetam ine laboratory to be operating in a m otor hom e parked at the address. T hree subjects w ere a rre s te d , $ 1 2 ,0 0 0 in c a sh , an d a p p r o x im a te ly 5 o u n c e s o f m etham phetam ine w ere siezed. In a d d itio n , p r e c u r s o r c h e m ic a ls in c lu d in g te n p o u n d s o f re d phosphorous, ten pounds o f iodine an d a large q u a n tity o f p seu d o ephedrine tablets were located and seized. A rrested at the scene were 63 year- old, Donald Lloyd Grace, and 54 year- old, Patricia A nn Sorrell, both who w ere charged w ith the follow ing charges; m anufacture o f aC ontrolled Substance $50,000 bail. D istribution o f a C o n tr o lle d S u b s ta n c e (m entham phetam ine) $70,000 bail, Possession o f a Controlled Substance II (m etham phetam ine) $5,000 bail, M a n u fa c tu r e o f a C o n tro lle d S ubstance w ithin 1000 feet o f a School $50,000 b ail,C h ild N eg lect I $20,000bail, and Ex-Con in Possession o f a Firearm $5,000 bail. In Addition, 45 year-old, Larry D. as a 22-year-old black m ale, w ith a date o fb irth o f M ay 15,1977. Taylor is described as 6” tall, weighing 150 pounds w ith black hair, brown eyes, and a scar on his left wrist. Crim e Stoppers is offering a cash rew ardofup to $ 1,000 for information, reported to Crim e Stoppers, w hich leads to an arrest in the case or any unsolved felony crim e and you need In clu d es all p rin ts and jacquards, cu rta in lace, u p h o ls tery. viny I. aw ning canvas, veltex. table pad G ra b er & D ritz drapery hardw are, h o m e dec trim s. ALL CRAFTS 30 off In c lu d e s b o o k s , q u iltin g a n d s tite h e ry accessories, d o ll m a k in g s u p p lie s , c ra fte rs ' n o tio n s & m u c h m o re . Lotts-O-Cars 2616 NE Alberta Portland, OR 97211 Office 282-3340 Cell 957-0948 Pager 441-3512 Community Based Used Cars Affordable Easy Financing Buyers’ Guarantee Low Down Payment Cars $200.00 to $1000.00 88 Ford Taurus $900.00 83 T-Bird $850.00 86 Dodge Blazer $700.00 88 Dodge Dynasty $999.00 86 T-Bird $999.00 81 Buick $550.00 Cars $1000.00 - $4000.00 88 Plymouth Voyager $ 1800.00 91 Convertible Dodge Shadow $4000.00 88 Convertible Chevy Z24 $3500.00 89 Ford Tempo $1800.00 83 Chevy S-10 Pickup $1300.00 ALL BRIDAL & LAL V /’ SPECIAL OCCASION % OFF* 30 In c lu d e s b r id a l fab ric s, s ilk , laces, tu lle , trim s a n d m o re . 2 f| JV O FF* SPECIALTY FO O D S AS ALWAYS 3 0 OFF* YARN AND ULTRASUEDE BE SURF. TO CHECK OUR STORE FOR “MANAGER’S SPECIALS" •D ucmii M s do not apph 10 pnsMHish dtscounlcd nr marked down items 12 21 99 thm I » 00 1 84 1 n la ejiS puæ i O n Sunday, D ecem ber 19, 1999, at approxim ately 3:03 PM, 36-year-old Brian D avid Hill w as arrested in connection w ith a hom icide that took place earlier in the day, in the parking lot o f a grocery store located at 1222 W ashington County SherifF s O ffice assisted the Portland Police Bureau in m aking the arrest. The relationship betw een Hill and the female victim is unclear. The nam e o f the victim is being w ithheld pending notification o f family members. Hill has been charged w ith M urder, no bail, and is being lodged at the M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty D e te n tio n Center. Crimestoppers N / / STAHK R U M I H O I RS \K i \ lK I‘)iio.iin «Diopm SYll RDM ‘um .im -pni M \D \Y H» HO.II1I “pm YR ItO M SAI F HOI RS \|< »VIRI " Ao.un-A Aopin s M l RDM o o o .,m-5pm s | \D M 11 MUm-tpm ¿J STHÉT t I RETAIL - W HOLESALE 700 S.E. 122nd Ave. Portland. OR 2 5 2 -9 5 3 0 Visit our wvbsitv at www fabru depnt com 1-800-392-3376