D ecem ber 1 ,1 9 9 9 Page B5 J iu r t la n ò (S b o r r v r r (El?» ^btrllani» ffibseruer Classifieds/Bids Bids ♦ Employment | Employment | Employment | Employment Columbia Sportswear Company* Advertisement For Bids Lewis And C lark Elementary School St. H elens School District No. 502 St. H elens, Oregon A dvertisem ent for: Lewis and Clark Elem entary “Building Dem olition” Lease Crutcher Lewis, serving as the Construction M anager/General C ontractor (CM /G C ) for the St. H elens School D istrict, is soliciting bids for the B uilding D em olition at Lew is and Clark Elem entary in St. Helens, Oregon. Term s and conditions o f the bid are outlined in Lease Crutcher Lewis (CM /G C ) “ Invitation to B id”, dated D ecem ber 2,1999, attached to and m ade a part o f the C ontract D ocum ents. Bids will be received at the jobsite offices o f Lease Crutcher Lewis, 1051 Columbia Blvd.,St. Helens, Oregon97051, unti!3:00p.m.PDT, December 16,1999at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids shall be clearly m arked “ Lew is And C lark Elem entary “Building Demolition”. C onstruction includes: D em olition o f existing elem entary school and disposal o fall related m aterial, building size approxim ately 60,000 sf. Contract D ocum ents m ay be review ed at the follow ing locations: Lease Crutcher Lew is (C M /G C )/Portland and jobsite offices in St. Helens. Contract Documents m ay be acquired from Lease Crutcher Lewis. Contact M ike D ay at (503) 223-0500 to obtain docum entation. All bidders m ust com ply w ith the follow ing requirem ents: Prevailing W age Law, ORS 279.350, Licensed w ith Construction Contractors Board ORS 671.530, Resident Status ORS 279.029. bidders must obtain business licenses to perform w ork in the C ity o f St. Helens prior to mobilizing on the jobsite. N o bid will be considered unless received by 3 :00 p.m. PDT on Decem ber 16,1999, and fully com pleted in the m anner provided by the “Instructions to B idders”, upon the Bid Form provided. “N otice O f Requirem ent For A ffirm ative Action To Ensure Equal Em ploym ent O pportunity (Executive O rder 11246)”. Lease C rutcher Lewis (CM /G C) is com m itted to taking affirm ative action to encourage and facilitate the participation o f m inority/w om en-ow ned business enterprises (M /W BE) in State projects and encourage Contractors to provide sim ilar opportunities for their Subcontractors. Lease Crutcher Lewis (CM /GC) M ike Day Senior Project M anager Notice O f Opportunity For Public Hearing N otice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Tri-C ounty M etropolitan Transportation D istrict o f O regon (Tri-M et) in M ezzanine R oom s3and4(S econdF loor),T w oW orldT radeC enter, 121 S.W . Salmon, Portland at 8:00 - 10:00 AM on W ednesday, D ecem ber 8 '\ 1999. The purpose o f this hearing is to invite participation in a com m unity-w ide public forum to discuss the allocation o f new state funding for elderly and disabled transportation services. The purpose o f the forum is to receive public and com m unity com m ent on how to best allocate new state funding for elderly and disabled transportation services in the Portland m etropolitan area. The 1999 O regon Legislature approved expanded funding for elderly and disabled transportation services. A portion o f the new funds w ill be allocated to Tri-M et and the greater Portland area. O ver the next tw o years, the region could receive up to approxim ately $7 m illion in capital and operating funds to improve and expand elderly and disabled transportation services. The Elderly and D isabled T ransportation Forum is being held to receive public and com m unity com m ents on the expenditure o f these new state funds and on the need for additional elderly and disabled transit services. Tri-M et invites the public, agency representatives, com m unity and social service providers and others interested in elderly and disabled transportation issues and services to attend and participate on the forum. All are welcome. A person requesting a sign language interpreter shall give Tri-M et at least 48 hours notice o f the request by contacting Tri-M et at 962-4831 or TDD 962-5811, M onday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Please call B em ie Bottom ly at (503) 962-4890 for additional