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U niform officers attem pted to take die man, later identi tied as 29 year-old D am on Ivan Low ery o f Lynnwood, W ashington into custody, but met co n sid erab le resistan c e. L o w ery subsequently clim bed a fence and attem pted to flee, how ever he was eventually subdued and taken into custody. Low ery w as imm ediately evaluated by m edical technicians at the scene and transported to OHSU Hospital, but soon died. A n a u to p s y c o n d u c te d b y th e M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty M e d ic a l E xam iner’s O ffice revealed Lowery died o f blood loss due to a severe cut to the neck. T he investigation is continuing. P ortland O bserver A Height restriction w as ordered at the intersection o f C olum bia W ay at th e 1-5 B rid g e in V a n c o u v e r, Washington. O ngoing repair work on the 1-5 Bridge on the V ancouver side requires a tem porary reduction CONTRIBUTED STORY eor T he P ortland O bserver M ultnom ah County Sheriffs O ffice D e p u tie s fro m th e s p e c ia l in v e stig a tio n s u n it serv ed th ree n a r c o tic s s e a rc h w a rra n ts an d a r r e s te d e ig h t p e o p le la s t W ed n esd ay . T he w arra n ts w ere served and the investigation was in cooperation with the Fairview Police D e p a rtm e n t, G re s h a m P o lic e / M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty S p e c ia l Emergency Response Team. Portland Police B ureau’s Special Em ergency Response Team and the Regional O rganized C rim e N arcotics T ask Force. A t appro x im ately 3:00 p.m ., on D ecem ber 01, 1999 officers served the three w arrants at tw o addresses addresses w here the w arrants were served are: 2600 SE 174,h #Q in Portland 174th w here officers believe that the drugs were kept, packaged and sold from. O fficers arrested six other 2600 SE 174,h #Q in Portland 16031 SE Stark #39 in Portland 3201 NE 223 #54 in Fairview A drian V elazquez Sanchez (DOB Septem ber 3 0 ,1 9 6 9 w as arrested on o u tsta n d in g M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty arrest w arrants for distribution and possession o f controlled substances a n d c h a r g e d w ith p o s s e s s io n , distribution and manufacturing along w ith his cousin and room m ate Juan Lopez Velazquez (DOB December 06, 1973). Both V elazquez’s rented the apartm ents in Fairview and on 174lh. Officers located a gun and $ 10,000.00 in cash at the Fairview residence, w here they live, and found three ounces o f cocaine and $3000.00 at SE individuals at the SE Stark location on a variety o f charges indirectly related to this investigation. It is believed that som e o r all o f these individuals w ere ru n n ers for the V elazq u ez’s drug operation. T he investigation into their role in the drug operation continues at this time. Four vehicles w ere also seized in the raid. The warrants served and arrests m ade are the result o f a year long undercover n a r c o tic s in v e s tig a tio n b y th e M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty S p e c ia l Investigations Unit. The unit has deputies in it as w ell as one officer from T routdale PD and Gresham PD. CONTRIBUTED STORY P ortland O bserver V ancouver-C lark Parks and Recreation Services is proposing improvements to the Fisher Basin Com m unity/ School Park as part o f the Parks Legacy Program. The 12.5-acre undeveloped park is located east o f SE 192nd Avenue and south o f SE 151 Street adjacent to the proposed Evergreen School District elementary and middle schools. Public meetings have been scheduled from 7 to 9 p.m. in the cafeteria ofH arm ony Elementary School, 17404-A NE 18lh St. these m eetings will offer an opportunity for neighbors to participate. • W ednesday, Dec. 15 - Participate in discussion and refinem ent o f the Prelim inary m aster Plan • W ednesday, Jan. 12 - Review and com m ent on the Final M aster Plan Buckle up for safety Caregiver sentenced to 18 months C O N TR IB l’TEDSTORY for T he P ortland O bserver tto rn e y G e n e ra l H ard y M yers m ounced this w eek that a form er oos B ay caregiver that stole m ore an $30,000 from an elderly client to ipport a gam bling habit would spend ) m onths in prison. Sentenced today i C oos C ounty C ircuit C ourt w as am m y Sue Stanton, w ho currently :sides in N evada. tanton pleaded guilty to a felony h a rg e o f c r im in a l f in a n c ia l m istreatm ent in the first degree on June 1999 and reported that both the N ovem ber 10. In entering the plea, Stanton adm itted that she agreed to care for a now 8 1-year-old Coos Bay w idow in 1997 for p u rp o ses o f defrauding her Stanton also told investigators that she used m oney from the women to support a gambling addiction that cost as much as $300 a day. During the time she was gambling, S ta n to n w a s s u p p o s e d to b e providing the elderly w om en with personal care and housekeeping. Service workers visited the w oman in w om en and her hom e w ere dirty and unkept and that it appeared that food had not been prepared in the kitchen for a lengthy p eriod o f tim e. In addition to providing services