Page B5 December 15, 1999 |Jurtlanò CObseruer (T hv $JorUanb ©haeruer Classifieds/Bids Employment M ental H ealth Specialist 2 - A dult S er v ic e s $ 2 9 9 0 - $ 3 7 9 7 p er m onth 205 Professional Oregon Legislature Communications Director $2906 - $3714 N ow hirin g a C om m unications director to perform media relations and manage external communications for the Oregon Senate Democratic Leadership Office. l MFOflH H l P11^ ' üiâil For application information, contact KarenHuppat(503)986-1373,140-B State Capitol, Salem OR 97310. http:.-. w w w Application m aterials m ust be re c e iv e d in Employee Services by 5:00 PM December30,1999. P a rk in g Clackamas County’s Mental Health Division has an immediate opening for a clinician in its adult program serving acute and severely and persistently ill adults. Competitive candidates will have experience providing the complete spectrum of service to an adult population, possess strong diagnostic skills and ability to work in a managed care environment. M ustpossess M aster’s degree in mental health field with licensure or eligibility to attain licensure as Mental Health Clinician. C ounty Em ploym ent A pplication R eq u ired . A pplication m aterials av ailable at C lackam as C ounty Personnel, 900 Main Street, Oregon City,OR97045,(503)655-8459orhttp:/ / w w w .c o .c la c k a m a s .o r .u s / personnel/jobs.html. Closing date Monday, December27,1999.5:00PM. EEO Employer A g g ressiv e? A m b itio u s? Work From Home Up to $ 1500/mo PAT $5000/mo F/T M ailorder 888-248-6787 250 O ffice ■ s Washington County S en io r A d m in istra tiv e S p ecia list 210 Com p./Tech. ♦ Columbia Sportswear Company® Computer, High Technology Vor k for O ne T ough M other Columbia Sportswear Company has iroven that quality construction, ngineering and innovation in sports pparel is a formula for success. Join tur IS Department in the following -raveyard position: ZomputerOperator Experience troubleshooting in PC/ V in d o w s/N o v e ll e n v iro n m e n t equired. AS400understanding/skills lesired. Previous Operations and/or lelp desk experience required. Colum bia S p o rtsw e a r o ffe rs :ompetitive compensation and a great benefits package. ’lease send resume and salary history o: Human Resources, Dept. COSS, ’OBox83239,PortlandOR 97283,or FAX to: (503) 735-4597. Equal Opportunity Employer. 240 Health C are 8 amilv Intervention Specialist emporary FT. Begins, January 5, 000. A ssist fam ilies overcom e arriers w ith school attendance, .eq’s B. A. or exper in social work or ;lated field $10.90-$ 13.50/HR,D.O.E. ipply at Portland Impact 4707 SE lawthrone Blvd. M ust complete gency application to be considered. OF len tal H ealth C ase M G R /T herapist lulti-cultural com m unity mental e a lth c e n te r se e k s c lin ic ia n ro fic ie n t In T a k e , D iag n o sis, assessments, Treatm ent Plans & :ase Mgmt for Adults w/mental lness/dual diagnosis. Provide 1 -1 & roup therapy. MSW or Masters iegree in related field required. Competitive w age & E xcellent e n e fits. A fric a n A m e ric a n / dinorities encouraged to apply, lubmit resume & cover letter to CCMH, Attn: M . Blum, 3716NE MLK r. Blvd., Portland, OR 97212 or Fax: 503)288-8168. Dept. o f Land Use & Transportation - Operations $2,279-$2,7770/mo. Closes December 27,1999 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846- 4898 fo r in fo rm a tio n . C ou n ty a p p lic a tio n and su p p le m e n ta l application forms required. Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. FacUity O perator $150 E m p lo y m en t B o n u s- See HR Dept. for details. Immediate opening for full and part- time lot attendants with Portland’s leading parking Co. We are seeking dependable individuals with a neat appearance and a positive attitude. $7.60 + starting wage Huge overtime potential Advancement opportunities Medical, Dental, 401K available Applicants must submit to drug test and background check. Apply in person daily between 12-1 PM, M onday-Friday. 215SW 6,hPortland,OR Production Supervisor International m ulti-billion dollar manufacturing company is seeking an experienced supervisor to be re sp o n sib le fo r su p e rv isin g manufacturing activities, directing employees, and safety. The selected individual must have a 4 year college degree or equivalent experience. Strong leadership skills; excellent PC skills; 5 years previous supervisory experience; familiarity with ISO,POC and SOP’s; ability to work well in a team en v iro n m en t; and proven m o tiv a tio n /d e d ic a tio n are all essential. C o m p etitiv e com p en satio n and outstanding benefits! For immediate consideration, please send your resume to:**** P. O. Box 3137 Portland, OR 97208 A pply to: W a sh in g to n C o u n ty H um an Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 260 .