Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 01, 1999, Page 15, Image 15

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Treasure Island arrives at the Oregon’s Children Theatre
X m arks the spot, as young Jim
Hawkins tracks down pirate treasure
w ith a stolen treasure m ap in The
A d v en tu re o f T re a su re Island.
Based on Robert Louis Stevenson’s
Treasure Island, this is a sw ash­
buckling tale o f a young b o y ’s
encounter w ith Long John Silver
and his m otley crew o f pirates!
D irected by O regon C h ild re n ’s
T heatre’s ow n E ducation D irector
Stan Foote, the play stars D avid
Bergstein as Jim Haw kins and Andy
A lcala as Long John Silver.
Stan Foote has taught and directed
in Portland for 20-plus years. He
received a D ram m y A w ard for best
D irector (M usical) for the 1996
O re g o n C h i ld r e n ’s T h e a tr e
production o f Stuart Little. H e has
directed for num erous com panies
including O CT, Lakew ood Theatre
Com pany, and ART.
D avid Bergstein w ho is a sixth-
grader at Catlin G able school, David
has a p p e a re d in O C T ’s P ip p i
Longstocking and Ramona Quimby.
David has taken several O CT Acting
A cadem y C lasses and has done
com m ercial w ork forN ike, Inc. and
Fred M eyer Inc.
A ndres A lcala w ill m ake his O C T
debut playing Long John Silver. A
D ram m y A w ard w inner for Best
Leading A ctor in D eporting the
Divas, A ndres has also appeared in
D ra c u la , A s Y o u L ik e It,
M idsum m er N ight’s Dream , and
Love! Valor! Com passion!
Billy Bones will be played by G lenn
G auer, set design; M artin John
G allagher, sound design; Robert
P eterso n lig h tin g d esig n ; John
A rm o u r, f ig h t c h o r e o g ra p h y ,
M argaret Louise H etheruington,
C ostum e design; and R Dee, Prop
master. Public perform ances ofT h e
A dventure o f Treasure Island will
b e h e ld a t P o rtla n d C iv ic
A uditorium January 16 at 2:00 pm
and January 23 at 2:00 and 5 00 pm.
Reserved seats are $ 12-17 for adults
and $9-13 for children and seniors.
T ickets are available by calling
O C T ’s box office at (503) 228-
9571 or T icketm aster outlets at
(5 0 3 ) 7 9 0 -A R T S (2 7 8 7 ). T h e
production runs approxim ately one
hour and is appropriate for adults
and children four years o f age and
older. G roup discounts available
on request.
O re g o n C h i ld r e n ’s T h e a tre
gratefully acknow ledges its season
sponsors, U . S. Bank, Oregon Publ ic
Broadcasting, and US W est Dex, as
well as its production sponsors for
The A dventure o f Treasure Island,
K 103 an d SL C T e c h n o lo g ie s.
Funding for the 1999-2000 season
is provided in part by the Oregon
Arts C om m ission (O A C ) and the
Regional Arts & Culture Council
O regon C h ild ren ’s T heatre is a D a vid B ergstein as Jim a n d A ndres A lcala as Long John Silver in the Oregon C hildren's Theatre
n o n p ro fit p ro fe s s io n a l th e a tre presentation o fT h e A dventure o f T reasure Island a t the P ortland Civic Auditorium in January o f 2000.
com pany celebrating its 12th season
o f p r e s e n tin g q u a lity s ta g e
adaptations o f best in children’s
literature. O C T boasts an extensive
o u tre a c h p ro g ra m ta rg e te d to
e c o n o m ic a lly d e s e r v in g a n d
culturally diverse students, children
and families. O regon C h ild ren ’s
Theatre’s Acting Academy provides
y e a r-ro u n d a c tin g c la s s e s fo r
O regon C h ild re n ’s T heatre w ill
celebrate its one-m illionth patron
during the production ofC harlotte’s
W eb this season to be held in
Portland Civic A uditorium April
16 & 30. Tickets are now on sale
and can be ordered by callin g
O regon C hildren’s Theatre at 228-
W ve teemed up wiiti Popeyeito spread toe wort
a tm tfa n r And m tneon FUWOB Popeyes o m
with liiw r.ennrbiN r iso
NKW TOW W BBUTW W tem rybttoel every
way Popeyes serves it ep_ Ondten Bows. Dieners,
Sonthndies, Wtaps end Strips. Not to menton rbe
M H e e ip h n g side <Uw and t a u t s 1
'TW t.ywton COUNT ON POPIKS to deliver
IWwrM geedbess, m «offer New yew to re jo u r
rtodwB. H wuore tired to dew* ef