to the e ld e r ly w o m e n , S ta n to n w as e m p lo y e d by s ta te S e n io r an d D isabled Services D ivision (SD SD ) to care for its public assistance clients. She was fired from that jo b in June 1999. In addition to the 18-month prison term, Judge Richard ordered Stanton to pay $ 10,000 in restitution White Sturgeon Art Gallery unveils with photo show 'hat: “N orthw est W aterscapes” ack and w hite photographic 1OW /ho: L oren N elson /here: W hite Sturgeon Art iallery. W ater Resources due ation Center 4600 S . E . Columbia W ay Vhen: D ec. 1-30,1999 M onday tro u g h Saturday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Loren N elson sees w ater and ice differently from the rest o f us. His photographs o f m oving and frozen w ater are not ju st im ages o f w et w eather but lum inous portraits o f the best o f w inter days in the Pacific N orthw est. N elson says, “Once in a great w hile I’ll discover water doing the m ost am azing things; hovering in vast frozen sheets over the sand; hanging on invisible spider w ebs; and forming enorm ous sculptures in the Colum bia G orge.” Share his vision at the W hite Sturgeon A rt G allery, a new art space at the W ater Resources Education C enter. A rt shows, focusing on em erging local artists, change m onthly. Community notification of a sex offender CONTR1BVTEDSTORY for T he P ortland O bserver The Portland Police Bureau is notifying the com m unity o f a Registered Sex O ffender living in the Portland area. ORS 181.588 allow s law enforcem ent agencies to release such inform ation to the public regarding convicted offenders, w ho are required to register, w hen such inform ation will increase public aw areness and prom ote com m unity safety. The Sex O ffender has been convicted o f a sex offense that requires he register w ith a law enforcem ent agency in Oregon. His crim inal historyplaces him in a category which indicates he m ay reoffend. This subject is not w anted by the police at this time. This O ffender has served his sentence and is no longer being supervised by the Oregon Department ofCorTections. The purpose o f this com m unity notification is to reduce the chances o f further victim ization by this offender as well as to prom ote com m unity aw areness and child safety. Intim idating, harassing, or threatening o f this registered offender will n ot be tolerated and m ay be a crime. If you have any inform ation about this offender committing additional crim es, please contact the D etectives o f the Sexual A ssault D etail at 823-4636. S ubject’s nam e is G erald Lee Beagle. B eagle has been convicted o f Sex A buse 1" D egree and D ealing in D epictions o f C hild Sexual C onduct and is no y longer under supervision. He has targeted female children ages 3 to 10 in the past. It is believed there is a substantial risk Beagle could reoffend. Identifying Information: Name: Beagle, Gerald L Address: 12200 block SE B oise St., Portland, Oregon Height: 5 ’08” Weight: 175 Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue Scars: None Tattoos: None Age: 50 DOB: A ugust 10,1949 Race: W hite Sex: Male Gerald Lee Beagle is a convicted sex offender tor 2 counts o f Sexual A buse I February 10, 1989 and D ealing in Depictions o f Sexual Conduct Involving a Child March 16, 1992. H e is currently o ff supervision. Mr. Beagle’scrim esofconvictioninvolvedjuvem le females betw een the ages o f 6 and 10. H e also used threats to gain com pliance with the victims. Mr. Beagle also has non-sexual crim e convictions. I f you have inform ation on a crim e, please notify Portland Police Bureau at (503) 823-4636. autom obiles under 7 ’-6” in height. This restriction w ill affect CTran Route 11 -C o lu m b ia Shores. Forroute change inform ation contact the CTran C ustom er A ssistance O ffice at (360) 695-0123. F oradditional project and street restriction inform ation contact Mr. Best at C ertified Coatings (503) 286-1082. Public invited to help design community park for T he Three narcotic search warrants served in the road clearance on C olum bia W ay at th e b rid g e . B e g in n in g D ecem ber 6,1 9 9 9 the road clearance will be reduced from 14”-6” to 7 ’-6”. This reduction is expected to be in effect through February 12,2000. E ffective Decem ber 6,1999 travel on C olum bia W ay at the 1-5 Bridge will be r e s tr ic te d to passen g er to the v ic tim , w ho c u rren tly is receiving public assistance as a result o f Stanton’s crim inal behavior. The D epartm ent o f Justice’s M edicaid Fraud Unit prosecuted Stanton in conjunction with the Coos County D istrict A ttorney’s Office. Residents unable to attend these meetings can provide input, or ask questions regarding the park by contacting R odney W o jtan ik at V an co u v er-C lark Parks and R ecreatio n S erv ice s, (3 6 0 ) 696-8171 o r e-m ail: rod. woitanik(L/ci. vancouver, w a.us. W ritten com m ents can be m ailed to V ancouver-C lark Parks and Recreation Services, P.O. Box 1995, Vancouver, WA 98668. This is an opportunity for the com m unity to get involved in planning their park. Construction is expected to be com plete by the end o f 2000.