Page 8 (Fije Focus December 8,1999 ® b se ru e r Conspirators from page 7 YOUR WEEKLY HOROSCOPE: BY MISS ANNA ARIES: (M arch 21-April 20) Use all o f the resources available to you. A fam ily argument may take some extra attention to straighten out, with no serious fallouts. You may need to make some choices - between spending more quality time with family and friends, or advancing at work. TAURUS: (April 21 - May 21) There seems tobe some apparent conflict, but it is o f ahealthy variety, and may yield some unexpected benefits in the form oí totally new approaches to routinesituations. Don’t make hasty decisions regarding and what “THEY” have planned for our future, how “THEY have been at war with the American nation for 50 years, a war which we are on the brink o f losing, what methods “THEY” use and exactly how “THEY” have brainwashed us. I f you are PU Z Z L E D A N D PERPLEXED as to why things are occurring that we as a nation don t like yet seem powerless to prevent. why it is that the United States always seems to back the wrong h o rse , W HY TH E U N IT E D STATES IS IN A DEPRESSION FROM WHICH IT WILL NOT EMERGE, why our former social and moral values have been turned aside and seemingly buried; if you are confused by the many conspiracy theories, THE CONSPIRATORS H IE R A R C H Y : THE COMMITTEE OF 300 will clearly establish that these conditions have been deliberately created to bring us to our knees. Once you have read the applying truths contained in this book, understanding past and present political, econom ic, social and religious events will no longer be a problem. This powerful account of the forces ranged against the United States, and indeed the entire free world, cannot be ignored. financial matters until you know the whole story. GEM INI: (May 2 2 - June 21) You and your significant other may make a wonderful connection and the sense that you are growing closer will bring both o f you joy. Success will be yours, even if it is o f a low-key nature. 5 ou know you've made great strides, and soon the right people will notice. CANCER: (June 22 - July 23) Try to take it easy this w eek You have been going at a frantic pace, and it will start to catch up with you. Decisions made hastily may be flawed, so put o ff action until you have all the facts. Treat yourself to something special, and maybe something a little frivolous. LEO: (July 24- August 23) You will get ahead by working hard. Nothing less than your reputation is at stake, but no need to worry since your work is usually above reproach. Expect a little bit o f a delay, because soon you’ 11 be nding on the crest of success. The spotlight is yours, you deserve it. VIRGO: (August 24 - September 23) Prosperity is an issue, so instead o f whining, take action. Work a little harder and you’ll be surprised at the financial results. A surge of inspiration will enable you to get through any potentially rough situations - clear all avenues of communication. LIBRA: (September 24 - October 23) Use your clout to get some new and different changes off the ground at work. Friends and co-workers can really come in handy now. You’re working for no less than the greater good o f all involved - remember this. Don’t be taken in by careless flirting with someone , SCORPIO: (October 24 - November 22) Keeping your nose to the grindstone is admirable to a point, but you might make a better impression with superiors if your approach is balanced. Learn to give some responsibilities to others if you are interested in a management position. SAGITTARIUS: (November 23 - December 21) You tend to keep your emotional distress to yourself and this might not be for the b e st Allow someone close to penetrate your defenses. Your beauty comes from within, and creates a glow that is obvious to othersaround you. Makeplans carefully to assure apositiveoutcome CAPRICORN: (December 22 - January 20) A little wilt get y°ur week off on a calm and clear path You arepleased with the results up until now, but do wantto improve your wcwk. Allow troublesome obstacles to dissolve themself. You can’t hasten fois process by hovering and worrying needlessly. AQUARIUS: (January 21 - February 19) Is your currentrelationship a little unbalanced? If so,playing the— too faithfully can bring resentment and boredom. Maybe a planned weekend pleasure trip is just what the doctor ordered. One or both of you may need to learn something new. Make peace with inevitable M C M l N A M IN S Happy 18th ST. JOHNS PUB Birthday Live Music • Group Events D elicious Pub Fare • Great Specials Brian H andcrafted Ales & W ines Washington 8203 N Ivanhoe Street • P ortland • (503) 28.3-8520 All food, ales mill wines available to ¡go With new. changes. PISCES: (February 20 - March 20) j, avoid putting al may not be and don’t expect to get ’We « tam ed up »ilk Popeye« to spreod * e « d abort Ib m And we mean RAKM U Popeyes o»n M W O ttiA N S SPICY or LOUISIANA M AD dudant is to pocked with lo w , rrw y bdejs a AWIYFOK YOUR M O U M That's « e rr bile of erery wrry Popeyes serves it op_ Gideon Boies, Dinners, Sandwidies, Wings end Slrips. Not to mention the lasto-taiptmg side d U w ond taints! htasr, yoo con COUNT ON P O R T IS to deliver flew rM gw dw ss, no motter how yoolwe your chiton. II you ore tired to death of Art blond dikhen those other guys mm» MISSION * over to PO R TB . And help w i" oer ir t r iB to 1» u p OÖ t.„J5.MUSEDJElECESJai«ff_J .. X ■K