Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 24, 1999, Page 20, Image 20

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Çtye |)ortlaub ®beemr
November 24,1999
The Joyce Washington Memorial Scholarship Fund
Les Schwab I Blazer Alumni vs.
The Portland Observer Cory Cougar’s
Charity Basketball Game
(March 21-April 20)
A n unusual opportunity m ay present itself, w hich m ay involve public
appearances. Loving thoughts are expressed to you and these remarks
m ay not be ju st passing pleasantry, but an invitation for something
January 23, 2000 at 4 p.m.
deeper. C lear com m unication can sm ooth the way.
(April 21 - May 21)
Join the celebration and see the Portland Observer
family and friends take on the Portland Trailblazer’s
Alumni Team. This benefit will create scholarship
funds for those less fortunate and will create a
monument to what Joyce Washington stood
fo r.. .equal opportunity and an education for
I f you are feeling tied dow n by som e relationship w hich is draining you,
it m ay be tim e to declare your independence. M ake your break in a quiet,
but firm manner. C heck and recheck your m oney resources, and be sure
you are doing som ething to create future security.
(May 22 - June 21)
T here is a w onderful sense o f the m any possibilities life holds in store
for you this week. This attitude will fill you w ith optim ism and high
energy. Those around you may be turned o ffb y your m anner; rem em ber
you cannot convince everyone to feel the sam e w ay you do.
I f you are feeling a bit crow ded, it is very im portant to speak up and take
tim e and space for yourself, even if only tem porarily. Y ou m ay receive
news about m oney, the inform ation will not be as positive as y o u ’d like
- learn not to get attached to expectations.
Self Enhancement Center Inc. 3920 N. Kerby Avenue, Portland, OR
(June 22 - July 23)
(July 24- August 23)
Y ou are finding you rself in a rut this w eek, and it will take a bit o f effort
on your part to get out o f it. T ry som ething new . Y ou need tim e to play.
It m ay be best to get to the bottom o f som e em otional upheaval before
$3 Advance
$4 Door
Call Mark Washington for tickets or special group rates at 288-0033
Get Your Tickets While They Last At These Locations:
Simply Cellular
3939 NE M LK Blvd. Suite 109
Mrs. C ’s Wigs
707 NE Fremont
proceeding - logical approach is not satisfactory.
(August 24 - September 23)
This w eek feels like a new lease on life. D o som ething w hich gets your
blood pum ping. Physical overexertion will do you good. Y ou and your
m ate m ay experience greater attraction for each other if you put a little
distance betw een yourselves. G et m ore input before m aking any moves.
Johntae’s Imported Tobacco & Accessories
2535CNE. Alberta
(September 24 - October 23)
A n em otional upset m ay leave you feeling rather sorry for yourself, but
things are really not as bad as they m ay seem right now. G ive it all a
second chance. F ind a w ay to give aw ay item s w hich have lost their
usefulness, to those w ho w ill appreciate them.
A Tisket A Tasket
1305 NE Fremont
(October 24 - November 22)
Y ou are definitely in a good m ood. Just be careful w hat you w ish for
since you ju st m ay get it. T reat you rself to a luxury you seldom consider
H ave patience concerning a current p ro je c t Y our ship will com e in, and
Come Celebrate the Grand Opening of
w orrying w ill not hasten the process.
(November 23 - December 21)
A n organized approach will get the jo b done. M oney m ay com e from an
unexpected source to help you realize your goals. Your lover needs
attention now . M ake sure it is quality tim e and the tw o o f you discuss
A place for cards, gifts and baskets
m atters o f m utual im portance and goals.
(December 22 - January 20)
It m ay be hard to m aintain your optim ism - there isn ’t anything wrong,
you are ju st in a dark, brooding m ood. Y our health, both physical and
m ental m ay be affected by stress either at hom e or at work. M ake
necessary changes and accept w hat you ca n ’t change.
to fill all of your gift needs.
(January 21 - February 19)
A very generous financial gift m ay m aterialize and can rem ove a great
deal o f w orrying. N ow you can really go after w h at’s important, and a
creative eixleavor is at the top o f your list. Rem ove y o u rself from an
obligation w hich takes too m uch energy w ith little return.
Store opens on Friday November 26th
(February 20 - March 20)
I f som ething b— been lost, y ou are likely to find it. D on’t allow your
pride to stand in the w ay o f asking forgiveness o fsom eone you may have
wronged. This estrangem ent m ay take aw hile to patch up, and m ay never
be th e sam e. It is a hard lesson to learn.
IF T H IS W E E K IS Y O U R BIRTH D AY : A ttractive an d keenly
articulate, yo u are alw ays at your best in front o f people. V ery few
people can resist you, a n d very few try. Talking to m uch is an adm itted
proM ere for you, and y o u m ay have alienated a friend o r lover w ith your
w ards. Try to m ake am ends.
We specialize in baskets for all occasions (including birthday, anniversary,
holidays and just because.) You can have baskets custom made to fit any and
every occasion. We also carry a variety o f gifts, fresh flowers and balloons.
We »re located at 1305 NE Fremont, Portland Or., 97212
10-6 Tuesday through Saturday, 10-4 Sunday
(Around the comer from the new Nature’s and Starbucks)
503.284.7344 or e-mail tisketgifts@|(|hoo.com