Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 08, 1999, Page 11, Image 11

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December 8, 1999
(Elie zJflorUaub (Obseuwr
i Classifieds/Bids
City O f Portland
Office of Finance and Administration
R FPN O . 99336
Grant Seeking Services
Proposals Due by 4:00 p.m. January 10,2000
Request For Proposals
The City o f Portland Office o f Finance and Administration requests
proposals for Grant Seeking Services for a two year pilot project
aimed at increasing the city’s grant funding opportunities.
A complete description o f the project, specific requirements and
evaluation criteria for the proposal may be obtained from the Bureau
ofPurchases, Room 1313,1120 S.W. Fifth Ave., Portland, OR 97204.
(503) 823-6855. Proposals shall be received at that office until 4:00
p.m., January 10,2000.
Proposals shall be reviewed by a consultant selection committee in
accordance with Chapter 5.68 o f the City Code, interviews may be
held with the highest rated individuals or firms.
The City o f Portland is committed to increasing contracting,
subcontracting and employment opportunities for minority, women
owned and emerging small businesses.
Attention is called to Chapter 3.100 o f the City of Portland Code
relative to certification as an Equal Employment Opportunity
Employer Details o f EEO certification requirements are available from
the Bureau ofPurchases, Room 1313,1120 S.W. Fifth Ave., Portland
OR. 97204,(503)823-6855.
Purchasing Agent
City O f Portland
Request for Proposals #99-37
City of Portland, Oregon
Portland Development Commission
Maddox Building
Arts Facility Feasibility Study
The Portland Development Commission (“PDC”), in partnership with the
Regional Arts and Culture Council (“RACC”), is seeking proposals from
a multi-disciplinary consulting team (“Consultant”) to provide services
in facility design, market research, and real estate economics’. The
selected Consultant will prepare an economic feasibility analysis that
evaluates the development o f the Maddox Building as a muti purpose
arts facility.
The Maddox Building, a two story, 80,000 square foot, concrete warehouse
located at 49 SE Clay Street, Portland, Oregon, has the potential to
become an important public attractor for the Eastside Riverfront Project,
which PDC and the Portland Bureau o f Parks and Recreation currently
have in Phase III o f development.
The feasibility analysis will be conducted in collaboration with a broad-
based citizen advisory committee. The Consultant will identify
programmatic models that best meet the objectives o f the arts and the
community, have a high likelihood to draw people to the area, and require
the minimum amount o f public assistance. All models should have
design continuity with all phases o f the Eastside Riverfront Project and
may incorporate the needs o f a light watercraft center currently proposed
in the Eastbank Riverfront Master Plan.
PDC invites consultants to submit proposals addressing the requirements
identified in the Request for Proposals (RFP). The proposals shall be
responsive to the format, scope o f work and submittal requirements
described in the RFP.
The full Request for Proposals may be obtained by telephone to:
Gail Palma
Portland Development Commission
1900 SW Fourth Avenue, Suite 100
Portland, O R 97201
Phone# (503) 823-3331
Questions about the RFP and the selection process should be addressed
to Kirsten Cowden, Project Coordinator. Telephone (503) 823-3292.
Proposals must be received by the Portland Development Commission
no later than 5:00 PM on Monday, December 20,1999.
The Portland Development Commission strongly encourages the
participation o f Minority, W omen and Emerging Small Business
contractors in its projects. The successful contractor must be certified
by the City as an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and be
licensed to do business in the City o f Portland.
Sub Bids Requested
Portland Area Landslide Repair
Bid Date: 12/9/99 BidTime: 9:00 am
Coffman Excavation
P. O. Box 687
Oregon City, OR 97045
Phone: (503) 656-7000 Fax: (503) 681 -9445
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from
disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans, or emerging small
business enterprises.
CCB#33196 Exp. 4/8/01
Employment | EniployiiicntjEmployiiient | Employment
Research Assistant sought for
the second year o f the PSU Regional
Research Institute’s Kuumba Project.
Kuumba is a 2-year, federally-funded
research project to m easure the
development and implementation of
an integrated system o f care and
comprehensive services intervention
model for women (primarily A frican
American) with a dual diagnosis and
history o f violence, and their children,
as well as to develop a proposal for
three more years o f funding to
complete an outcome study. Half­
time (.5 FTE) position; $29,000 to
$35,000 + benefits, from 1/4/00 to 9/
30/00, continued federal grant funding
and satisfactory performance. (RRI
expects to apply for Phase II o f this
federal grant, which would extend the
project through 9/30/03 if funded.)
Qualifications include minimum BA/
BS in human services related field
with 2 year relevant work experience
and knowledge o f social science
research methods. (It may be possible
to combine this position with one on
another project within the Institute
up to 1.0 FTE.) Position is open until
filled. Review ofapplicants will begin
on 12/13/99.
