I * »V A » I '• «• ♦ • • • ■ • i-» » r * d .$ Í W W - » » V\5 II KUin-ipn, / STARK STREET! — For more Information, contact your Host Church, or send us an e-mail at presenttmth@visto.com RETAIL - WHOLESALE RFTAII HOI RS \|< >\-l Rl ‘HKiain-uiKipni s \ l l KI)Vi 9 (m.im "pm \ | \ i >\\ inHb.iin’ pin J Saturday Night, December 4 , “fa m ily Night" ★ 700 S.E. 122nd Ave. Portland, OR 252-9530 Visit our website at www.fabricdcpot.com 1-8OO-392-3376 FRESH WHY CHOOSE N A T U R E ’ S? ¿oof, at the- ctifâeA-ence- P ortland O bserver “T his site w as designed w ith speed and the end user in m ind. ” Says Brian Induni o f B ringing you hom e. “W e arranged the P review for sale by ow ner!” In addition to being able to access m any area hom es for sale, the byhom e.com site also features useful inform ation about selling your hom e “by ow ner” , how to get in touch with, and inform ation about B ringing Y ou H o m e , a m o n th ly c h a n g in g C om m unity Focus article, and m any great links. Bringing You Home is the Northwest’s m ost com plete m arketing service for ow ners w ho are selling their ow n homes. T he com pany operates from the M ercantile Plaza at 3975 SW M ercantile D rive, Suite 239, Lake O sw ego, O regon and offers the hom e seller all tools necessary to quickly and easily sell their hom e, including a w ell-circulated full color m agazine w ith a m onthly readership o f over YLahjLte,’ô, J u A&S â J, W ORD o n t h CONFINED GROWING CONDITIONS VEGETARIAN DIET TYPICALLY FED AN IM A L FATS, BY-PRODUCTS & ANTIBIOTICS NEVER FED ANTIBIOTICS GROWN, PROCESSED & DISTRIBUTED BY ONE FAMILY e ßisui FREE-RANGE GROWN Wednesday, November 3rd at any Nature’s Northwest Store. They’re available while supplies last and will be ready to pick up beginning Sunday, November 21st through Wednesday, November 24th by 7pm during store hours. BEAVERTO N 4 000 SW 1 1 I I H S I RF H *>0 3 6 \ 6 ì ft '? 4 O P f N r> A l l Y 9 9 LAKE O S W E G O 17 7 ,1 IF M l PO AD 503 6 35 8 95 0 O P E N PAH Y 9 10 f ......... A N AGRIBUSINESS PRODUCT USUALLY HANDLED BY SEVERAL UNASSOCIATED BUSINESSES How- bo- oA-deA, Pre-order your Nature’s turkey beginning 60,000. , BE SURF. TO CHECK OUR STORE FOR “MANAGER S SPECIALS b r l , "Six Pius One" 2? H P M E E T IN G CONTRIBUTED STORY . N ovem ber 1 2 -1 4 FR1-SUN 10 am - 5 pm by qualified Euro Pro Salesperson A RBpnai Relationship W ith God" Homes For Sale By O w ner, announces the launch of their web site for T he FREE EURO PRO DEMO LIT 1 • • tJ A * ■r’ - ’ . H ILLS D A LE .14 SW < A P IIO L HWV SO 3 24 4 3 , 1 0 ( ) PI N 0 A U V 9 10 D IV IS IO N 1 0 1 6 SE D IV IS IO N 503 2 33 7374 OPEN DA I I * 9 1 0. LAUR ELHU RST V AN C O U VER 2 8 4 5 E BURNSIDE 5 0 3 4 3 4 66(^1 OPEN D A ,IT 8 *1 0 8 0 4 4 E M i l l PLAIN BIVD 3 6 0 6 9 5 .8 8 7 8 OPEN DAILY 9 -9 FREMONT WHERE THE GOOD THINGS ARE 3 5 3 5 NE 1 5 IH AVE 5 0 3 4 8 8 34 14 OPEN D A liy 8 10