inform ation or send e-m ails to Bottom lbtgTri-m et.org. W ritten request may be sent to Tri- Met, G overnm ent Affairs, 4012 S.E. 1T* A venue, Portland, O R 97202. Employment B O N N E V IL L E r o w il A » M IN 1 1 T« A T l O A A P P R E N T IC E S H IP S Substation Operator High Voltage Electrician Lineman Applications accepted: 11/22/99 - 12/23/99 Lim ited Employment O pportunity Call or visit website for eligibility information C all I-8 7 7 -W R K 4 B P A (1-877-975-4272) or see www.bpa.gov Assignments in Oregon, Washington. Idaho & Montana Social Service: Therapeutic M entor/Individual Skills Trainer needed 5-19 hrs/wk. Provide o n e -o n -o n e s k ill b u ild in g a n d b e h a v io r m anagem ent w ith em otionally disturbed children and adolescents. Flexible hours prim arily afternoons, evenings, and w eekends. Bachelors degree in social sciences or m inim um o f 4 years w orking with children and youth. Subm it resum e and cover letter to: M C Skills Trainer, 707NECouch St,Portland, OR97232. EBO Car* From $500! Police impounds & tax repo's For listings call 1 •800-319-3323 ext. A603. Legislative Budget Analyst T he L eg islativ e B u d g et A nalyst a n a ly z e s b u d g e ts an d c o n d u c ts program evaluation. Salary is $4,104 - $6,059. For application inform ation call (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 -1 3 7 3 . E m p lo y ee Services, R oom 140-B State Capitol Salem O R TTY: (503) 986-1374 Fax: (503)986-1684. Application materials m u st b e re c e iv e d in E m p lo y e e Services by 5:00 p.m. D ecem ber 20, 1999. Cooks, Bartenders And Security Guards N eeded For Various Shifts A tC leo-Lilliann Social Club (C L E O ’s). Call Xavier For A ppointm ent A t 284-7150 Between 1:00 P .M .T o 4 :0 0 P .M . Computer, High Technology W ork for O ne Tough M other Colum bia Sportsw ear Com pany has proven that quality construction, engineering and innovation in sports apparel is a form ula for success, Join our IS Departm ent in the following graveyard position: ComputerOperator Experience troubleshooting in PC/ W in d o w s /N o v e ll e n v iro n m e n t required. A S400understanding/skills desired. Previous O perations and/or help desk experience required. C o lu m b ia S p o rts w e a r o f fe rs com petitive com pensation/benefits package, and a business-oriented team environm ent. Please send resume and salary history to: H um an Resources, Dept. CO SS, PO Box 83239,PortlandO R97283,or F A X to: (5 0 3 ) 736-4597. Equal O pportunity Employer. O regon L egislature MediaTechnical Systems Administrator $3,215 - $4,524 Technical A dm inistrator o f M e d ia o p e ra tio n s in the C a p ito l in c lu d in g so u n d rein fo rcem en t, v id eo and cable television systems. • D esign, install system s • A n a ly z e an d e v a lu a te technical perform ance M aintain and repair equipm ent • W orks independently and w ith M edia team • Project M anagem ent • Supervision F o r a p p lic a tio n in fo rm a tio n contact: K aren Hupp 140-B State Capitol, Salem OR 97310 (503)986-1373 http://w w w .leg.state.or.us Deadline: D ecem ber 17,1999 • Auditor Oregon D epartm ent O fC orrections Governm ental A uditor 3 This position is located in Salem o rg a n iz e s and c o n d u c ts com prehensive audits, reviewing and evaluating m anagem ent operations, fiscal and accounting functions or sy ste m s, an d in te rn a l co n tro ls. Requires A B achelor’s degree in a business-related field and three years o f auditing experience that includes o n e y e a r o f e x p e r ie n c e d o in g governm ental auditing. 20-quarter hours o f college courses in a Business or Financial field and two additional y e a rs ’ au d itin g e x p e rie n c e m ay substitute for the degree. Salary is $3,371 to $4,747 a m onth, plus e x c e lle n t b e n e f its . Jo b Announcement #L E 991210 and State o f O re g o n a p p lic a tio n m ay b e o b ta in e d th r o u g h an y O re g o n em ploym ent departm ent, call (877) 888-5234 (T o llF ree).o rv isito u rw eb site at h ttp://w w w .doc.state.or.us. Recruitm entclosesD ecem ber3,1999. O ffice A ssistan t. Sw itchboard & people skills a must. MS Office. Typing & data entry. 