Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 15, 1999, Page 4, Image 4

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December 15, 1999
¿The fkurilarò ©baeruer
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o fs u c h a d C 1996 T H E P O R T L A N D O B ­
E arl O i ari H l k
io r T hk P ortland O aSL&vtK
counsel to fully investigate the King
That investigation w ould have to start
w ith the F B I. It still has not answ ered
many questions about the secret w ar
it w aged against K ing from the late
195O’s to the day o f his murder.
A ccording to volu m in o u s public
docum ents released to researchers
and governm ent investigators, FBI
director J. Edgar H oover and the
Justice D epartm ent relentlessly tried
to tie King to the Com m unist party.
The assault on K ing was m ore than
H o o v er ac tin g o ut his p ara n o id
obsessions against a m an w hom he
considered a dangerous subversive,
it w as a w a r a g a in st the b la c k
movement. A nd H oover decided that
the cheap and dirty w ay to win that
w ar w as by discrediting the m ost
respected and adm ired sym bol o fth at
M any o f those dirty tactics em ployed
by FBI agents against K ing are now
w ell know n. They deluged him w ith
w ire ta p s, p h y sic a l su rv e illa n c e ,
p o is o n - p e n
le tte r s ,
th r e a ts ,
harassm ent, intim idation, and sm ear
sexual leaks to the media.
D u rin g its in v e stig a tio n o f th e
assassination, H oover claim ed that
the FBI did not find a single fact to
in d ic a te a n y c o n s p ira c y in th e
assassination. Ray was the man and
the FBI slam m ed the book on the
case. It w as the “ lone nut” assassin
theory repeated again. T here’s, o f
course, no p ro o f that the FBI or other
governm ent agents killed King. But
the ferocity o f the F B I’s secret w ar
against him and the m any questions
the FBI probe did not publicly answer
about Ray ’ s travels, his possible links
to w hite suprem acist groups, and
conservative business groups in the
South, and the role o f governm ent
agents that were at o rnearthe Lorraine
M otel the day K ing was killed have
created deep public suspicions that
Ray d id n ’t act alone. A nd w orse,
these sam e unansw ered questions
have left ju st enough w iggle room for
conspiracy theorists to have a field
day trying to unravel secret plots,
co v er-u p s and finally blam e the
governm ent for killing King.
T he M em phis ju ry d id n ’t really
u ncover any hard p ro o f that the
g o v e r n m e n t, r a c is t g ro u p s , o r
o rg an ized crim e figures d irectly
issu e d o rd e rs to k ill K in g . A n
independent probe, how ever, m ight
at least allay som e o f the lingering
much to answer
about K in g ’s
USPS 959-680
d it o r
(The J lo r t la n b (D b a e ru e r
Honor Martin Luther King, Jr.
Still no proof of
government conspiracy by performing acts of kindness
for 2000 King Holiday
Yet FBI has
Articles do not
necessarily reflect or
represent the views of
fio rtla n h
The Portland O b server-O reg o n s Oldest
M u lb c u ftu n l P u b licatio n -is a m em ber o fth e
National N e w sp aper Association- Lounded in
18S5.and The N ational Advertising Represen­
tative AnadgamaSedPuWishets. Inc. N ew Y o i k
N Y , and The W est Coast Black Publishers
A saocab on-S erving Porthndand Vancouver
The conclusion by a M em phis jury in
a civil lawsuit brought by the family
ofM artin Luther King, Jr. that he was
the victim o f a contracted hit seem ed
to vindicate those who have long
protested that King was the target o f
a vast conspiracy by organized crim e
and the governm ent. O ne o f those
w ho has worked the hit victim angle
especially hard is arch conspiracy
b uff and form er attorney for Jam es
Earl Ray, W illiam Pepper.
The M em phis ju ry bought his claim
that Ray w as a Lee H arvey O sw ald-
type patsy and that the order to kill
King cam e from organized crim e
figures. T he m ost dam aging charge
by Pepper was that two teams o f arm y
s n ip e rs lu r k e d o u ts id e K in g ’s
M em phis motel room the day he was
killed and they also had orders to
open fire on him.
