Page B6 December 22, 1999 B Classifieds/Bids The M ultnom ah C ounty H ealth D epartm ent is currently recruiting for the following position; 000 Public Notices St. P hilip the D eacon E piscopal Church 120 NE Knott at Rodney -2 8 1 -5 8 0 2 Sun. 8am & 10am Eucharist, 10am Sunday School Christmas Eve 9pm Carols & Eucharist The Reverend A lcena E. Boozer, Rector 240 Health Care a D epartm ent O f H um an Services M ental Health and D evelopm ental D isability Services D ivision O ffice ofC lien t Rights Investigator 3 Clients Rights Investigator To qualify, you m ust have four years ’ recent (within the last ten years) full­ tim e investieative experience w hich included fast finding; locating and interview ing w itnesses to verify or disprove claim s o f suspected law violations; and w riting investigation r e p o r ts s u f f ic ie n t fo r u se at adm inistrative hearings o r in court. C o lle g e - le v e l c o u r s e s in la w Enforcem ent, C rim inal Justice, Law, A ccounting, or A uditing m ay be substituted on a year-for-year basis for up to one year o f the required experience. Salary is $2,771 to $3,903 a month. T o apply, you m ay o b ta in a S ta te o f O re g o n a p p lic a tio n (form P D 100) fro m an y local O re g o n em p lo y m e n t d e p a r tm e n t office o r m ost sta te agency p ersonnel offices, o r call (503) 945-9834 (T T Y (503) 945-9836 fo r the h e a rin g im paired). Send completed application materials to : P e rso n n e l S e rv ic e s, M e n ta l H ealth and Developmental Disability S ervices D ivision, 2575 B itte rn St. N E , (P .O . Box 14250) S alem , O R 97309-0740, o r fax to (503) 947- 1028. Closing date is January 7,1999. <4 c 73 Ö X5 « « D ata System C o o rd in a to r In fo rm a tio n system s an aly st II Join the M ultnom ah C ounty H ealth D ept IS Team to coordinate the developm ent, m aintenance, and docum entation o f M icrosoft A ccess databases and others m all data system s built for w ork units w ithin the H ealth Departm ent. Includes consultation to w ork units on how best to m eet their data collection and inform ation needs, project m anagem ent, and m onitoring the w ork o f A ccess program m ers for quality assurance. • This position requires some lead, supervisory, or coordination experience • B usiness process analysis skills • A dvanced skills using M icrosoft A ccess as w ell as know ledge and experience using M icrosoft O ffice 97 or 2000. V BA , SQL, N T, and Novell. A pplication m aterials and formal jo b announcem ents are available at: w w w .co.m ultnom . in person or by m ailing a self-addressed stam ped envelope requesting application form s to; M ultnom ah County Em ployee Services, 1120 S W 5 ,h A venue, first Floor Lobby, PO Box 14700, Portland, O R 97293-0700. A ssisted access to M ultnom ah County jo b inform ation and w eb site is available at M ultnom ah C ounty Libraries. M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty is ac tiv e ly recruiting persons from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds to enhance service to o u r diverse com m unity. B ilingual/bicultural ca n d id a te s are en c o u ra g e d to apply. A n E q u al O p p o rtu n ity Employer cö T h e M u ltn o m ah B uilding L o cated a t 501 S.E. H aw th o rn e S treet P o rtlan d , O regon A dvertisem ent for: D em o litio n a n d S tru c tu r a l Steel a t th e M u ltn o m a h Building. Lease C rutcher Lew is, serving as the C onstruction M anager/G eneral C ontractor (CM /G C ) for M ultnom ah County, is soliciting bids for the Dem olition and Structural Steel at the M ultnom ah B uilding located at 501 S.E. H aw throne Street, Portland, O regon. Term s and C onditions o f the bid are outlined in Lease C rutcher Lew is, (CM /G C) “Invitation to B id , dated D ecem ber 20,1999, attached to and m ade a part o f the Contract Documents. Bids will be received at th e offices o f L ease C r u tc h e r L ew is, 921 SW W a sh in g to n S u ite 150, P o rtla n d , O re g o n 97205, u n til 2:00 p.m . P D T , J a n u a r y 6,2000 a t w hich tim e th e b id s wiil be p u b licly o p en ed a n d re a d aloud. Bids shall be clearly m a rk e d “ T h e M u ltn o m a h B u ild in g ” . Pre-bid conference will be held at the M ultnom ah Building located at 501 S.E. Hawthorne on D ecem ber27,1999 at 2 :00 p.m . The agenda o f this meeting will be to answ er questions regarding bid docum ents and instructions to bidder and to verify existing