10-K ey.A /P,A / R & scheduling. M in 1-year office experience. Send cover letter resume and statem ent o f faith: H R D irector W arner Pacific College 2219 SE 68,h A v e ., P o rtla n d , 9 7 2 1 5 : fax : 5 0 3 .5 1 7 .1 3 5 0 . E -m a il: $150 Employment B o n u s- See Hiring Office for details. Immediate opening for full and part- time lot attendants with Portland’s leading parking Co. W e are seeking dependable individuals with a neat appearance and a positive attitude. $7.60 + starting wage Huge overtime potential Advancement opportunities Medical, Dental, 401K available Applicants m ust submit to drug test and background check. Apply in person daily betw een 12-1 PM, M o n d ay -F rid ay . 2 1 5 S W 6 IhPortland,O R Driver The Best Is Looking For The Best! Domino’s Pizza Team Portland Is N ow Rockin! *♦ W e A re N ow H iring Delivery Drivers ** Must be at least 18 years old with good driving record, G reat Attitude, professional appearance. RED LION HOTEL AT THE QUAY DUE TO OU R INCREASED BUSINESS THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS ARE AVAILABLE: Security Agent Front Desk Agent Dining Room Supervisor Housekeeping Supervisor -PT Sous Chef Line Cook Dishwasher Dining Room Server Bartender • Door Host - Wknds • Banquet Captain • Banquet Servers - Holiday Help Manager of Project Respond O utreach S erv ices in Portland. Work with a highly skilled Ask about our special bonus when you apply! Please apply at 100 Columbia St. Vancouver, Wa. No phone calls please. Competitive benefits including medical, dental and 401K. PROMUS Corporation promotes a drug-free workplace. Pre-employment drug screen required. Affirmative Action/EEO Employer Employment are taken and will provide documentation to A A support payment and project acceptance. May assist in field surveying as needed. Requires an Associate s degree in Engineering OF o 0 A AAU/x_ o * .-[ .1 H :(• - - Si - ’ v: ' O z Technology + two years’ related experience, or 3 1 / 2 years of sub-professional engineering experience. Salary $ 2 .1 9 9 - $ 3.150/m o n th + excellent benefits: _______________ _ N ow hiring FT Hosts, FT Catering Cook, and PT Catering Servers at M c M en am in s K en n e d y S ch o o l. Flexible schedule including wknd avail a must. W e offer excellent benefits McMer.amins Kennedy School N ow h irin g FT L in e C o o k s at M cM enamins K ennedy School 5736 N.E. 33rd. flexible schedule including wknd/holiday avail a must. W e offer excellent benefits and opportunity! Apply at any M cM enam ins location or on lin e a twww.mcmenamms.com N o phone calls please! E.O.E. "COME JOIN OUR TEAM- Rideshare/Commuter information is available A pplications are also available at: The P o rtla n d O b serv er N ew spaper 4747 N. E. M artin L uther K ing Jr. Blvd. Portland,O R97211 K ennedy Parking Facility Operator EOE/AA. I M cM enam ins School Older Adults Needed SeniorC orps is looking for adults, 55 years o f age and above to help at-risk c h ild re n o r d isa b le d a d u lts in W a s h in g to n , M u ltn o m a h , an d Clackamas counties. Y oucanreceive $200 a month tax-free while helping children lean to read, develop social skills and m ore, o r visiting and a s s is tin g d is a b le d a d u lts . N o experience is needed, ju st a desire to help others. Call (503) 249-0469 for details. hrdonmattewamerpacific edu HQ n Rii 40» iiüiii d ynam ic team that is n atio n ally honored and is dedicated to providing a skilled response to behaviorally challenged individuals on the street, in jails and in their ow n hom e. Ideal candidate is a m aster’s level clinic ian with experience working with serious and persistently m entally ill persons, hom elessness, crisis and outreach. Knowledge and abilities in managing com plex com m unity and system s relationships, collecting data, report a n d g r a n t w ritin g , c o n tra c t m anagem ent and public speaking. Com petitive wage and great benefits. Please send cover letter and resum e to U nity Inc., Attn: D olores M organ, 710 SW 2 nd, 4 th floor, Portland, OR 97204. Equal Opportunity Employer. W ashington County Inspector II - Electrical $3,467-$4j212/mo. D ecem ber), 1999 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)846- 4898 for inform ation. County application and supplem ental application forms required. W om en, m inorities, and people w ith disabilities are encouraged to apply. ApplyTo: W ashington County Human Resources D ivision 155 N. First A venue, Suite 320 H illsboro,OR97124 I « health insurance; > 8 5 ? paid vacation and sick leaves: 9 paid holidays: and _______ full employer-paid retirement contribution Announcement «OCOT9563. Cal . ^ n Oregon, opportunity mean* a variety of careen available statewide, competitive salaries and great benefit». Currently, opening» axlst In the following agencies: (503) 9 86 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the hearing Impaired), or vtatt www.oregonlote.org for announcement and application. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Submit application and OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION required supplement by December 20, 1 9 9 9 Associate Transportation Engineer DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Chief Inspector and procedures to our Region 1 Project Manager's Office in Southeast Health Division Center for Child and Family Health - WIC Section Portland. Vbu will ensure daily contract compliance of materials, equipment, WIC Program Representative 1 excavations and Alls, concrete forms, traffic control and other items on Vendor Training Coordinator Bring your knowledge of highway engineering and construction practices a n d w a g e s! A p p ly a t an y M cM enam ins location or on line at www.mcmenamins.CQni N o phone m ^ o r highway and bridge construction projects, Tbu will also train others in The Oregon Health Division, WIC program Is a nationally recognized public fundamental location and construction work procedures. Requires a Bachelor s degree in Civil or Transportattonrelated Engineering: or a PE health nutrition education provider for at-risk Women, infants and Children calls please! E.O.E. (civil or transportation), have an Immediate opening for a Vendor Training Coordinator (Program PLS, FE/EIT or FLSASIT. Salary $ 2 ,6 7 4 designed to improve health and influence lifetim e nutrition behaviors We $ 3 ,8 2 7 /m o n th + excellent benefits: health insurance: paid vacation and Representative 1). The ideal candidate will have two years of staff- Needed: 63 people to lose up to 30 sick leaves: 9 paid holidays; and full employer-paid retirement contribution. technical or professional-level experience; a) advising an d /o r Instructing Announcement W C 0 T 9 56 4 . Call (503) 986-4030 (TTY (503) 986-3854 lbs. By 12/15/99. Dr. recom m ended, all natural. 888- 812-6503 www.loseweight 123 .com the public concerning specific programs or processes: or b) monitoring for the hearing Impaired), or visit www.orogonjote.org for announcement and application. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse programs; or c) perform lr^ participant reviews This is a full-time position, located In Portland We offer a monthly salary ot $ 2 ,3 3 8 to $ 3 ,2 5 5 and Counselor F u ll-T im e p o sitio n in cu ltu rally specific A lcohol & D rug Program. Salary based on level o f experience, education and certification. Send resum e to Sandra C heeks, 3716 NE M LK Jr. BI vd., Portland O R 97212. workforce Application and required supplements must be received by an excellent benefits package, including the PERS retirem ent plan For December 20, 1 99 9. application materials. please contact (8 0 3 ) 731-3443. Deadline is Engineering Specialist 2 December 3, 199 9. Jr. Inspector/Jr. Surveyor J /h e e e a rt just some of the curront openings avallaMo with tho State of Oregon. For additional Information, a copy of the S tate of Oregon Application Form and e more complete announcement listing, call the State Jeb line (Oregonian Inside Une) (5 0 1 ) 2 2 6 5 5 5 5 ext. 7 77 7 , TTY (5 0 3 ) 3 7 6 4 8 7 2 , visit your local employment department or visit our web site at www.orogonjote.org. The State of Oregon and aM Its divisions are proud to t e equal opportunity employers. Are you a construction inspector looking for a new place to exercise your skills? If so. we need you In our Project Manager s Office In Southeast Portland to assist m performing field inspection to ensure daily compliance on transportation construction projects, Tbu will Inspect traffic control, quality and quantity of materials. equipment, concrete forms, pile driving, bridge footing excevatlons. alignments Tbu will also ensure required tests