. t «i». »»>■>!< r‘»í • »*«•*• *-< • Page A2 November 24, 1999 (Tlie ^Jortlanb ©beeruer i Police News/Vancouver HCWS l)lïH s City narrows civic center applications PoJiçg CONTRI B I ÎEDSTORN for T he P ortland O bserxer The city o f V ancouver has selected two proposals for a new C ivic C enter for further analysis. The City selected these two from a total o f six proposals, w hich were received on Sept. 29, in response to Request for Proposals. The selected proposals are described below: G erding/E dlen D evelopm ent Co. o f Portland A cadem y property (E vergreen, C St., 1-5); Proposal is to construct a new building on w estern portion o f the property; The Library could be accom m odated in a separate building proposed for the eastern or northern portion of the site; The A cadem y building is proposed for renovation at the expense o f the developer to rem ain a private m ixed-use facility; Public space consisting o f a public plaza on co m ero fC Street and Evergreen, as well as a"civic green" along E vergreen; O ther uses include ground floor retail space in new City H all building and possible housing office building on site to be built by developer. O tak/M acht, Vancouver. Existing city hall and parking structure site plus the block to the south (12th st., Broadw ay, M ill Plain, C st.) The proposal is to expand and reconfigure the current City Hall facilities. The library could be accom odated on the block south o f C ity Hall. A nd a covered Civic H all over w hat is now 13"' St. w ould connect the C ity Hall Library. Proposals w ere review ed by key C ity and L ibrary staff and an O v e rn ig h t C o m m itte e m ad e up o f b u sin e ss, neighborhood and other representatives w ho have been involved throughout the C ity ’s space study process. The follow ing is a list o f participants: Jewel Barton, Hewlett Packard; Ellis Dunn, Fort V ancouver Library Dist. Board o f Trustees; Steve Gregg, Dow ntow n Redevelopm ent Authority; Bruce Hagensen, D ow ntow n Redevelopm ent Authority; Sharon Hammer, Executive D irector, Fort V ancouver Library District; To m Jacobs, C ascade SE N eig h b o rh o o d A sso ciatio n , D ale K id w ell, H ough Neighborhood Association; G unars Kilpe, SHE A m erica, retired; Jerry King. Board o f Trustees, Fort V ancouver Library D istrict; Anne M cE nem y- O gle, Shum w ay N eig h b o rh o o d A sso c ., V an c o u v e r N e ig h b o rh o o d A llian ce; M au reen P ed o n e, N. G a rriso n H eig h ts N eighborhood A ssociation; Dale Read.Jr., B oard o f Trustees, Fort Vancouver Library District; M argaret Smith, Esther Short N eighborhood Association; and Andy W ilk. GSTTelecom. The objective ofth e proposed Civic C enter is to unite city services currently scattered throughout dow ntow n into a more efficient space. It is expected that this will decrease long-term occupancy costs and im prove custom er service. Efforts have been made to include a space for a new m ain Library in this project as the current Library building is inadequate based on current use. Potential to expand the current Library building is also being studied at this time. The next phase o f this process will be to analyze the two final proposals in more detail and resubm it renovations to the City Council. Renderings o f the project are available by contacting David Perlick, Management Analyst, at (360) 696-8690, or e-mail: dav ld.perlick (aci. Vancouver, wa.us. The proposals are still under com petitive review and all questions regarding the proposals or process should be also be Baby dies, father indicted on new charges On N ovem ber 11, 1999, Em ergency Fire and M edical responded to 1700 N.E. 162 A venue, A partm ent G -2, G resham , on a call o f a six-w eek-old baby, w hich was not breathing. At the tim e, the baby, M ikayla Hill. Female, DOB Septem ber 22,1999, was being watched by her father M ichael Lam ar Hill, 25 years old. The baby w as transported to O regon H ealth Science U niversity, D oem becher Hospital, w here she was listed in critical condition. An investigation by Portland Police detective Sergeant K elly F. Scott and G resham D etective M ike M cG ow an o fth e M ultnom ah C ounty C hild A buse Team resulted in the father’s arrest on Nov em ber 12.1999, for A ssault in the Second Degree. On N ovem ber 1 4 ,1 9 9 9 ,M ik ay laH illd ied asaresu lto fh er in ju ries. T h e M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty M edical O ttic e conducted an autopsy w hich determ ined the baby died ot head injuries from being shaken or having been shaken with impact. A saresult, the father, Michael Lamar Hill, has been indicted on one count o f Felony M urder, no bail, and one count M anslaughter First Degree, bail $250,000. Hill rem ains lodged at the M ultnom ah County Detention Center. Vehicle involved in death investigation located, body found at scene addressed to David Perlick. City to seek court aid in downtown redevelopment CO NTR IB l TED STORI for T he P ortland O bserver T heC ityofV ancouver has committed to revitalizing the dow ntow n by encouraging m ixed use, residential and retail developm ent. As part o f this effort, the Council approved the E s th e r S h o rt S u b a re a an d R edevelopm ent Plan. A dditionally, Fehr & Peers A ssociates, Inc., were c o m m is s io n e d to d e v e lo p th e D o w n to w n V a n c o u v e r P a rk in g Program. The parking study concluded, “ O ver the long-term and to accom m odate anticipated m ajor new developm ent projects in and near dow ntow n, new m un icip al o r c ity /p riv ate-sh ared parking facilities w ill be needed because not all the new ly generated parking demand will likely be satisfied by the new developm ent projects them selves.” In an effort to realize both the goals o f th e E s th e r S h o rt S u b a re a an d R e d e v e lo p m e n t P la n , a n d to accom m odate dow ntow n parking dem and, the City o f V ancouver has m ade three good faith o ffers to purchase the property located at 501 • < < * Yf-* • M * 1 . H U D S h m m m