Page N o vem ber 2 4 ,1 9 9 9 ortlanb (Btje ^ìortlaub ffîbaeruer Metro/Sports Trail Blazers 100, Hornets 96, OT NFL N.Y. J e ts ---------------n A ssociated P ress The Portland Trail Blazers got o ff nights from m ost o f their starters. But once again, depth w as the difference. Reserve Greg A nthony scored 24 points, including six free throws in the final 25 seconds ofovertim e, as Portland w on its sixth straight, 100-96 over the C harlotte Hornets on Saturday night. “C om ing into the season, I thought the H ornets were the best team in the East, and they show ed it tonight,” Anthony said. “They gave us all w e wanted, but I think our team is starting to jell and com e together Rasheed W allace added 17 points for the Blazers. Steve Smith, D etlefSchrem pf and Brian Grant each scored 12 for Kansas C ity ....... „ 1 9 P itts b u rg h .......... ..10 B u ffa lo ------------------ 7 St. L o u is ............. ...23 7 Can Francisco C h ic a g o ............... .2 3 San D ie g o ........... 20 A rizo n a ....... ...........13 C a ro lin a ............ ...31 T7 C le v e la n d ...... .. T am p a B a y......... .19 A tla n ta ................. 10 B a ltim o re ---------- 34 G reen Bay-------- ...2 6 „..17 D e tro it In d ian ap o lis....... 44 J a c k s o n v ille -------41 P h ila d e lp h ia ...... ....17 N ew O rle a n s — W a s h in g to n . ..2 3 M ia m i......................27 N.Y. Giants.... ... 13 N ew E n g la n d ....... 17 H ornets. “Tonight was one o f those gam es," said Scottie Pippen, who along with D am on Stoudam ire and Arvydas Sabonis, struggled from the floor. “ W e couldn’t find the energy, but w e did find a w ay to w in.” “I t’s hard to tell w ho the m an is on this team. W e all look for one another, and we distribute the ball well, but we have to continue to get better as a team. We d id n 't get to the loose balls tonight, and w e did n ’t box out. W e’U have No. 1 R o rid a S ta ta (11-0) Next: vs. TBA beat No. 3 Florida 30-23 Next: vs. No. 21 Georgia. S a t u r d a y ________________ beat Temple 62-7 Next: vs. No. 25 Boston College, Friday No. 15 M ichigan S t. (9-2) No. 3 Florida (9-2) No. 16 Mississippi (7-3) lost to No. 21 Georgia 20-17 Next: at No. ,2 Mississippi State, Thursday Next: vs. TBA did not play No. 5 Wisconsin (9-2) No. 18 So. Mississippi (8-3) Next: vs. Stanford In Rose Bowl, Jan. 1 did not play No. 6 Texas (9-2) Next: vs. TBA beat Kentucky 56-21 Next: vs. TBA No. 8 Alabam a (9-2) beat Auburn 28-17 No. 21 Georgia (7-3) beat Missouri 66-0 No. 2 2 Arkansas (6-3) vs. No. 12 Mississippi State beat No. 18 Mississippi 20-17 Next: at No. 14 Georgia Tech, Saturday_________ _ Next: vs. TBA No. 2 3 East Carolina (9-2) Next: vs. TBA did not play. vs. Ohio, Friday Next: vs. No. 6 Texas, Friday lost to No. 22 Arkansas 14-9 LIO Stfc. Home A h T 7-3 W-1 5-0 3-3 5-2 r /f 4-2 Wl 41 03 32 600 r/z 6-4 W-1 41 Z-3 44 444 3 45 W-2 42 1X3 2-4 5 .375 3*/z 35 1-2 3-3 0-2 2-5 4 7 364 4 37 1-3 32 15 3-5 2 9 182 6 2-8 14 06 2-3 2 i « L Pet. »me Away Conf. W L Pet to 1 909 - 91 W6 40 6-1 s-l San Antonio 8 3 .727 Sacramento 6 1 857 2 6-1 W5 4-Q 21 6-1 Minnesota 4 2 667 Seattle 9 2 818 1 82 W-4 4-0 5-2 60 Utah 6 4 8 3 IZt 2 7-3 W-1 41 4-2 6-3 Denver 4 5 W-2 4-1 23 13 Vancouver 3 1-5 H Daltas Houston Phoenix 6 4 600 3*/z 6-4 L A Clippers 3 7 .300 37 W-1 1-3 2-4 Golden State 2 7 m &/, 1 2-7 12 14 1-3 GB Eastern Conference L Pet 2 800 • 82 Boston 6 4 600 2 NewYork 6 6 500 3 Orlando 5 6 455 3A 3/, 6 1 Philadelphia 5 6 455 Washington 2 8 200 1 9 100 W L Pet. GG LIO Stfc. Home Away Conf W-2 4-1 41 7-1 64 l-l 51 1-3 64 4« W-1 21 45 4-3 5-5 Wl 23 33 4-4 Cleveland 5-5 Wl 2-2 3-4 4-1 Detroit 4 6 400 28 11 25 03 26 Atlanta 3 7 .300 1 9 WO 1-9 1-6 15 0-4 1-7 GB L1O Stfc. Home Away Conf. Toronto 6 3 .667 - 6-3 W-1 42 2-1 53 Indiana 6 4 '/z 6-4 Wl 31 3-3 53 Milwaukee 6 4 .600 .600 '/z 64 LI 4-1 23 23 Charlotte 6 5 545 1 55 51 14 5-3 4 5 444 2 45 I 1 1-3 32 13 44 ?