conditions. This Bid Package includes dem olition, structural steel w ork and purchase o f A H U /Fan U nits at the M ultnom ah Building for M ultnom ah County. C ontract D ocum ents m ay be review ed at the follow ing locations: Lease C rutcher Lew is (CM /G C )/Portland, OR; C onstruction D ata and N ew s/ Portland, W ilsonville, OR; C onstruction M arket D ata/Portland, O R; D aily Journal Plan C enter/Portland, O R; Impact B usiness C onsultants, P.C./ Portland, O R; O regon A ssociation o f M inority Enterprises/Portland, OR; O regon C ontractors Plan C enter/C lackam as, O R; Salem C ontractors E xchange/Salem , O R; Southw est W ashington C ontractors A ssociation/ training and hiring program . N o bid will be considered unless received by 2:00 p.m. PD T on January 6, 2000, and fully com pleted in the m anner provided by the “ Instructions to B idders”, upon the B id Form provided. ‘ ‘Notice O fRequirement for Affirmative Action To Ensure Equal Employment O pportunity (Executive O rder 11246)” . Lease C rutcher L ew is (C M /G C ) is com m itted to taking affirm ative action bids to encourage and facilitate the participation o f m inority/w om en-ow ned business enterprises (M /W B E) in State projects and encourage Contractors to provide sim ilar opportunities for their Subcontractors. Lease Crutcher Lewis (CM /GC) B art D. Ricketts Project M anager Sub-Bids Requested «4 T he City o f V ancouver is seeking qualified firm s to prepare Biological A ssessm ents for a num ber o f projects planned by T ransportation Services, in accordance w ith the E nvironm ental S pecies Act. Request for Q ualification inform ation packets m ay be obtained from the office o f Purchasing, Financial Services B uilding, 100 East 13lh Street, V ancouver, W ashington, (360) 696-8231. Q uestions re g a rd in g this R eq u est for Q u alificatio n s m ay be d irected to C o n n ie K ra to v il, a t (360) 696-8290, ext. 8102. Sealed responses will be received by the P urchasing A gent o f the City o f V ancouver, W ashington up to the hour o f 3:00 p.m. W ednesday, January 19, 2000. Responses delivered later will not be accepted. The City o f V ancouver is not responsible for delays in delivery. All responses to this request shall be addressed to the attention o f the Purchasing A gent, City o f V ancouver, PO Box 1995, V ancouver, W ashington 98668-1995. A ll delivered responses shall be delivered to the Purchasing A gent, City o f V ancouver, Financial Services Building, 100 East 13,h Street, V ancouver, W ashington 98660. All proposals shall be placed in a sealed envelope, w hich is clearly marked “Biological Assessment Services” . R esponses by Fax will n o t be accep ted . The City o f V ancouver is com m itted to providing equal opportunities to State o f W ashington certified M inority, D isadvantages and W om en’s B usiness Enterprises in contracting activities. (Section 4 o f C hapter 56, Laws o f 1 975,1” Ex. Sess., State o fW ash in g to n .) The City o f V ancouver reserves the right to cancel this request or reject any and all responses subm itted o r to w aive any m inor form alities o f this call if in the judgm ent ofth e C ity Council the best interest o f the City w ould be served. V. M arcelyn Jandreau Purchasing A gent Metro Request For Bids A dvertisement F or B ids V ancouver, WA. C ontract D ocum ents m ay be purchased in its entirety or in part from Precision Images, (503)274-2030. All bidders m ust com ply w ith the following requirem ents: Prevailing W age Law, O RS 279.350, L icensed w ith C onstruction C ontractors Board ORS 671.530, R esident Status O R S 279.029. Subcontracts o f$ 100.000 or m ore m ust com ply w ith the C ity o f Portland/M ultnom ah County w ork force » J4 FOR BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT SERVICES 333 SW O ak ST A partm ent - Renovation * Portland, OR Bid Date: January 5,2000 * 2:00 PM 9965 SW A rc tic D rive SI ABOI I) B e av e rto n , O R 97005 C onstruction Co.. Inc. (503) 626-8060 General C ontractor Fax (503) 626-0331 C C B #48023 Plans A vailable at the above location. Contact: T ed M inton W e are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids from all interested suppliers & subcontractors. W om en, m inority, disadvantaged ow ned businesses, em erging sm all business enterprises, low income businesses or subcontractors are encouraged to subm it bids on this project. Call Today 503.288.0033 Facsimle.................... .503.288.0015 ¡ Information/Travel j 1 P u b lic N o tic e s.............................. non 1 I A nnouncem ents/W eddings....010 I A n n o u n cem en ts/B irth s........ .015 Fam ily Services....................... ..020 Lost an d F ound......................... .030 M eeting Notices....................... ..040 T ic k e ts, fo r Sale W a n te d ..................... .050 T ravel................................. ...... ..060 Real Estate Acroagp..................................... ..100 H om es fo r sale.......................... ..110 H om es for re n t......................... ..115 A p p artm en ts, duplexes for Sale...................... ..120 A p p artm en ts, duplexes for R ent.......................125 M anu factu red Homes fo r Snip ................. ..130 M an u factu red Homes for Rent.................... ..135 O th e rs fo r Sale........................ ..140 O th e rs fo r R e n t....................... ..145 C o m m ercial Real E state....... ..150 W a te rfro n t P ro p e rty ...............155 Real E sta te Services............. ...160 R eal E sta te W a n te d .............. ...165 Employment Scalehouse B uilding E x p an sio n R FB #99B -45-R E M T he Regional Environm ental M anagem ent D epartm ent o f M etro, a regional governm ent organized under the laws o f the state o f O regon and the 1992 M etro Charter to provide services for M ultnomah, Clackam as and Washington Counties is requesting bids for Expansion o f an existing scalehouse building at the M etro South Transfer Station located in O regon C ity, Oregon. W ork contem plated consists o f construction o f a 10’ X 1 2 ’ com puter room on the w est end o f an existing scalehouse pre-cast building. S ealed B ids a r e d u e no la te r th a n 3 :00 PM, D ec em b e r 29 ,1 9 9 9 at M etro Regional Office, Regional Environmental Department, 600NE Grand Avenue, Portland, O regon, 97232 Attention: D aw it Solom on at w hich tim e they will be publicly opened and read aloud in Conf. R oom R E M -I. Facsim ile (FAX) bids w ill not be accepted. C opies o f the RFB docum ents are available at the M etro R egional O ffices betw een 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. w eekdays or calling Metro at (503)797-1672. A M an d ato ry Pre-B id C onference will be conducted a t 10:00 AM, D ecem b er 22, 1999 in the C ontrol R oom at M etro South T ransfer Station, 2001 W ashington Street, O regon City, O regon 97045. T his is a public w orks project. All bidders m ust certify that they will com ply w ith the requirem ents ofO R S 279.30, requiring paym ent ofprevailing wage rates effective a the tim e o f this advertisem ent and paym ent fee as required by BOLI, C ontractors m ust be registered w ith the O regon Construction B oard pursuant to O RS 671.350. Bids m ust conform to the RFB form at and be com plete including the use o f any forms. M etro m ay accept or reject any or all bids, in w hole or in part, or w aive irregularities not affecting substantial rights ifsu ch action is deem ed in the public interest. M etro and its contractors will not discrim inate against any person(s) based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical handicap, political affiliation or marital status. M etro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically encourages m inority and w om en-ow ned businesses to access and participate in this and all M etro projects, program s and services. Meet the E mployer of C hoice G uidance/R esum es.—......... ...200 P rofessional............................ ...205 Com p u ter/Tec hnology............210 C o n tra c to rs............................ ...215 O u td o o r H om e C a re ............. ...220 In d o o r H om e C are, D om estic................. ..225 F inancial, In su ra n ce............ ...230 fT pnprnl................................... ...235 H ealth C a re ............................ ...240 M a r k e tin g ................................... ...245 O ffice........................................ ...250 R etail........................................ ...255 Sales.......................................... ...260 Social S ervices....................... ...265 T em p o ra ry , Part-T im e, S easo n al................. ...270 Positions W a n te d .................. ...275 B usiness o p p o rtu n itie s....... ...280 Items for Sale A ntiques.................................. ....300 A ppliances........................... —,...305 A uctions......................................310 ( In th in p ...................................... . ...315 C lo th in g .................................. ...320 C o m p u ters/E lectro n ics, S o ftw are................ ..3 2 5 E sta te A uctio n s/S ales......... .3 3 0 F arm Item s............................ ..3 3 5 F u rn itu re ................................ ..3 4 0 C ia ra n e Sale...............................345 G a rd e n E quipm ent.............. ...350 Heavy E q uipm ent................. ...355 Hobbies/CCollectors ..... ...3 6 0 L ivestock................................ ...365 ...3 7 0 M is c e lla n e o u s fo r Sale M iscellaneous W a n te d ..........375 m en t .................. . ...380 1 | ilfT ifp (fn i tin .............................. 1 P e ts /P e t T ra in in g , Show s....385 1 I S tereo E q u ip m en t, T elevision, I Perhaps you’ve enjoyed State Farm Insurance’s refreshingly different approach to service and quality as a valued policyhold. er. Now is the opportunity to enjoy the same friendly approach as it applies to our employment opportunities. We currently have strong growth opportunities for: V C R 's,C D ’s,Tapes.. ...390 ' a 1 wac».....••••••••• (WHS .. ••••••••••••• ••••••••»•• ...395 C laim s R epresen tatives A T V ’s...................................... ....400 A ntiques................................. ....405 A utos by M a k e..................... ....410 Automobiles Learn to Inspect property and casuality claims and analyze structural losses. Candidate should have an interest and ability to investigate, evaluate and negotiate claims. Candidate should also possess exceptional customer service and communica­ tion skills. A Bachelor’s degree Is desirable. Must be willing to relocate within the State of Oregon. All interested candidates should forward a resume Io Stale Farm Insurance. Attn: Human Resources Recruiter, 12400 SE Freeman Way, Milwaukie, OR 97222 or lax: (503) 794-5085. ■ mmbhhhmhhmhihhhhhhhi Stale Farm offers competitive salaries and a choice benefit package that Includes medical and dental, 401 (k) plus a retirement package and more. We offer excellent growth potential, diverse career paths, and the strength of an established industry leader lhrou& STATI » A IM Wc are an Equal Opportunity Employer who believes that diversity is more than just a choice, it's a way o f life. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ j 1J I INDEX CITY OF VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON REQUEST FORQU ALIFICATIONS INFORMATION ............................................................................................per column inch $13 .0 0 ........................................................................ per column inch and boxed $ 15 0 0 ..........................................................per colum n inch boxed and shaded $14.00........................................................................................................RFP/Bids $90.00.......................Sub-Bids(2 column by 3") each additional inch= $ 10.00 IN S U R A N C I ______ All Classified Ads and Bids will be accepted up until noon, Monday. Via Post, e-mail, facsimile or in person at 4747 N.E. MLK Blvd BMW.......................... .....410 Buick......................... ..... 412 C adillac..................... ..... 414 C hevrolet................. ...... 416 C hrysler.................... ..... 418 Dodge......................... .....420 Eagle....................... ..... 422 Eord............................ ......424 C M C .......................... ..... 426 Honda........................ ..... 428 Jeep............................ ..... 430 Lexus......................... ..... 432 Lincoln...................... ..... 434 M azda........................ ..... 436 M ercedes.................. ..... 438 Nissan.................. ...... 440 O ld sm ob lle............. ..... 442 Plym outh................. Saturn....................... Sqh Am.................... ...... 448 Toyota....................... ......450 Volksw agon............ ..... 452 ....454 O thers.............. Buses...................................... .....460 C a m p e rs/T ra lle rs.............. .... 465 M otorcycles......................... .....470 Parts/O iim pstic ....... 475 P a rts/lm norts ................ .....480 PlCkUpS.....MW«MMM«MMM.........<..... 485 R.V7 Sales, Rentals.......... .....490 SUV’«.________________ ..... 495 Personals M pcsaops .................... .. .....500 2 ------------------------- 1