«i^. ..^^■I ZA'^uZX • — l December 8,1999 (Tlie ^lprU«nb ffibeeruer Kwanzaa, celebrating the Seven Principles The Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center (IFCC) presents the annual com m unity group exhibition - KWANZAA, Celebrating the Seven Principles, through December 31, in both galleries. This y ear’s exhibition includes works by the following community artists: Damali Ayo, Bobbye Brown, Gail Carter, Lana Centeno, A driene Cruz, Omotayo Fletcher, Bobby Fouther, A vel G ordly, A thena Hampton, Gene Hill, Roslyn Hill, Chris Poole-Jones, C liff Lewis, Jerry Quenton, Jose Reyes, William Rutherford, Bill Scott, Cleveland Smith, A.R. Sutton, Leslie White, and other artists. In addition to the visual artwork, an A fro -c e n tric F am ily M ovie Marathon will be held on December 18 and 19 from noon to 10 pm, open to the public at no charge. On December 31, the IFCC has been invited to co-host the day o f K U U M BA , the celebration o f c o m m u n ity c re a tiv ity . The KUUMBA schedule is as follows: l-3pm Z aw adi (G ift M aking) with artist damali ayo 3 -4pm F olk T ales from our Ancestors with Brenda Phillips & Hakim Muhammad 5-8pm Karamu (Community Feast: Light Dessert) L ib a tio n Ceremony Sharing with Artists K W A N Z A A is an A frican American non-religious holiday celebrated by people around the world from December 26 through January 1. Maulana Ron Karenga, a C a lifo rn ia S tate U n iv e rsity professor o f black studies, inspired by traditional A frican harvest festivals, created the holiday in 1966 to provide African-Americans an opportunity to celebrate their heritage. Formore information, call 503/823- IFCC. J o i n u s fo r a C h r is tm a s C o n c e r t with Page 5 Happy 18th Birthday Kaleah Kaleah is a senior at St. Mary’s Academy and plans to enroll next fall at either Spelman College or Fort Valley State University where she will major in chemical engineering. papa ftlurpfuft 1 \K f \ BAKE , ’I/ZA ¡LARGE ""¿¿99 I I I I J i PEPPERONI ! PIZZA, _ G o s p e l r e c o r d in g a r t i s t a n d Valid through 1999 3523 NE 15th (New Natures Center) 249-1666 a w a r •d d w inning v o c a lis t Now Open! Vickie W inans Wednesday, December 15th 7:00 pm at New Beginnings Christian Center 7600 NE Glisan St. Portland, OR 97213 (503) 256-6050 ADMISSION FREE IT’S ALL GOOD GIFT SHOP Special gifts fo r all occasions C om e see w h a t’s new fo r the Holidays! Huge New Inventory Extended Shopping Hours Monday - Saturday BALLOONS KTHN 1C FKJll BINES GREETING CARDS BOOKS Ring in the M illennium at * M cM cnamins Kennedy School * D am e I’arly w ith live R&B artist N orm an S\ H ester and his band ♦ * • A 10 am • 6pm Bring in this post card and rgcigve >5.00 off any purchase over >30.00 T GIFT BASKETS AFFORDABLE GIFTS AND SO MINT« MORES! <003) 200*1747 407 N E Mason A M L K E o r t M , OK 9721/ Two blocks South of PrcscoM h ki ts av ailab le now ( all 1^03) 249-3*>s3. M< M< n iin in s K itin v ih S c h o o l 57'ÎG N F G ird ★ P oi ! la n d , O re g o n u w u ut» inm .1 iti I n s cun *