D ecem ber 1 5 ,1 9 9 9 ÿlprUanî» ffihaerucr New York Times Bestsellers list Hardcover Fiction 1 HARRY POTTER A N D THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS, by J. K. Rowling. 2 HARRY POTTER A N D THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN by J. K. Rowling. 3 HARRY POTTER A N D THE SO RCERER’S STO NE by J. K. Rowling. 4 TIMELINE by Michael Crichton. 5 IR RESISTIBLE FO R C ES, by Danielle Steel. 6 SA V IN G FAITH , by D avid Baldacci. 7 A WALK TO REMEMBER, by Nicholas Sparks. 8 POP GOES THE WEASEL, by James Patterson. 9 HUNTING BADGER by Tony Hillerman. 10 H EARTS IN A T L A N T IS by Stephen King. Hardcover Non-Fiction 1 TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE by Mitch Albom. 2 ’TIS by Frank McCourt. 3 HAVE A NICE DAY! by Mick Foley. 4 THE GREATEST GENERATION by Tom Brokaw. 5 LIFE: OurCentury in Pictures, edited by Richard B. Stolley and Tony Chiu. 6 W HEN PRIDE STILL MATTERED by David Maraniss. 7 AN D THE CROWD GOES WILD, by Joe Gamer. 8 THE CENTURY by Peter Jennings and Todd Brewster. 9 GALILEO’S DAUGHTER by Dava Sobel. 10 ESPN SPORTSCENTUR Y, edited by Michael MacCambridge. Paperback Fiction 1 H ARR Y POTTER A N D THE SO RCERER’S STO NE by J. K. Rowling. 2 JEWELS OF THE SUN, by Nora Roberts. 3 VINEGAR HILL, by A. Manette Ansay. 4 TOM C L A N C Y ’S PO W ER PLAYS: Shadow Watch, created by Tom Clancy and Martin Greenberg. 5 THE GREEN MILE, by Stephen King. 6 MIRROR IMAGE, by Danielle Steel. 7 THE HAMMER OF EDEN, by Ken Follett 8 POKEMON: Nos. 1-4, by Tracey West. 9 THE PR E SE N T , by Johanna Lindsey. 10 TOE SIMPLE TRUTH, by David Baldacci. Paperback Non-Fiction 1 A N G ELA ’S ASH ES by Frank McCourt. 2 BLEND M AN’S BLUFF by Sherry Sontag and Christopher Drew with Annette Lawrence Drew. 3 A WALK IN THE WOODS by Bill Bryson. 4 THE PERFECT STORM by Sebastian Junger. 5 A CHILD CALLED ‘ ’IT,’ ’ by Dave Pelzer. 6 THE PROFESSOR AND THE MADMAN by Simon Winchester. 7 THE LOST BOY, by Dave Pelzer. 8 PERFECT MURDER, PERFECT TOWN by Uwrence Schiller. 9 GUNS, GERMS, AND STEEL by Jared Diamond. 10 THE SEAT OF THE SOUL, by Gary Zukav. When Going Through Hell.. .Don’t Stop 1* wi »Un lU« ikt pvtr 4 Im a uitt Á4 ta»U< « Mtbr á Û b M> iw* lit W • Page 11 a u r liwi' A Survivor’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety and Clinical Depression By D ouglas Bloch P alla s C o m m u n ic a tio n s; 2000 D espite the recent advent o f Prozac and other designer drugs, depression is on the rise. Since W W II, rates o f depression have doubledin theU .S., and depression is now the 2nd m ost disabling illness in the W estern w o rld a f te r h e a r t d is e a s e . D epression costs the econom y 43.7 b illio n d o lla rs a y e a r on lo st p r o d u c tiv ity and w re a k s considerable violence on the culture, as evidence by the fact that all the recent m ass shootings w ere carried out by depressed males. D espite the fact that drug therapy has becom e the m ajor w eapon in fighting depression, “20% o f the people get little to no response to any o f our therapies,” according to Dr. Steven H ym an, director o f the N ational Institute ofM ental Health. N orthw est author and psychologist Douglas Bloch w as one o f the large m inority o f patients w ho did not respond to traditional drug therapy. In 1996, he suffered an adverse reaction to an antidepressant that p lu m m e te d h im in to a m a jo r depressive episode. F o rth e n ex tten m onths, he was assailed by out-of­ c o