Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 24, 1999, Page 16, Image 16

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(Tlie ÿorthuth ffibeerwer
November 24,1999
Raw gourmet cooking A historically correct first
can change your life Thanksgiving
B y J oy R amos and C huck L arsen
for the
Eating raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds has helped tne aoutenso
family reverse their chronic health conditions and feel vibrant. The
family members pictured from left to right are Valya, Igor, Victoria
and Sergei Boutenko.
P ortland O bserver
For almost a century, w e’ve been
taught the “sugar-coated” half-truths
about the First Thanksgiving. Its
h isto ry has been b la ta n tly
ro m a n tic iz e d ,
m ythed
stereotyped. Why?
T hanksgiving was declared a
national holiday in the late 1800’s
as part o f a socialization program.
Our country was trying to pull
together with so many diverse
peoples into a common national
identity. Public education began and
the first Thanksgiving fellowship
was chosen as a symbol o f Christian
charity and interracial brotherhood
for youths
B y V ictoria B oltenko _______________ _____ __________________________________
ro« T he P ortland O bserver
Why raw? To me, it is not even a question. Everybody knows that fresh
fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds are the healthiest food. The question now
is How to get o ff cooked foods? How to enjoy actually staying raw? I mean
continuing to be social, going out, sharing tasty dishes with family, and so
on? Is that possible?
When our family o f four became began eating raw foods five and a half
years ago, we were given no instruction on it. We were all suffering from
chronic health problems. I weighed 280 lbs. and had severe heart problems.
My husband Igor had surgery and was scheduled to remove his thyroid.
Our son Sergei had juvenile diabetes. Valya, our daughter was choking
from asthma. Doctors couldn’t truly help us regain our health. There was
a hope for us in raw food so we decided to try it for two months. It was very
hard because we were addicted to sugar, coffee, poultry, dairy, pasta and
other cooked foods. If you don’t believe that cooked food is addictive,
simply try not to eat it for a couple o f days and see what happens.
Eating raw vegetarian was very hard for us, but we didn’t have any other
choice. Within the first two weeks o f eating this way, our major symptoms
disappeared! All four o f us were really puzzled. Were we hallucinating
feeling better or were we really on the right path to better health?
I called Sergei’s doctor and told her that his symptoms were clearing. She
was alarmed and replied, “It has nothing to do with your new diet, you’re
just lucky.” When I called Igor’s doctor to postpone his surgery, he talked
to me as if I were mentally crazy.
We continued the raw foods diet because we felt healthier. In fact, we had
so much energy that we all began a fitness program. My doctor advised me
to stop immediately. Instead, we continued eating the same way and on
Memorial Day, our family ran a very popular 10-K race called “Bolder
The biggest problem with our newfound diet was the unavailability of
information on it. We didn’t even know where to look for it. We knew that
a raw food diet worked forus, but information on it was scarce. In a matter
o f months, we had collected hundreds o f recipes from books and bought
juicers, blenders, and dehydrators for cooking tools.
Our family traveled wherever we could to meet other people who were
eating the same way. In the Bahamas, we once placed an entire group of
churchgoers (70 in all) on raw food cooking for ten days. From that
experience, we have learned how to make delicious raw food meals in a
way that even those on the standard American diet would love the taste.
With all the health benefits and wealth o f knowledge that we had acquired
by doing lots o f raw food cooking, it became more pleasurable and simpler
to do. We like to share with others through classes and seminars on how
to prepare raw food gourmet dishes and keep to this healthy lifestyle of
Victoria Boutenko and her family offer raw gourmet cooking classes in
Portland every Monday at SE Civic Center (Holgate and Foster). For more
information, call 541/488-8865.
v a lu e s
that completely overthrew the King
and Parliament in 1649 and willfully
imposed their “Rule of Saints” (strict
Puritan orthodoxy) on the rest of
the British people.
After being forced from England,
the Pilgrims (a sub-sect ofPuritans)
headed for North America on the
Mayflower and a hundred other
ships. Their sole purpose was to
establish their prophesied “Holy
Kingdom” by taking lands away
from the Native people. Based on
the Bible’s book o f Revelations,
they saw themselves as the “Chosen
E lect” to “purify” anyone not
aligned with their beliefs. Their
means o f religious conversion was
through deception, treachery,
torture, w war
and gcn
ai <uiu
u viu c.
The Pilgrims encountered the
Wampanoag Indians, a confederacy
o f Algonkian-speaking peoples
know n as the L eague o f the
Delaware. They held a basic mistrust
o f Whites and were guarded in
showing charity and hospitality
towards the settlers.
Captain Miles Standish, the
leader o f the Pilgrims, invited
S quanto, S am oset, M assasoit
(leader o f lthe Wampanoags) and
their immediate families to the
Thanksgiving celebration. The true
reason for the invite was to negotiate
a treaty that would secure the lands
o f the Plymouth Plantation for the
(Please see ‘T urkey’ page 5)
& t h a n k s g i v i n g H a ? S a f e h,
S X S jT
” andaar d
im posed on
citizens. The
grand effect
has left many
o f us to either
accept it as
tru th
s e rio u s ly
question what
it means to be
“ re a l”
fo llo w in g
c o rre c t
v e rsio n s o f
F irst
that are first­
hand written
accounts and
by historians.
T h e
Puritans were
c o n s id e r e d
outcasts and
p o litic a l
aggressors in
E n g la n d .
They staged
an u p rising
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