•‘¿L Sales A c co u n tin g S o ftw a re S ales M ic ro so ft-b a se d A c c o u n tin g software Co. seeks indep. Reps to resell products in HUGE market Draw+comm. See job descrip. At Email resume to tlawson@ ASAP! R a d io A d v e r t is in g S a le s F o r E n tercom R a d io Stations. Advertising/broadcast sales a plus. Good organizational, written/verbal communications skills. Send resume/ references to Human Resources - Entercom - 0700 SW Bancroft St., Portland, OR 97201. KGON/KFXX/ KKSN/KNRK/ Rosie/Sunny- Equal Opportunity Employer. 235 General X A ttn : N eed ed 11 m o th ers & o th ers To Work From Home $800-$4500/moPT/FT 800-373-8188 or Looking for something, look in (The ^ o r tla n b (0bseruer classifieds. Selling something, call us today! R adio B oard-O P ’s - Full-Time And Part-Time - For Entercom Radio Stations. Must have at least 3 years experience. Send tape and resume to Human Resources, Entercom, 0700 S W Bancroft Street, Portland, Oregon 97201. KGON/KFXX/KKSN/KNRK/ Rosie/Sunny - Equal Opportunity Employer. R adio M orning Show Producer: Rosie 105 is seeking producer for morning show. Before you dazzle us with your rolodex, production skills, imagination and creativity, send a letter o f introduction and resume to Human Resources, 0700 SW Bancorft St., Portland, OR 97201. Equal Opportunity Employer. Radio Promotion Director: For Rosie 105. Coordinate, implement and execute on-air promotions/station events. Looking for a creative, multi­ task, detail-oriented individual who is highly organized. Must have strong interpersonal skills, leadership ability and be able to handle a very fast- paced daily work environment. 3 yrs promotion/marketingexp. Send cover letter/resume to Human Resources - Rosie 105 -- 0700 SW Bancroft St., P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 0 1 . E qual Opportunity Employer Housing Authority O f Portland Engineering Services Letters O f Interest Due: 2:00 p.m ., January 7, 2000 A dvertisem ent For Letters O f Interest Letters o f Interest will be received at the Housing Authority o f Portland (H A P), 8910 N. W oolsey Avenue, Portland, O regon, 97203, until 2:00 p.m ., Friday, January 7 ,2 0 0 0 , for an indefinite quantity o f engineering services for the next tw o years, w ith a three year extension clause. Q uestions regarding this w ork should be directed to H. D avid W alter at 735-4210. H ousing A uthority O f Portland H. D avid W alter A ssistant Director, Public H ousing IIIBWS n a Security Officers Burns Salem-Eugene Vancouver Portland Metro Area II If you are at least 18 years old, have reliable transportation, have no felony convictions and are drug free. Call today or apply at the address below. Call Today GO WITH THE SECURITY COMPANY THAT CAN OFFER YOU THE MOST. BURNS INTERNATIONAL SECURITY. 10200 SW Nimbus #G-5 Portland, OR 97223 Call 624-0357 for directions Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/V/H Females/minorities encouraged to apply. Request For Proposals Notice is hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District o f Oregon (Tri-Met) will receive proposals in the Procurement and Contracts Department, 710 NE Holladay Street, Portland, OR 97232, at the times and dates listed below. Proposals will be evaluated after the below times and dates for: Civil Engineering Services-Interstate Max RFPNO:RA000566MD Attention: Michelle Dawley Due on or about January 28,2000 At 3 :00 p.m., Pacific Time APre-proposalConferencewillbeheldJanuary 11,2000,at 10:00 a.m., local time, Location TBD. Contract award will be based on weighted criteria as cited in the RFP document, Standard criteria includes. But is not limited to, experience and schedule. The successful proposer shall be required to comply with all applicable Equal Opportunity andDBE/WBE laws and regulations. For DBE Directory or certification information, contact: State o f Oregon Office o f Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business 350 Winter St. NE Room 21 Salem, Oregon 97310 (503)947-7976 Website: All respondents shall be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General’s list o f ineligible contractors. The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District o f Oregon does not discriminate with regard to race, color, creed, sex or national origin. The Request for Proposal documents may be obtained on or about December 17,1999 from the Procurement Department by faxing a written request to (503) 962-2299, (RFP number must accompany fax request) or calling Laura Corey (503)962-2202. Tri-Met may reject any proposal that is not in compliance with all prescribed public contracting procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all proposals upon a finding by Tri-Met that it is in the public interest to do so. Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District O f Oregon PamCach Procurement and Contracts Department Day Care Monday through Friday 6 am to 6 pm Infant to 5 years U.S.D.A. Meals One block from Sabin School Will drop off and pick up half day kindergartners Cost: $2.00 per hour, (State funded O.K.) For more info call Doris: (503) 288-9772 f tW .i.— *— . 503.288.0033 Facsimle.................... 503.288.0015 Information/Travel Public N otices____ __________ 000 A nnouncem ents/W eddings— 010 A n n ou ncem en ts/B irth s...___ 015 Fam ily Services---- -------- ........020 Lost and Found_________ 030 M eeting N otices--------------- „...040 T ick ets, for S ale W anted...---------- .....050 Travel.........................................060 Real Estate No experience necessary. We will provide complete training for state certification. We also provide uniforms, paid vacation, benefits, 401(k) plus payroll direct deposit. Classifieds 1 INDEX $ 11.50......................................................................................percolumninch $ 13.00................................................................... per column inch and boxed $ 15.00...................................................... per column inch boxed and shaded $14.00................................................................................................ RFP/Bids $90.00..................... Sub-Bids(2 column by 3") each additional inch=$ 10.00 All Classified Ads and Bids will be accepted up until noon, Monday. Via Post, e-mail, facsimile or in person at 4747 N.E. MLK Blvd A creage---- ---------------- - H om es for sale------------— H om es for r e n t_________ Appartm ents, duplexes for Sale_______ Appartm ents, duplexes for R e n t__ _— Manufactured Hom es for Sale__ — . M anufactured H om es for R e n t----- — O th ers for Sale............ O thers for R ent................. C om m ercial R eal Estate. W aterfront P rop erty— R eal E state S ervices....... R eal Estate W an ted ------ .1 0 0 .110 .1 1 5 .1 2 0 .1 2 5 »130 ..135 140 145 150 155 160 165 Employment G uidance/R esum ea— ............200 B u sin ess O p p ortu n ities......... 205 C om puter/T echnology---------210 C on tractors............•.••.•••••••••••••215 O utdoor H oineC are.........—.„220 Indoor H om eC are, D om estic.. . . . . 2 2 5 Financial, Insurance....... .......230 GeneraL......... — — — — 235 _______ 240 H e a lth c a r e .......... _______ 245 M arketing............ _______ 250 O ffice___________ __ _— 255 R etail— ....... _______ 260 Sales............... .............265 Social Services, T em porary, Part-T im e, S eason al-------- ........2 7 0 Positions W an ted -----...— ....275 Items for Sale A ntiques——————— — 300 A ppliances.........................— J 0 5 Auctions........... — ...........J 10 C lothing.__________ ............... J 15 C lothing._______ .„.„— — 320 C om puters/E lectronics, Softw are.. •••••••••„••••••325 E state A u ction s/S ales..— J 3 0 Farm I terns...........................—335 Furniture..... G arage Sale., G arden E q u ip m en t.—- —„— 350 Heavy Eq uipm ent—— — — 355 H o b b i e s / C o l l e c t o r s -360 Livestock.................— — —365 M iscella n eo u s fo r S a le ...... —3 7 0 M iscellan eou s W a n ted .—..... .375 O ffice E q u ip m e n t— ...— —3 8 0 P ets/ P et T r a in in g , S h o w s— 385 Stereo E q u ip m en t, T elevision, V C R 's,C D 's,T ap es— 390 T ools_______________________ 395 Automobiles A TV 's...... ______________405 Antiques.. A u tos by M ak e..— — — —.410 B M W ................................ 41 » B u ic k...................— 412 C a d illa c .................... 414 C h e v ro le t........................ 416 C h ry a le r...........................4 H Dodge....................... ••......42 0 E agle......... «««»«— , e ee ee aeae e 422 F o rd .— —424 G M C ----------------------------4 2 6 H o n d a ......—— —••••420 Jeep.........................— 430 Lex as— ••••••••„• ■••••••••••432 L in e ó la ........ 434 M a z d a ——— — .....4 3 6 M ercedes......................... 430 Nissan............................... 4 4 0 O ld s m o b lle .....................442 P ly m o u th ............ — 444 S a la r a .— ••— — ••••••■••446 S a b a ra ....................— .—440 T o y o ta ........... „4S 0 V o lk s w a g o a ........... — ..4 S I O lb e ra — .....— ....4 9 4 ______________ 460 Buses.. C am pers/T raB ers— ..— — .465 M otorcycles.....— .......— — 470 P arta/D om estk — ----- — 475 Pickups.. R . V J S a les, R en tals.......... ,490 S U V ’s---------------------------- — 4 9 5 Personals M e ss a g e s-