Before his death in 1998, Ray probably
did m ore than anyone else to stoke
the conspiracy flam es by scream ing
that he was fram ed and recanting his
guilty plea. W'hen these allegations
w ere set against the backdrop o f the
F B I’s decade long w ar on K ing and
suspicions that it d idn’t tell all in its
investigation o f the assassination, it
w as m o re th an en o u g h to send
conspiracy theorists rushing to the
barricades. But despite the M em phis
verdict they are still rushing to the
w rong barricades. The evidence is
ir r e f u ta b le th a t R a y w as th e
triggerman. His fingerprints w ere on
the alleged m urder weapon. He was at
the crim e scene and he confessed to
the murder.
O ver the years Ray told different
people different things about his
activities and w hereabouts at the time
ofthe murder. T hat’s w hy his protests
o f innocence and fram e-ups a quarter
century afte r he m urdered K ing
alw ays so u n d ed like those o f a
loathsom e, an d d isc re d ite d m an
desperately thrashing around to salve
his conscience, grab m edia attention,
d o u b ts a n d s u s p ic io n s th a t
governm ent agencies d id n ’t tell the
com plete truth about K in g ’s murder.
But even this still w ouldn’ t be enough
to absolve the FBI o f its disgraceful,
destructive, and illegal cam paign
against King. The climate o f suspicion
and hostility it created tow ard the
civil rights movement made it possible
forRay tomurderKing. And ultimately
the FBI still m ust share som e o f the
blam e for that.
Earl Ofari H utchinson is a nationally
syndicated colum nist and the director
o fT h e N ational A lliance for Positive
Action. em ail:ehutchi344@ aol.com
and cash in on the notoriety o f the
The K ing fam ily and those w ho
sincerely w ant to get to the truth
about the King murder would be better
served by publicly cam paigning to
lift the fifty year seal im posed by a
federal court in 1977 on FBI wiretaps
and surveillance data gathered on
King betw een 1963 and 1968. If the
courts refuse then public pressure
should be put on A ttorney G eneral
Janet Reno to increase the scope o f
its m uch too lim ited investigation she
ordered at the behest o f the King
family and appoint an independent
Letter to the Editor
B\ M
a k i in
in g
My father w ould have celebrated his
71“ birthday in the first m onth o f the
new M illennium.
W hile I d id not have the chance to
work by his side, through his action
and his w riting I have learned the
lessons o f a lifetim e that kindness
and ju stice are the foundations o f a
noble life and that individuals can
change the w orld.
M y f a th e r h e lp e d le a d th e
M ontgom ery Bus Boycott in 1955
because h a w as in sp ire d by the
courageous act o f one w om en who
stood up for the dignity o f all people
by sitting dow n at the front o f the
bus. R osa Parks challenged A m erica
to honor its b elief that all people are
created equal, and she proved that
individuals could change history.
T h e b u s b o y c o tt p r o v e d th a t
everyone could participate in building
a movement. It was a million small, yet
pow erful acts - including a year o f
w alking to w ork and m arching for
justice - that touched the hearts and
m inds o f people across the nation.
I w ould like to invite educator and
students across A m erica to carry my
father’s legacy into the new century
by participating in the third annual
Do Som ething K indness and Justice
ch allenge, an in n o v ativ e school-
b a s e d le a d e rs h ip p ro g re s s th a t
encourages student in grades K-12
to perform A cts o f K indness (helping
others) and ju stice (standing up for
what is right) for two weeks following
the 2000 M artin L uther King, Jr.
the p o te n tia l c le a n -u p co sts. I f
polluters are no longer responsible
for the toxic w aste they produce, there
is no incentive for not producing
Congress is also considering another
toxic w aste clean-up bill at this time.
H.R. 2956 is in fav o ro f strengthening
Superfund legislation, making the
clean up o f these sites m ore possible.
