Volume X X IX . Number 51 Merry Christmas from the staff at The Portland Observer Sin' Sección en Español Theft Ring Probe SEA TTLE - A n A lgerian charged w ith b ringing bom b-m aking m aterials into W ashington state from C anada m ay be connected to a theft ring that tunneled funds to terrorist groups, authorities say. A hm ed Ressam , who was arrested for a lle g e d ly a tte m p tin g to s m u g g le nitroglycerin, was jailed for a few w eeks in M ontreal last year for stealing laptop com puters and cellular phones from cars, M ontreal police said . Ressam is suspected o fbeing an associate o f Said A tm ani, w ho is believed o be the head o f a M ontreal crim e ring that engaged in such thefts, December 22, 1999 »ww.theportlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity Montell Jordan gets it on See inside 9 days left to the L ook for Popeye's new Special Inside! millennium University of Oregon Knight Library Newspaper Section Eugene OR 97403 o r t l¿t Bulk Rate U.S. Postage PAID Portland, OR Permit No. 1610 ver Introducing Kwanzaa to the hip hop generation kir T HE P ortland OasmvER M E E ( M o tiv a tio n a l E d u c a tio n a l Entertainm ent) Productions Inc. has taken on the challenge o f educating and prom oting the concept o f K w anzaa to a m ore youthful generation. MEE researchers discovered that K w anzaa was on the upsw ing in urban com m unities, but that there were num erous questions and m isconceptions about the holiday. “ W e found that people had m isinform ation about K w anzaa,” said M EE President Ivan Juzang. “T hey thought it was a religious event, that it had to be celebrated a specific w ay or that it was ju st for A frocentic A frican- A m ericans. W e w anted to give it a more contem porary feel so that people w ould focus on the values and principles o f K w anzaa and not be as focused on the strict observance. T o clear up the m isconceptions and m ake it m ore co m fo rtab le for yo u n g p eo p le to celebrate and participate in the holiday, an instructional video w as created to explain the holiday in everyday term s using various celebration scenarios. In the video, K w anzaa is celebrated by a diverse cast o f young urban actors in a m yriad o f settings and situations. The V ideo is part o f the M EE Com plete K w anzaa Kit, w hich com es w ith a poster and u ser’s guide that features inform ation on Kwanzaa, the principles, terms, sym bols and activities for children to reinforce what they ’ ve learned. ME E used the princ lple o f Uj am sa cooperative economics to locate and i ntract with African- A m erican su p p liers, m an u factu rers and vendors to assem ble the kit to facilitate celebration via one stop shopping. “The idea o fth e com plete kit came w hen we looked at the celebration and discovered there w asn ’t one-stop shopping. Y ou had to go one place to get the m at, another to get the Kinara, another place to get the candles and (Please see 'K w a n z a a ' p ag e 6) police said Venezuela Faces Relief Crisis LA G U AIRA , Venezuela - In V enezuela’s worst natural disaster this century, officials estim ates o f the death toll range from 5,000 to 20,000 in floods and m udslides. A bout 1,500 bodies have been recovered, said Foreign M inister Jose V icente Rangel. Some 150,000 people w ere left hom eless. Econom ists say the dam age to roads, ports, e le c tric ity , te lep h o n e lines, sc h o o ls, hospitals andhom es could reach $2 billion. U.S. Em bassies to Delay Visas W A S H IN G T O N - S tate D ep artm en t officials said that U.S. em bassies abroad will be open, with extra security, at the start o f the new year, but they will not be issuing visas right away. N o nonim m igrant visas will be issued the first tw o w orking days o f January, and no im m igrant visas will be issued the first tw o w eeks so personnel can concentrate on Y 2K priorities, the officials said. The State D epartm ent has issued a w orldw ide alert to A m erican citizens because o f the threat o f possible terrorist operations targeting A m ericans. G lobe Said M ore Democratic in ’99 W A SH IN G TO N - An annual report by a