/z 45 W-2 3-2 14 3*/z 3-7 It 2-2 15 35 33 5'/z 15 L-4 1-3 06 14 Chicago ’C om m otion A t The O cean’ Dec. 4 at Chinook W inds HBO to broadcast c h a m p io n s h ip doubleheader rO K T R IM T E D S T O R V _____________________________ FOR T he fortlamd O bserver U ndefeated ju n io r m id d lew eig h t cham pion Fernando Vargas, boxing’s hottest young superstar, will headline the “C om m otion at the O cean” on D ecem ber 4 w hen he defends his crow nagainstthe!B F ’s # l mandatory challenger Ronald “ W inky” W right at the C hinook W inds C asino in Lincoln City, O R, it w as announced by C hinook W inds Casino G eneral M anager G ordon D ickie and by Main Events CO O G ary Shaw. In the co­ feature bout, undefeated IBF jun io r lightweight champion D iegoCorrales w ill m ake his first title defense w hen he challenges bruising contender J o h n B ro w n . T h e e le c tr if y in g cham pionship doubleheader w ill be broadcast live on H B O ’s “Boxing A fter D ark” sen es beginning at 7:00 p.m. PT. V a rg a s ( 1 7 - 0 , 17 K O ’s) h a s s te a m ro lle d th ro u g h th e ju n io r m iddlew eight division, stopping 10 o f his opponents in two rounds. O n D ecem ber 12,1998, V argas becam e the youngest ju n io r m iddlew eight cham pion in bo x in g history— 21 y ea rs and 5 d a y s o ld -w h e n he pounded IBF cham pion “Y ory Boy" beat Notre Dame 31-29 Next: at No. 2 Virginia Tech, Friday Cam pas for seven rounds, forcing the veteran o f over 70 bouts to retire on his stool prior to round eight (TKO 8).InhislastboutonJuly 17,1999,the 2 1 -year-o ld O xnard, CA , native successfully defended his crow n for the second time, battering former IBF cham pion Raul M arquez to force an 11"1 round stoppage (TK O 11). On O ctober 16, the W orld Boxing Hall o f Fame named Vargas their 1999“Fighter o f the Y ear." V argas' consecutive knockout string o f 17 bouts ties the record set by Roy Jones, Jr. for the “M ost Consecutive Knockout Wins to Being a C ham pion’s C areer.” “N o one in the ju n io r middlew eight division com es close to Fernando V argas,” said Shaw. H e ’s not a future star. H e’s a star right now .” W right (39-2,24 K O ’s) has won 14of his last 15 bouts. The 28-year-old St. Petersburg, FL, native is the former NABF and WBO junior middleweight cham pion. On F ebruary 4, 1995, W right dom inated Tony M arshall to capture the NABF crow n (W 12). W right successfully defended the title tw ice before surrendering it to c h a lle n g e fo r th e W BO cham pionship. On M ay 17, 1996, W right decisioned Bronco M cKart to seize the W BO title (W 12). W right successfully defended the crow n three tim es before losing a close decision to Harry Simon on A ugust 22, 1998 (L 12). In his last bout on M arch 27, 1999, the slick southpaw W right annihilated Derrick G raham Il's a scientific fact H s fuming inside Advertise withe H A fte r ju s t m in u te s of e x p o - u re j o s e c o n d h a n d sm o k e , ¡^ Im m u n e sy ste m is w e a k e n e d , blo o d th ic k e n s b a n d jffil h e a r t b e a ts fa s te r. Internet C E N T R A L D IV IS IO N A T L A N T IC D I V I S I O N 8 No. 2 5 Boston College (8-2) Next: vs. No. 16 Mississippi, Saturday M ID W E S T D IV IS IO N P o rtM « did not play No. 2 4 Texas ASM (7-3) No. 12 Mississippi S t. (8-2) Miami beat N. Carolina St. 23-6 Next: vs. TBA No. 11 M arshall (10-0) P A C IF IC D IV IS IO N New Jeisey Next: at LSU, Saturday beat Ohio State 24-17 No. 10 M ichigan (9-2) Western Conference beat Indiana 30-24 No. 19 Purdue (7-4) Next: vs. Vanderbilt, Saturday N o. 9 Kansas S ta te (10-1) NBA lost to Utah 20-17 No. 19 Brigham Young (8-3) Next: at No. 24 Texas A&M, Friday No. 7 Tennessee (8-2) beat Louisville 30-27 Next: vs. TBA Next: vs. TBA season. beat Iowa 25-21 No. 17 M innesota (3-3) Next: at Colorado, Friday know how to w in.” Notes:@ Charlotte forward Derrick Coleman, who missed beat No. 13 Penn St. 35-28 Next: vs. TBA________ _______________ ___________ did not play No. 4 Nebraska (9-1) F riday’s game