- N ew Y ork T im es B estsellers H a rd cover N on -F iction 1 ’TIS by Frank McCourt. 2 TU E SD A Y S WITH MORRIE by Mitch Albom. 3 HAVE A NICE D A Y ! by Mick Foley. 4 THE GREATEST GENERATION by Tom Brokaw. 5 THE NEW NEW THING by Michael Lewis. 6 WHEN PRIDE STILL MATTERED by David Maraniss. 7 ALL THE BEST, GEORGE BUSH by George Bush. 8 A MAN NAM E D DAVE, by Dave Pelzer. 9 THE ART OF HAPPINESS, by the Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler. 10 RIVER HORSE, by W illiam Least Heat-Moon. H a rd cover Fiction 1 H A R R Y POTTER A N D THE PRISONER OF AZK A B A N by J. K. Rowling. 2 H A R R Y POTTER A N D TH E CHAM BER OF SECRETS, by J. K Rowling. 3 H A R R Y POTTER A N D THE S O R C E R E R ’S S T O N E by J. K. Rowling. 4 IR R E S IS T IB L E F O R C E S , by Danielle Steel. 5 POP GOES THE W EASEL, by James Patterson. 6 A W ALK TO REM EMBER, by Nicholas Sparks. 7 S A V IN G F A IT H , b y D a v id Baldacci. 8 ” 0 ” IS FOR O UTLAW by Sue Grafton. 9 H UNTING BA D G E R by Tony Hillerman. 10 PERSONAL INJURIES by Scott Turow. Paperback Non-Fiction 1 A N G E L A ’S A SH E S b y Frank McCourt. 2 BLIND M A N ’S BLUFF by Sherry Sontag and Christopher Drew with Annette Lawrence Drew. 3 TH E P E R F E C T ST O R M by Sebastian Junger. 4 PERFECT M URDER, PERFECT TOW N by Lawrence Schiller. 5 A CH ILDCALLED ” IT,” by Dave Pelzer. 6 THE LOST B O Y , by D ave Pelzer. 7 THE SEAT OF THE SO UL, by Gary Zukav 8 A W ALK IN THE W OODS by Bill Bryson. 9 THE PR O FESSO R A N D THE M ADM A N by Sim on Winchester. 10 G U N S, G ERM S, A N D STEEL by Jared Diamond. Paperback Fiction 1 H A R R Y PO TTER A N D THE SO R C E R E R ’S S T O N E b y J. K. Rowling. 2 MIRROR IMAGE, by Danielle Steel. 3 THE HAM M ER OF EDEN, by Ken Follett. 4 THE SIMPLE TRUTH , by David Baldacci. 5 RANSO M , by Julie Garwood. 6 RIVER, CROSS M Y HEART, by Breena Clarke. 7 TOM C L A N C Y ’S NET FORCE: Hidden Agendas, created by Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik. 8 VINEGAR HILL, by A. Manette Ansay. 9 TO M C L A N C Y ’S P O W E R PLAYS: Shadow Watch, created by Tom Clancy and Martin Greenberg. 10 POKEMON: N o s. 1-4, by Tracey West. C ode Page 7 December 8,1999 (Fiji Çodlanî» ©bee ruer Of saw’ - i 11 I '• â ,, ï .'H *ÎÎ' î s -- î .« s ' .ftS P olice Silence: Behind the Thin Blue Line by Victor Paez Torres Estilo Publishing Company; 1999 Victor Torres has written a thought- provoking novel, which takes the readers into deep, dark forbidden caves o f the controversial police “Code o f Silence.” The code ofsilence creatively calledCOPS by the author, no doubt will add to this controversy, with most police denying that it exists; and victims o f this group silence insisting that it does. Most novelists have to immerse themselves into a subject area before they can write about it in an insightful and intelligent way. But in this case, Vic tor was a police officer! He knows where the skeletons are hidden and how the “Code ofSilence” functions to present and serve its members. Although he writes about one police agency, this agency is not much different from others around the country comprised predominately o f “white cops” who resist the entry o f minorities and women. After all, this is one o f the last places on earth where a twenty-one year old high school graduate can get an entry level job starting at $40,000 to $50,000 per year. Torres teaches that the Code not only protects its mem bers from crim inal prosecution when they have violated the law, but the Code is often used to protect, enhance and prom ote w hite m ales’ privilege and racism in police agencies. Hence, being a Latino, African American, Asian, or female cop, may significantly increase one’s vulnerability and security and not receive the benefits o f the Code. Is that desirable? Does that limit your p ro m o tio n s? D o y o u r valu es and conscience permit you to do this? There are the painful issues, which Torres struggles in with COPS. For those non- H isp a n ic w h ite cops w ho p ro te c t themselves with the Code and have little trust in the broader non-law enforcement c o m m u n ity , th ey tend to iso la te themselves and socialize together as was graphically seen in the Sylvester Stallone movie, Copland - another work o f fiction? (L 0 R S B i - h i n c l t h f T h in B l u f f L i n e 'A V* V * 4 ■■ V » - 'X ~ - 1 •• Victor Paez Torres Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 no national boundaries, ABOVE By Dr. John Coleman THE LA W S OF A LL COUNTRIES, one that controls every aspect o f politics, religion, America West Publishers; 1992 commerce and industry, banking, C an you im ag in e an A LL insurance, mining, THE DRUG POWERFUL GROUP, that knows TRADE, the petroleum industry, a g r o u p ANSW ER- A B LE TO NO ONE but its members? To the vast majority o f us, such a g r o u p w o u ld appear to be beyond the re a lm s o f possibilities a n d capabilities o f any given organization. I f th at is w h a t you b e lie v e , then you are in the m a jo rity . T h e conception o f a secret, elite group 1 )R . J o | I \ ( n i l M W e x e rc is in g c o n tro l o f every aspect o f our lives is beyond our comprehension. Americans are prone to say, “It can’t happen here, our Constitution forbids i t ” That there IS SUCH A BODY, called “THE COMMITTEE OF HIERARCHY: 300,” is graphically told in this book. W hen m ost people attem pt to address our problems, they speak or write about “THEY”; this book tells precisely who “THEY” are, (Please see C onspirators,page 8) •Ws i * >. ■ It 1 .. ■ J - • -Ta I*r.; T H EAT ER M ovies N ightly with W eekend M atinees For schedule & information call: 288-2180 McMenamins Kennedy School 5 7 36 NE 33rd • Portland, Oregon www.nKitirnamlns.t om