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December 1,1999 (Observer ---------------------- Focus The Color of W ater: A Black Man ’s Tribute to His White Mother by James McBride Paperback - 291 pages (February 1997) Riverhead Books Order this book and please don’t be put offby its pallid subtitle, A Black M an’s Tribute to His White Mother, which doesn ’ t begin to do justice to the utterly unique and moving story contained within. The Color o f W ater tells the remarkable story of Ruth McBride Jordan, the two good men she married, and the 12 good children she raised. Jordan, bom Rachel Shilsky, a Polish Jew, immigrated to America soon after birth, as an adult she moved to New York City, leaving her family and faith behind in Virginia. Jordan met and married a black man, making her isolation even more profound. The book is a success story, a testament to one woman’ s true heart, solid values, and indomitable will. Ruth Jordan battled not only racism but also poverty to raise her children and, despite being sorely tested, never wavered. In telling her story— along with her son’s— The Color of Water addresses racial identity with compassion, insight, and realism. It is, in a word, inspiring, and you will finish it with unalloyed admiration for a flaw ed b u t rem a rk a b le individual. And, ¡»erhaps, a little more faith in us all. T his “ fa sc in a tin g ...su p e rb ly written” memoir (Boston Globe) tells the story o f James McBride and his mother-a rabbi’s daughter, bom in Poland and raised in the South, who fled to Harlem, married a b la c k m an, founded a church, and p u t tw elv e c h ild re n th ro u g h college. L avishly praised by critics, and em braced by millions o f readers, this trib u te to a remarkable, woman is an e lo q u e n t exploration o f what family really means. Page 7 »1 N E W YORK T IM E S B E S T S E L L E R ~lhr ( /tint of U a rrr |wiH, m akr TOU proud 1» S,- . nwmhrr < / ihr human «C«." - U u M i, Tin- C o lo r o / W ;i 1er __________' A B I.c l. M . « ’» T r i b u l , Io H i. W h ite M o th e r TAJ Irtumph.' —Ihr Atow Vwk Timn Rook Rertnr J a m es M c B r id e Desire of the Everlasting H ills: The World Before and After J esus by Thomas Cahill Hardcover - 353 pages (November 2, 1999) Doubleday Books Desire o f the Everlasting Hills is another present from the pen o f Thomas Cahill, author of How the Irish Saved Civilization and The Gifts o f the Jews . In th is th ird volume o f the b e s ts e llin g H in g es of History series, he k n its to g e th e r h is to ry , p o litic s , s o c io lo g y , and faith with contemporary insights that y i e l d r e m a r k a b le results. After painting w ith bro ad brush strokes an e n te rta in in g picture o f the G r e e k , Jew ish , and Roman world, Cahill focuses on Jesus . With illuminating deductions and clever speculation, Jesus is seen though the eyes o f his biographers in their Gospel accounts. Each o f these authors’ lives is reconstructed in such a way that the richness o f their writing and their subject matter is wonderfully enhanced. The section on Paul, detailing how his life and letters shaped the early church, should be required reading for every student ofthe Bible. From his beginnings in the cosmopolitan city known as Tarsus through his calling, like the patriarchs and prophets before him, he becomes “the perfect vehicle for this moment in the development of the Jesus M ovement.” His mix o f Greek reasoning with rabbinical training casts the stories o f the early church into a thoughtful theology. He is seen here as the earliest egalitarian who not only impacted the early c h u rc h b u t all o f w estern civilization. Cahill challenges many traditional religious ideas while also taking on som e o f the m ore radical co n te m p o ra ry in te rp re te rs o f Biblical literature. As with the other volumes in this series, the marginal notes are filled with a wealth of interesting information. Combining his own fresh translation o f many New Testament highlights with respect and humor, Thomas Cahill’s book is for the believer and nonbeliever alike. — Tracy Danz amazon.com T H O M A S C A H IL L Serving Breakfast Sevei Days a Week - Slarliig at 7:00am *¡>0 A* McMenamins Kennedy School 5736 NE 53rtl • Portland, Oregon «(503) 249-5983 w w w .n u m c n a m in s .io m