against Orlando w ith a strained right foot, w ent to the bench with 2:57 left in the first quarter and did not return. ... Portland entered Saturday n ig h t’s gam e leading the NBA in scoring margin at 12.9 points per game. ... No team has scored 100 points against P ortland this lost to Wake Forest 26-23 Next: vs. TBA lost to No. 1 Florida State 30-23 Next: vs. Alabama in SEC championship, Dec. 4 G reg Anthony o f The P ortland Trailblazers sc o red 24 points against the H ornets Saturday night. _______ No. 14 Georgia Tech (7-3) No. 2 Virginia Tech (10-0) overtime. “Steve Sm ith had a tough night, but then he gets those huge points,” said H ornets coach Paul Silas. “But that’s w hat h e’s been doing all his life. P ortland’s a great team. It looks like they’re still trying to find themselves, but they LA. lakers 23 No. 13 Penn S t. (9-3) lost to No. 15 Michigan St. 35-28 Result T eam (W -L ) to tighten up on som e things later." Cam pbell scored the last four points o f regulation to erase an 86-82 Portland lead and force the extra period. His spin m ove in the lane w ith 1.1 seconds left sent the gam e into LIO Stfc. Cin c in n a ti.......- .....31 College Portland. Elden C am pbell had 24 points and 11 rebounds for C harlotte, w hich got its first hom e loss this season after five straight victories. Eddie Jones added 22 points for the GB Dalla s --------------------9 (KO 3). Couales (29-0,24 KO ’s) seized the IBF title in his last bout on October 23,1999, blasting reigning cham pion Robero G arcia in seven rounds (TKO 7). The 22-year-old Colum bia, SC resident tw ice floored G arcia in the sixth round before dropping him for the third and final tim e 48 seconds into ro u n d sev en . C o rra le s has stopped 14 opponents within three rounds. He has knocked out six o f his last seven opponents. B ro w n (2 0 -6 ,10K O ’s) is recognized as one o f p ro fe ssio n a l b o x in g ’s toughest and m ost relentless fighters. The 31-year-old A tlantic City, NJ native is the form er U SBA junior lightw eight cham pion. O n O ctober 24, 1998, despite accepting the bout on only two weeks notice, Brown pum m eled form er ju n io r lightweight w orld cham pion G abriel Ruelas, hurting Ruelas repeatedly during the bout and flooring him in round six. Brow n' s relentless body attack wilted the form er cham pion and forced the referee to halt the bout at 1:09 o f round eight. In his last bout on August 13, 1999, Brow n w on a 10 round decisionoverFranciscoC ruz(W 10). M ain Events and R ingside Tickets, Inc. are prom oting the evening o f boxing. Tickets, which range from $75 (general adm ission) to $750 (ringside can be purchased by calling 1-888/M ainAct or any Fastixx O utlet (1-800-992- T1XX), o r by calling the C hinook W indsC asinoat 1-888-CHINOOK. M a g n ify th a t by a day, a w e e k , a ye ar, and he Join other companies as they take the step in a new direction -h i J m ay as w e l l be You w a n t yo u r * * t e e n a g e r s to start A/vorking, not s m o k ­ ing. C a ll yo u r e le c te d o ffic ia ls and d em a n d s m o k e fre e a ir! . . F - f . Call ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 8 - 0 0 3 3 www-portlandobscrwErJiet Portland Trail Blazer Damon Stoudamire knows that when it comes to a game—or a weather- related emergency—it pays to be prepared "You never kno w when a storm can cut o f f heat, po w e r o r water. So it's im p o rta n t to have an emergency k it pulle d together." For more information on planning for emergencies, call the American Red Cross at 503-284-1234 and ask for a free brochure And take Damon’s advice: "Be a winner. Be prepared." Get your emergency supplies together and store them where they're easy to reach. • • • • flashlights w ith fresh batteries portable radio w ith fresh batteries fire extinguisher essential medications • • • • first aid kit and guide non-electric can opener blankets or sleeping bags food and water PGEy V I W w rJ V y NewsCliwSSS Kl«3