A complete job description as well as
fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n a b o u t the
Regional Research Institute and
Kuumba can be found at http-ZZ
www.rri.ndx.edu. You may also call
503-725-4040to have ajob description
mailed to you, or stop by to pick one
up at Regional Research Institute,
1912 SW 6th Avenue, Room 120,
Portland, OR 97201. Portland State
U n iv e rsity
p ro m o te s
opportunity for all individuals without
regard to race, color, religion, sex,
national origin, age, disability, sexual
orientation or veteran status.
McMenamins Kennedy School
N ow h iring FT L ine C ooks at
McMenamins Kennedy School, 5736
N.E. 33rd. Flexible schedule including
wknd/holiday avail a must. We offer
excellent benefits and opportunity!
Apply at any mcmenamins location
or on line at www.mcmenamins.com
No phone calls please! E.O.E.
Aggressive? Ambitious?
Work From Home
Up to
$ 1500/mo P/T $5000/mo F/T
Columbia ^ C Sportswear
o lu m Company®
b ia &
Sportswear Company®
Computer, High T echnology
Work for One Tough Mother
Columbia Sportswear Company has
proven that quality construction,
engineering and innovation in sports
apparel is a formula for success. Join
our Information Systems Department
in the following position:
Business Analyst II: Act as liaison
between business group and project
team ensuring that all concerns and
ra m ific a tio n s o f a c tio n s are
considered before implementation.
Ensure that business goals and issues
are considered when changes are
m ade in program m ing/system s.
Requirements: Bachelors degree in
Business, minimum o f three to five
years experience in progressively
responsible positions providing
management support by analyzing
business processes. Experience must
in clu d e p ro v id in g m edium to
advanced level computer operations
C o lu m b ia S p o rtsw e a r o ffe rs
competitive compensation and a great
benefits package.
Please send resume and salary history
to: Human Resources, Dept. BAII,
PO Box 83239, PortlandOR97283, or
FAX to: (503) 735-4597. Equal
Opportunity Employer.
Work for One Tough Mother
Columbia Sportswear Company has
proven that quality construction,
engineering and innovation in sports
apparel is a formula for success. Join
our IS Department in the following
graveyard position:
C o m p u te r O p e ra to r: Experience
troubleshooting in PC/W indows/
Novell environment required. AS400
u n d e rsta n d in g /sk ills
d esired .
Previous Operations and/or help desk
experience requires.
C o lu m b ia S p o rtsw e a r offers
competitive compensation and a great
benefits package.
Please send resume and salary history
to: Human Resources, Dept. COSS,
PO Box 83239. Portland OR 97283, or
Fax to: (503) 735-4597. Equal
Opportunity Employer.
Mental Health Case MGR/
Multi-cultural community mental
h e a lth c e n te r seeks c lin ic ia n
proficient In Intake, Dual Diagnosis,
Assessments, Treatment Plans &
Case Mgmt for Adults w/mental I
dual diagnosis. Provide 1-1 & group
therapy. MSW or Masters Degree in
related field required. Competitive
wage & Excellent benefits. African/
American/Minorities encouraged to
apply Submitresume & cover letterto
CCMH, Attn: M. Blum, 3716NE MLK
Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97212 or Fax:
Warehouse Supervisor
T h ree y e a rs p rio r w a re h o u se
supervision required. To $18.42/hr.
Exp. In food industry a plus. Shift
work and split days off required.
Excellent benefit package Please
apply directly to State o f Oregon
Employment O ffice at 30 North
Webster. Job Ref. 1113552. W eare an
EEO/AAP employer.
TheM ultnom ah County Health Department is currently recruiting
forthefollow ing positions:
Sportsw ear Company®
Sportswear Company
Eligibility Specialist-Bilingual/Bicultural Spanish
Community Health Nurse (RN)
Office Assistant 2 - Bilingual/Bicultural Spanish
Application materials and formal job announcements are available at:
www.co.multnomah.or.us jobs . in person or by mailing a self-addressed
stamped envelope requesting application forms to: Multnomah County
Employee Services, 1120SW 5,h Avenue, First Floor Lobby, PO Box 14700,
Portland, OR 97293-0700. Assisted access to Multnomah County job
information and web site is available at Multnomah County Libraries.
Multnomah County is actively recruiting persons from various ethnic and
cultural backgrounds to enhance service
to our diverse community. Bilingual/
bicultural candidates are encouraged to
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Do you have what it takes to work for
the leading seller o f skiwear in the
co u n try ? I f so, jo in our Sales
Department in the following position:
Retail Analyst: Plan and implement
product assortment, inventory plan,
sa le s re p o rtin g p ro c e sse s and
analysis for Columbia Sportswear’s
Concept Shop program. Develop and
execute concept shop sales reporting
p ro c e d u re s, and c o m m u n ic a te
analysis. Requirem ents: Possess
advanced knowledge o f visual retail
marketing and retail sales reporting.
Bachelors degree specializing in
Retail Sales or Visual Marketing
Management and three to five years
experience in retail visual marketing.
C o lu m b ia S p o rtsw e a r o ffe rs
competitive compensation and a great
benefits package.