n tro l a n x ie ty a tta c k s w h ich a lte rn a te d w ith d a rk , su ic id a l depressions. Each day felt like an eternity, as he struggled to stay alive in the face o f overw helm ing feelings o f hopelessness and despair. In his book, Mr. Bloch shares his struggle w ith and ultim ate recovery from a life-threatening depressive illness. H e offers a “survival plan for living in hell” that the adopted until the pow er o f spirit, acting through a group o f com m itted, loving people, brought about his rec o v ery . In a d d itio n to h is c o m p e llin g sto ry , M r. B lo c h a lso outlines a fourteen p o in t “ B R A IN M A IN T E N A N C E ” program that can be used by those people for w hom drugs do n o t w o rk . T h is h o lis tic a p p ro a c h in c lu d e s d ie t; nutrition; exercise; vitam in, mineral and herbal supplem ents; and the im portance o f creating bonds o f s o c ia l su p p o rt (social isolation is both a cause and also a consequence o f depression). T/lwu^£ Helt... A Survivor's Guide to Overcoming Anxiety and Clinical 9 Depression Douglas Bloch Author of JX»/ H m / Taking the High Road How to Copewith your Ex-Husband, Maintain Your Sanity, and Raise Your Child in Peace By N ailah S h am i P lu m e; 2000 D ivorce, w hich w as once a hushed, priv ate affair, now co n sisten tly m akes headlines. T he $3 billion divorce o f m edia m ogul Sum ner Redstone and wife Phyllis and the nasty Ron Perelm an and Patricia D u ff split have focused the n atio n ’s attention on this grow ing problem . H alf o f all m arriages w ill end in divorce, according to estimates. Fortunately, women everywhere can benefit from the w isdom o f N ailah S h a m i’s ow n ex p erien ces w ith diabolical divorce in T aking the H igh Road. N ailah Sham i know s divorce and the unpleasantness that oftentim es accom panies it. W ithin m onths o f splitting w ith her husband o f ten years, all hell broke loose. A t first, it was an am icable separation, but soon Shami found herself fearing her ex and fearing for the safety o f their seven-year-old child as he criticized her parenting skills, tried to weasel out o f child s u p p o r t, and com mitted a litany o f other terror revenge tactics. In Taking the High Road, she em pow ers r e a d e r s w ith th e in f o rm a tio n th e y n e e d i f th e y fin d th e m s e lv e s in a sim ilar situation. Her experiences led her to create N atio n al G e t A lo n g W ith Y our Ex M onth - an annual J u ly cam paign w here ex ­ spouses take a pledge to behave themselves for the sake o f their kids. Shami m aintains that for the sake o f the c h ild r e n , s p o u s e s shouldn ’ t stoop to the level o f their crazy exes, or “G rand Pooh-ba Pains in the Butt,” as she hum orously labels all m alicious exes. Instead o f being hell-bent on revenge, Sham i says that w omen should take the high road and work tow ard a better relationship with their exes. F illed w ith p ractical advice on e v e r y th in g fro m s tr e e - r e lie f techniques to how to effectively c o m m u n ic a te a n d d e fu s e b ad situations, from daily affirm ations to tips on collecting child support, T a k in g th e H igh R o a d is th e definitive source on divorce. A dvice on how to counsel children through divorce is also included. T H EATER M ovies N ightly with W eekend M atinees For schedule & information call: 288-2180 McMenamins Kennedy School 5 7 36 NE 53rd • Portland, Oregon www.mrnwnamlm.rom I 4