Page 4 jpnrt la„ì» ©hserwer December IS, 1999 A Hanukkah evening with Michael Allen Harris ___ m S ophia K at The holiday Hanukkah celebration filled the air with beautiful soothing sounds o f the striking piano keys at the TempleBeth Israel in Northwest Portland. The crystal, clear music poured out in perfect chord that was played by no other than Portland’s own Michael Allen Harrison and his band members, Aaron Meyer and Bill Lamb. The evening was a dedication to Adrian Reisner, the truly gifted music teacher and accomplished pianist whose impact helped shape the style and technique o f Michael Allen Harrison’s piano playing. Aaron Meyer, the violinist made his solo debut with the Philadelphia Orchestra on the Kabalevsky Violin Concerto at the age o f eleven. Aaron Meyer played the violin with an impeccably. Both he and Michael collaborated to play a piece known as Y 'rushalayim Shel Zahav Aaron. The piece was played in such perfect hnrmnnv fused fused with with beauty beautv and harmony, and expression, delicately woven into the undiluted essence o f true depth. The music was mesmerizing in that one perfect moment. “It made your spirit soar like the eagle.” The “Remembrance” was a complex and magical piece ofmusic that was inspired by a dream o f Michael Allen Harrison. Dreams in most ancient cultures that are shrouded with antiquity, are by definition channeled from God and his angels and are derived from a di vine order. A ccordingly, this piece flowed smoothly and naturally like the force o f the river. It sym bolized the cultures’ past trials and tribulations and the great journey to the present. The grand finale was a piece that was mixture o f three distinctive styles o f music: Bach, Celtic and Hebrew which all fell into one, with strong undercurrent o f an eastern mystical feeling. It transported you back in history, to a time o f the exotic, rem in iscent o f ancient Jerusalem. Come fill your Come fill your f- - ' se n se s w ith beautiful sights and sounds o f C h ris tm a s . C re a te a new tra d itio n w ith your family and friends, one that will everlasting j o y o u s m e m o rie s o f Christmas past. If you want to c e le b ra te the s p irit o f the se a so n , jo in M ichael A llen Harrison at the h isto ric a l O ld C h u rc h in d o w n to w n P o rtla n d on D ecem ber 17- 23 and on __ Christmas Eve. Call Fastixx at 503/224-8499 or www. fastixx .com. ‘South P a rk ’ creators to produce new series for Web site A ssociated P ress The men who created the bawdy cartoon and movie “South Park” have agreed to produce an original an im a te d se rie s fo r the Shockw en tertain m en t Web site. Macromedia, a San Francisco-based so ftw are co m p an y th at ow ns, announced today that Trey Parker and Matt Stone have signed a multiyear deal to create 39 tw o- to five-m inute episodes. The cartoon will debut early next year. Representatives ofParker and Stone said they have received “significant” equity in and will maintain creative control. Macromedia chiefexecutive Robert (Please see ‘South’ page 6) James DePrcist. Music Director & Conductor G O S P E L C H R IS T M A S Saturday, Dec. 1ft at 7:30 pm Charles Floyd, conductor NW Community Chorus. Terry Davis, director Some o f the area’s finest gospel choirs will, for the New Year’s Blast very first time, join the Oregon Symphony and conductor Charles Floyd for a special evening o f gospel and spiritual A complete service salon with a... er:. Call: Z88-6530 305 N.E. Wygant Portland, OR. 97211 On Sale Now Shawdon’s “Night of Elegance” New Years Eve Celebration Tickets 2731 N Killingsworth 8:00 PM to Close Food, Champagne, Party Favors & Prizes $25.00 per person Ticket required for entry Dress To Impress ID Required 2000 Christmas music. Program includes Go Tell It On The Mountain. Hallelujah Chorus, The First N o il and other traditional and gospel favorites. Tickets: $18.75 - $50 Call 5I3-22I-1353 (1-III-22I-7141) ( h.u \ • I ■•■-Sat. I m - I ib srertor tickets at: ■ww.frsmfceiy.en < ( > \t i i< ( f I \ i i »I