pro-dem ocracy activist group says the w orld becam e a little more dem ocratic in 1999, w ith even “ long-resistant” Islam ic countries show ing signs o f m oving in that direction. The report by Freedom H ouse said 85 nations, or 44 percent ofthe globe’s total, “w ere free” and theirpeople enjoyed “a broad range o f political rights and civil liberties” this year. The report also said that o f the 192 nations existing today, freedom gained ground in 26 and suffered setbacks in 18. Fed Not Expected to Change Rates W A SH IN G TON -W orries about possible m illennium com puter glitches likely will keep Federal Reserve policy-m akers from raising interest rates, despite concerns about inflation. Hie Fed will be review ing interest rates for the final tim e in 1999, and analysts say they w ould normally expect a rate hike, considering how hot the econom y has been. Portland's new police chief sworn in BUU£^1A££ In front o f a crow d o f about 300 people, M ark K roeker, a 32-year Los A ngeles police veteran, was sw orn in last w eek as P o rtlan d ’s new police chief. T he sw earing in occurred at noon on D ecem ber 17 in council cham bers at P o rtlan d ’s City Hall. K roeker, 55, is the first ch ief to be selected from outside the Portland police ranks in 25 years. Form er C h ief C harles M oose resigned in July to becom e police ch ie f in M ontgom ery County, Md. Kroeker, a native ofD allas. O re , who grew up in Africa, France and C alifornia as the son ofm issionary parents, retired in 1997, as one o f Los A ngeles’ m ost w ell-respected and popular deputy chiefs. He will be paid $ 130,000. T he nam ing o f a new ch ief com es two m onths after the city hired Shannon A ssociates, a C alifornia-based firm, to conduct a nationw ide search along w ith the Police Executive Research Forum , based in W ashington, D.C. A 19-m em ber citizen s’ selection com m ittee appointed by Katz narrow ed a field o f 37 candidates dow n to eight sem ifinalists and recom m ended their top choices to the m ayor after interview s last month. K roeker and Ronald C. M onroe, a 20-year-veteran o f the M etropolitan Police D epartm ent in the District o f Colum bia, were the two finalists. Portlands new police chief Mark Kroeker and his wife Diane greet well wishers after the swearing in ceremony. Billy Reed's restaurant and Bar offers more than just food CONTRIBUTED STORY ÍO S T lL h .T o R IL A .S D .Ü B h í.R 'i tK A fter much anticipation, Billy R eed's Restaurant & Bar has opened on M artin Luther K ing Jr. Blvd., bringing to Northeast Portland a high- energy restaurant that presents quality food at affordable prices in a fun and spirited atmosphere. Located at 2808 NE. M LK Jr. Blvd., Billy R e e d ’s is hou sed in the n ew ly ren o v ated Standard Dairy Building The restaurant features rustic, casual dining with a m enu that focuses on American N orthwest grill. Executive ChefPascal C hureau, who has honed his skills at a variety o f establishm ents in Paris and N orthern Cal , brings to the table an inspired menu that mingles com fort foods w ith chicken and gam e dishes, seafood selections, and several vegetarian and pasta dishes. Billy R eed’s Restaurant & Bar is open seven days a week. Lunch is served M onday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m ., and dinner is served seven nights a w eek from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. (M idnight on Friday and Saturday nights). W eekend brunch is served from 8 a m. to 3 p.m. The restaurant includes a main seating room, banquet room , full bar, outdoor patio and dance floor. There is also a gam e room w ith a pool table, video gam es and televisions. Billy R eed’s features a variety o fliv e entertainm ent from local bands six nights a week. Billy R eed ’s is ow ned by Lydia Lundberg and Bill Reed, real estate developers w ho are also responsible for the rem odel o fth e Standard Dairy Building. Lundberg and R eed’s buildings are well respected for quality construction, energy efficiency and innovation. Billy R eed 's Restaurant & Bar can be reached at 503/ 4 9 3 -8 1 2 7 or v is it www.stdairy.com /restaurant.