Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 15, 1999, Page 9, Image 9

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(Efye ^Jortlanh ©baeruer
Radio broadcast raises
funds to feed homeless
December 15,1999
The Whitfield Company
for T he
P ortland O bserver
K-Love Radio N etw ork and a consortium o f 37 rescue m issions successfully
raised $43,389 to feed the hungry and hom eless across the nation for the
holidays. Portland residents gave $9,635 to provide meals for the needy at
Portland Rescue M ission and City Team M inistries.
Hie Feed The H ungry ’99 fund-raiser was broadcast on the K-Love Radio
Network from Nov. 17 to N ov.23. The m oney raised provides 23,710 meals for
hungry people at the rescue m issions throughout the United States.
“Feeding the hungry and the less fortunate is a tangible way that w e can show
the love o f G od,” said K -Love President D ick Jenkins. “T h at’s w hy we want
to m ake this an annual event here at K -Love.”
In the last three years, this program has been used to raise m oney to feed the
hungry in Portland. This is the first tim e the program has been launched
nationw ide in all K -Love Radio broadcast areas.
K-Love Radio N etw ork is a listener-supported Christian radio ministry.
Listeners can hear the great contem porary Christian music on K-Love ministry.
FM, 96.3 FM and 1040 AM in Portland.
Yes 2 the king “2000” Celebration
H ighland U nited C hurch o f Christ
presents the Yes 2 the King “2000”
C e le b r a tio n , a c o lle c tio n o f
w orkshops and fellow ship program s
for all. H ighland U nited Church o f
C h r is t is b rin g in g to g e th e r an
anointed group o f C hristian Leaders
from vario u s co n g re g atio n s and
denom inations to run the workshops.
The program kicks o ff with a powerful
new C hristian play called “U ntitled”
by playw right Travis w est there are
s e s s io n s o n ; H e a lth y E a tin g ,
'C h ristia n D ating, S urviving in a
D y s f u n c tio n a l W o rld , A rt o f
P reach in g , W orsh ip in g in Song,
C h ristia n ste p p in g , M o rals and
V alues, and there are also Fun and
fellow ship opportunities w ith roller
skating and a trip to Snow Bunny
Lodge. The celebration finale is Feet
W ashing at 12:00 AM on January 1,
2000. This is a spiritual; and truly
uplifting event, and is an opportunity
for those who are saved to grow in
their faith, and those w ho are not
saved to learn w hat it m eans to be
saved. Start the year 2000 “in the right
place” by attending this Yes to the
king “2000” C elebration during the
last w eek o f the year 1999.
The w orkshops are free o f charge,
but there are fees for the Fun and
F e llo w sh ip e v e n ts th a t h ap p e n
outside ofchurch. D inner is provided
after all the evening services, except
D e c e m b e r 3 1 st. D o n a tio n s are
I f there are any questions about this
Yes 2 the King “2000” Celebration,
please call (503) 287-9567.Tuesday,
D ec em b e r 2 8 th th ro u g h F rid ay ,
December 31 Highland United Church
o f C hrist 4635 NE 9th Ave. Portland
Oregon 97211
Religion Briefs
The Daniels
Memorial Church
celebrates 50 years
The Daniels Memorial Church Family
is proud to announce the celebration
o f the church’s 50 years in existence
1949-1999. W e are indeed grateful to
God A lm ighty for his continuous
strength and guidance throughout
these tim es.
To com m em orate this m om entous
m ilestone, w e w ill have a special
c e le b ra tio n w o rsh ip se rv ic e on
Sunday D ecem ber 26,h, 1999, 11:00
AM. This letter is to cordially invite
The W hitfield Com pany
Is Invited Back to N B C ’s “ Today Show ” For 2nd Year
The legendary D etroit-based choir, The W hitfield Com pany, has had quite
a com eback year. W hen their founder Thom as W hitfield died in 1992, the
gospel music industry abandoned the group and predicted its demise.
H ow ever, the group stayed intact am id m any challenges and released their
firstalbum since T hom as’ death. The album S till... the W hitfield Com pany
(Crystal Rose Records) was a big gospel hit and the single “ Holding O n"
received it’s television debut on N B C ’s “Today Show last D ecem ber as
the choir kicked-off the news m agazine’s annual outdoor Christm as
concert series. The choir has been invited back to close the ‘ W eekend
Today Show ’s” C hristm as series at Rockefeller Plaza Sunday, Decem ber
you, and your family to com e and
celebrate with us. Please jo in us for
this special tim e o f w orshipping and
praising G od for bringing us thus far.