I fyou w ould like to see the Willamette
R iver and Superftm d Sites cleaned
up properly and the expense o f
polluters, I urge you to check out
these bills on 1 ine and to contact your
re p re s e n ta tiv e s a n d v o ic e y o u r
Letters to the
Just think; Your son
is b rig h t, h e a lth y
a n d h e a d e d fo r
college one day You
love the direction your
career has taken. You're doing a lot of the things you planned
and even a few you didn't. Living life to the fullest is easy when
Dear Editor,
Before Congress w ent into recess in
N ovem ber, a couple o f bills were
p ro p o sed
th a t w o u ld
s h if t
responsibility o f toxic w aste clean up
at the S u p erfu n d S ite from the
profiting polluters to the taxpayers
w hile low ering clean-up standards.
The W illam ette River, w hich runs
through the heart o f Portland, is one
o f the five m ost polluted rivers in the
nation and is currently on the verge
ofbeing designated a Superfund Site.
I w ant to see the riv er properly
c le a n e d - u p a n d th e p a r tie s
responsible for polluting pay the tab.
U n fo rtu n a te ly , R e p re s e n ta tiv e s
Blumenauer and weaken clean-up and
the parties responsible for supporting
H R. 1300andH.R. 2580,thebills that
w ill n o t o n ly w ea k en c le a n -u p
standards, but burden taxpayers with
w ill receive national recognition and
are eligible to w in prizes.
Educators can register for the 2000
Each day during the tw o - w eek
Do Som ething K indness & Justice
e d u c atio n in itia tiv e , m illio n s o f
C h a lle n g e o n th e I n te r n e t at
students nationw ide w ill leam about
w w w .dosom ething.org or by calling
values o f responsibility, com passion,
Do Som ething at 212-5231189. Each
h o n esty , n o n v io le n ce and m oral
teacher w ho registers will receive a
courage w hile perform ing A cts o f
free E ducator G uide w ith an age-
K indness and Justice in their schools,
appropriate curriculum , instructions
hom es and com m unities. In its first
two years, more than 2 million students . for posting A cts o f K indness and
Justice on the Internet and incentives
from 25,000 schools perform ed Acts
to encourage student participation.
o f K indness and Justice to keep my
"Through the Do Som ething Kindness
father’s dream alive. Judy from Venice
& Justice Challenge, young people
High School in Los A ngeles collected
acro ss A m erica are p u ttin g into
clothing to help the hom eless in her
practice the ideals to w hich m y father
neighborhood. C assandra from Utah
devoted his life. If students com m it to
visited a friend w ho was terminally ill;
one day o f kindness and justice, then
hugging her and helping her do things
they can com m it to a week ofkindness
she co u ld n ’t do by herself. Sarah
and ju stice- a w eek becom es a year, a
from Altus Middle School in Oklahoma
year becom e a lifetime.
helped her pack supplies for hurricane
B y standing up for our beliefs and
victim s. These young people show
ta k in g a c tio n to im p r o v e o u r
how individuals can make adifference
com m unities and nation, we w ill help
w hen they choose to take personal
m ake m y father’s dream o f equality
action to im prove their com m unity.
and ju stice a reality.
E very school in the nation is invited
to participate. For two weeks, teachers
spend approxim ately 15-25 m inutes
each day teaching the virtues o f
kindness and justice. Students w rite
d o w n th e ir in d iv id u a l A c ts o f
K in d n ess an d Ju stice , and each
sc h o o l p o s ts th e ir A cts o n D o
S o m ething’s interactive w ebsite -
w w w .d o so m eth in g .o rg - keeping
track o f their com m unity-building
e ffo rts a n d sh a rin g sto rie s and
P.O. Box 3137
e x p e r ie n c e s
w ith
s tu d e n ts
P ortland O r. 97208
nationw ide. Schools without Internet
access can subm it their A cts by mail.
T op perform ing students and school
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