P lease send resum e to H um an
Resources, Dept. RA, PO Box 83239,
Portland, OR 97283 or Fax to (503)
7 3 5 -4 5 9 7 . E qual O p p o rtu n ity
Fiscal Manager
The Youth Services Consortium
(YSC) is seeking an individual to be
responsible for the day-to-day fiscal
management o f the organization. This
includes, but is not lim ited to,
bookkeeping, accounts payable,
accounts receivable, grants and
c o n tra c ts
m a n a g e m e n t, and
preparation o f internal financial
$ 150 Employment Bonus -
See Hiring Office for details.
Immediate opening for full and part-
time lot attendants with Portland’s
leading parking Co. We are seeking
dependable individuals with a neat
appearance and a positive attitude.
$7.60 + starting wage
Huge overtime potential
Advancement opportunities
Medical, Dental, 401K available
Applicants must submit to drug test
and background check.
Apply in person daily between
12-1 PM, Monday - Friday.
215 SW e* Portland, OR
Preferred qualifications include a
bachelor’s degree with 2 years of
fiscal management experience, strong
communication and organizational
skills, and the ability to w ork
in d ep en d en tly w ith in a ssig n ed
Send cover letter, resume and the
names o f three references to:
Karen Knight
4839 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. #8
Portland OR 97211
YSC is an affirmative action/equal
opportunity employer
Oregon Legislature
Communications Director
$2906 - $3714
N ow hiring a C om m unications
director to perform media relations
and manage external communications
for the Oregon Senate Democratic
Leadership Office.
Credit Union
M ember Service Representative/
For application information, contact
State Capitol, Salem OR 97310, http:
'w w w .leg.state.or.us. Application
m aterials m ust be receiv ed in
Employee Services by 5:00 PM
December 30,1999.
Cars From $500!
Police impounds & tax repo's
For listings call 1-800-319-3323
ext. A603.
The ideal candidate will have 2 to 3
years o f fin a n c ia l in stitu tio n
experience. We provide:
Sit down teller stations
100% employer paid benefits
Competitive salary
• Above Market annual raises
• Team work atmosphere
Contact Tom at (503) 403 6210 for an
Equal Opportunity Employer
Em ploym ent
j T n Oregon, opportunity means a variety,f
great benefits. Currently, openings exist In the following agencies.
TWO positions openl
Personnel Officer 3
for two human resource o p p o r t u n it ie s ^ in Salem^the
Provide leadership and direction to managers and employees in all areas of
employee and labor relations. Utilize your research and writing skills by developing Pd'C'es.
procedures and guidelines Consult with and advise managers on human resources management
T X e X a r e analyze mediate, and negotiate to resolve grievances, complaints and
d i ^ i r J S m s . ' Applyyour professionaMevel expenence related
'^ X X V s e T a ^
r t h e , in R o s e b u rg '
personnel related issues. Provide advice and counsel on recruitment and selection Process e s ^
Substation Operator
High Voltage Electrician
Applications accepted 11/22799- 12/23/99
Limited Em ploy meat Opportunity
Call or visit website for eligibility information
C a ll I-B 7 7-W R K 4B P A (1 -B 77-975-M 72) or see www.bpa.gov
Assignments in Oregon, Washington. Idaho A Montana
Washington County
Administrative Specialist II
T em porary- 16hrs/week
Community C oirections Center
Closes December 17,1999
Control Room Monitor
Full And Part Time
$14.49-$ 17.62/hr
Closes December 17,1999
Inspector II - Electrical
Closes December 17,1999
Utility Worker
$2,141 -$2,587/mo.
Closes December 27,1999
Call (503) 846-8606TTY (503) 846-4898 for information. County application
and supplemental application forms required. Women, minorities, and
people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
W ashington County Human Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
« w Ä
mot »
W EED « m w
« ■ » « « • 1"
a diverse workforce Deadline for both is December 2 3 ,1 9 9 9 .
Transportation. Purchasing and Print Sarvlcaa D iv is io n
of Administrative Services. Transportation. Purchasing and Print Services Division in
Salem, is seeking to fill three different position at the State's Print Plant. These three positions are.
Bindery Worker. Announcement « L E 9 9 1 2 7 8 .
Salary is $2,0 30 to $2.464 a month.
Print Press Operator. Announcement « L E 9 9 1 2 7 9 .
Salary is $2.1 36 to $2,592 a month.
Graphic Artist 3. Announcement « L E 9 9 1 2 7 7
Salary is $2.230 to $3.107 a month.
Th»o> nnsitinns have a benefit program contribution toward family health and dental insurance, term
K ,
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« «
three positions is December 15. 1999
■ Z h . . . a re lust som e of the current openings ava ilab le w ith th e S ta te of O regon. For
< • » ■“
www oreg o n lo b a.o rg .
o p p ortun ity em ployers
• ¡ • ‘
S 3
The S ta te of O regon and all Ks divisions are proud to be equal