* r.. (Th? ftorttanfr Uîberruvr Decem ber 1 ,1 9 9 9 Focus Page 5 It’s a jolly holiday when the PJ’s offers up it;s own humor When Thurgood (voiced by Eddie Murphy) becomes a repo man for the local pawn shop so he can buy Muriel (voice by Loretta Devine) a computer for Christmas, he gives the Hilton-Jacob’s tenants a ho-ho- h o rrib le h o lid a y w hen he repossesses all their stuff in the “How the Super Stoled Christmas” episode o f Imagine Television and Touchstone Television’s “ThePJs,” airing Friday, December 17, 9PM (ET/PT) on FOX. Steve Pepoon wrote the episode from a story by Steve Pepoon & Bill Freiberger. In a parody o f Dr. Seuss’ holiday favorite “ How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” Walter Burkett (voiced by Marc Wllmore) rhymingly retells the tale o f the year Thuegood (voiced by Eddie Murphy) lost his Christmas spirit. The Super goes to work as a repo man for the local paw n shop in exchange for a computer Muriel (voiced by Loretta Devine) wants forChristmas. Using his building passkey to easily pilfer possessions, Thurgood handily makes his way through the list, until he comes across the names o f his friends from Hilton Jacobs. When the pawn shop owner sees the job hasn’t been completed, he tells Thurgood that if he doesn’t finish the list, the com puter must be returned. Later, still upset that his holiday tip envelopes came back empty from the tenants, Thurgood nearly blow a gasket when he overhears the group collecting money amongst themselves. They make an excuse that they’re going to the track, which really gets Thurgood’s dander up, so he decides to finish his repo assignment on Christmas E ve whi le the projects’ Christmas pageant is in full swing. When the tenants later present the Super with a special gift - a leather massage recliner- he is overwhelmed with guilt. Thurgood sells the beautiful chair to tamell (voiced by James Black), so he can buy back the tenants’ repossessed property. “The PJs” is produced by Imagine Television, The Murphy Company and W ill V in to n S tu d io s in a sso c ia tio n w ith T ouchstone Television, Brian Grazer, Ron H o w a r d . T o n v K rantz. Eddie Murphy, Will Vinton, Tom Tuipin, Larry Wilmore and Steve Tompkins e x e c u tiv e nrnducer. Chico De Barge Today, neo-classic soul has extended far beyond a trendy catch phrase— it’s come to define a highly successful sub-genre o f R&B music. The love child o f musical styles from first-name- only icons like Aretha, Marvin and Stevie, today’s soul music reaches deep with real instrumentation, tight production and pure, rich vocals. You know this man’s voice. Neo-classic, deeply rhythmic, sultry, soothing and yes, very sexy. Chico DeBarge, the youngest o f the world renown DeBarge family, is a man with a mission. After the release o f his critically acclaimed gold-certified Kedar Entertainment debut Long Time No See, Chico went right back to work, doing what he does best: writing, producing and recording ballads and mid-tempos that make you wish, feel, and dream. It’s obvious that this talented vocalist loves his music. “Recording this album really wore me out but it was a good feeling because I know I worked hard and I ’ m pleased with the result,” says Chico about his scintillating sophomore Motown album. The Game. This ambitious collection is a continuation o f Chico’s musical exploration o f the risks and perils o f falling in love and fighting temptation. O f course, he also expects to top the success ofhis popular freshman set. “I feel like I’ve just knocked on the door in this business. With the name DeBarge, there was pressure to live up to the name. And I still have some very important things to say,” says Chico. The Game. The title’s meaning is two-fold. Chico served several years in prison during his younger years. He offers no excuses and refuses to play the blame game for his own mistakes. Upon his release, he made a conscious decision to not allow the negative (Please see “DeBarge” page 8) IT’S ALL GOOD GIFT SHOP Special gifts fo r all occasions Com e see w h at’s new fo r the Holidays! Huge New Inventory Extended Shopping Hours Monday - Saturday BALLOONS ETHNIC FIGURINES GREETING CAROS BOOKS 10 a m -6 p m firin g in thia post cord and recieve 15.00 off any purchase over >30.00 G IFT BASKETS AFFORDABLE GIFTS AND SO MUCH MORE.'! (M 3 ) 28JM747 407 H E M u o n A M L K Portland, OK 9721/ Two blocks South of Prescott TH EATER M ovies N ightly w it h W eekend M atinees For schedule & information call: 288-2 180 McMenamins Kennedy School 5736 NE 53rd • P ortland, O regon w w w .m fm rnam lnscom