Light refreshm ents will follow the
service, in the H.B. Daniels Sr. dining
I f you can attend, please respond by
calling the church and leaving a voice
New Beginnings pastor spreads
churches internationally
mail message.
M ay G o d ’s Richest Blessings Be
Christ Memorial
Church’s Jada
outreach ministries
annual homeless
19,h@ 8:00 AM (EST).
The ch o ir’s first network television appearance in their tw enty-two year
history caused the gospel industry to take a second look. The ensem ble
re c e iv e d sev eral long o v erd u e acco lad e s. A sid e from T h o m as
posthumously receiving the Stel lar Aw ards' (the Gospel Grammies) lifetime
achievem ent award, the choir m ade several television appearances and
was inducted into the G ospel M usic Hall o f Fam e this past O ctober. T heir
song “ D on’t G ive U p O n Jesus” was featured on the gold W OW 1999
com pilation album. In the sw eetest o f ironies, the label that dropped the
group from its roster upon T hom as’ death, released an anthology o f the
ch o ir’s best loved hits this year entitled. The Best o f Thomas W hitfield:
W e Rem em ber Thomas.
1 l:00am to3:00PM L ocatedA t: 1552
N. K illingworth St. Portland, Oregon
Hot Food Clothing W arm Blankets
Food Boxes Available for Families in
Church Vans Will Be Picking Up Every
30 M inutes from Downtown Shelters.
For inform ation. Please contact Sis.
Jeanette Davis or Pastor Roy L Tate
(503) 281 -6536(503) 286-9624 May
G od Richly Bless you this Holiday
Gospel 2000
The Fellow ship M issionary Baptist
C h u rch M ass C h o ir and P asto r
Johnny Pack IV, bring "Total Praise"
to the Hollyw ood Theatre (4122 NE
Sandy Blvd.) January 8,2000 at 6 pm.
You're invited to witness the spirit o f
gospel music and dance w ith the
"100 voices" F ellow ship B aptist
Church Mass Choir, Praise Dancers,
and The Fellow ship Youth Choir.
December 18.1999
not understand or overcome. I even brought this anger into
m y m arriage with Tiz.
“T hen one day I finally realized— not only was my salvation
Pastor Larry H uch is the founder and Senior Pastor o f bought for m e at Calvary, but when Jesus took m y sin upon
New Beginnings Christian Center in Portland, Oregon. He H im self, H e redeem ed me from every curse. O nce I realized
and his w ife Tiz have pioneered six churches in A m erica this, I was com pletely delivered from the generational curse
and A ustralia. The success o f these churches is due to o f anger that had dom inated m y life!
their enthusiasm , personal com m itm ent to evangelism , “Through this freedom, Tiz and m y m arriage w as restored
and we w ere able to fulfill the calling God had placed on our
and teaching G o d ’s people to win.
lives. O ver the next twenty years we w ent on to build and
Pastor H uch speaks on his ow n personal experience:
six churches in America and Australia, w here we have
“I know w hat it is to live under the yoke o f sin and iniquity.
saved and delivered.
I know how it feels to hate the w ay you are, but to lack the
“ In 1990, G od m oved us from A delaide, South A ustralia to
ability to change yourself.
"Y ou see, I grew up in the inner-city o f St. Louis, Missouri Portland, Oregon to build New Beginnings Christian Center.
in a life ofcrim e and violence. By the time I was in my early W e have seen G od do am azing things there! N BCC has
tw enties, I was living in C olum bia, South Am erica grown from a group o f ten people to over 5,000 in ju st a few
sm uggling drugs into the States. A fter I alm ost died o f a years!
drug overdose, I realized that no m atter how m uch m oney “ In 1994, Tiz and I were with Benny Hinn at his crusade when
I had, I could not fill the void in my heart. I knew that there G od spoke to me about the new w ork He desired us to m ove
into. H e told me that not only did He desire for H is children
m ust be som ething m ore in life.
to be healed o f infirm ities, but also delivered from the
“N ot m ore than a year after the overdose, a young man
shared the m essage o f Jesus C hrist w ith me. I got saved, stronghold o f generational curse, ju st as I had been! H e had
delivered from addictions and was on my way to Heaven. given m e freedom from generational curses that bound my
It w ould be several years how ever, before I would life and now it was tim e for me to share with the w orld how
they too could experience freedom !”
experience total freedom.
“Though I was saved, I was still bound by generational Rem em ber, no m atter w ho you are or w hat you have done—
curses. I lived day to day w ith anger and rage that I could Jesus has a new beginning for you
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