y November 24,1999 Page 3 ®lje J9or(lanii ffibseruer C hristm as R evels celebrate w inter solstice w ith French m edieval song CONTR IB UTED STORV for T he P ortland O bserver Portland Revels will present its fifth annual Christm as Revels holiday program on D ecem ber 10, 11, 12, 14 and 15 at the Scottish R ite T heater, SW 15th & M orrison, Portland, OR. Show times are Friday at 7:30 PM; Saturday at 1 PM and 7:30 PM; Sunday at 1 PM and 5 PM ; T uesday at 7:30 PM ; and W ednesday at 7:30 PM. This year’s C hristm as Revels, a family celebration o f the w inter solstice, will take the audience to medieval France and England where King A rthur and his nephew , Sir G aw ain, encounter a rem arkable seasonal challenge. Directed by Pam Livingstone, with Robert I .ockwood as M u sic D ir e c to r, th e 1999 C h ristm a s R e v els w ill o ffe r a medieval feast o f m usic, theater and The 1999 Christmas Revels will transport the audience to medieval France fo r a holiday feast o f music, theatre and dance. dance. The Portland Revels has been hailed by W il lam ette W eek as * ‘Portland ’ s best family-oriented holiday event.” This year, in beautiful costum es o f the period, accom panied by an early m usic consort and the P ortland Brass Quintet, the Revels’ adult and children’s choruses will sing a range o f c o m p o s e d a n d tr a d itio n a l m edieval songs - m ost o f them in French. The B ridgetow n M orris M en will perform morris dancing, the A bbots Brom ley H om Dance and a Y orkshire rapper sw ord dance; and actors K eith Scales and Burl Ross will take the lead in the exciting story o f Sir G aw ain and the G reen Knight. T h e re a ls o w ill b e a lin g u is tic a lly fra c tu r e d “ Franglais” m um m ers’ play - a death and resurrection farce in a wonderful m ixup ofFrench and English that is magically c o m p re h e n sib le - and the custom ary participation o f the Vegas style games at Chinook Winds Casino CO NTR IB UTED STORY for T he P ortland O bserver custom er demand. C hinook W inds is the third casino in the state to offer Class III games. A ccording to Tribal C hairm an, D elores Pigsley, additional revenue generated by the new games will go back to the Tribe, to be used for health, education, housing, econom ic developm ent and charitable contributions as is stipulated in the T ribe’s long-term plan in agreem ent with the Indian G a m in g R e g u la to ry A c t. A percentage o f the proceeds will go back into the su rro u n d in g com m unity in the form o f charitable donations. Chinook W inds was chosen as the co­ w inner ofB usiness o f the Y ear in Lincoln City for 1997 for the m any contributions w hich have already been m ade to the area. In addition, C hinook w inds em ploys 735 people, w hich in itself has a strong e c o n o m ic im p a c t o n th e surrounding com m unities. A ribbon cutting cerem ony took place Friday, N ovem ber 12, 1999 to c e le b ra te th e lo n g -a w a ite d opening o f Las V egas style gam es at Chinook Winds Casino in Lincoln City. The new gam es will include Craps, R oulette, Pai-G ow Poker, Let-it-Ride, Caribbean Stud, A ruba Stud, Progressive Blackjack, and Big 6 W heel in addition to Bingo, Keno, Poker, Blackjack, and th e 1 ,000 s lo t m a c h in e s a lre a d y a v a ila b le to th e casino’s patrons. It took nearly tw o years o f n e g o tia tio n s b e tw e e n the S tate o f O re g o n an d the C onfederated Tribes o f Siletz to reach an agreem ent w hich w ould allow the casino to bring these gam es on line. T h e C o m p a c t fo r th e operation o f class III gam ing u n d er the Indian G am ing R e g u la to ry A c t (w h ic h Remember the "Unknown Comic?” Well he's includes the new gam es) was along with Portland's own Michael "Winnemuca" Jenkins. sig n ed by G o v ern o r John See them live! K itzhaber on Septem ber 14 and then sent to the Secretary o f Interior for approval. The S e c re ta ry o f th e In te rio r approved the com pact and it becam e effective O ctober 29, audience in singing w ith the chorus and dancing around the hall to the energetic and infectious “ Lord o f the D ance.” Tickets are available by calling the Portland R evels at 224-7411 or FAST1XX at 224-8499. Tickets also m ay be ordered by m ail from Portland Revels at P.O. Box 12108, Portland, O R 97212. Tickets are $19.50 for adults, $10 for children CRC * CRRISCnViS RCÜCCS A French Medieval Celebration of the Winter Solstice Choral Songs + Early Music Performers Brass & Tympani Children’s Songs & Games Traditional Dances Carols & Drama December 1 0 , 1 1 , 1 2 , 1 4 , & 15, Evenings; with Matinees Dec 11 & 12 Scottish Rite Center SW 15th & Morrison, PortJond Revels Telephone Order (5 0 3 ) 2 2 4 7 4 1 1 Fostixx (5 0 3 ) 2 2 4 8 4 9 9 P r e s e n te d b y P o r tla n d R e v e ls For further information: www.teleport c om /no nprofit/revels ELVIS WADE CHRISTMAS SHOW DECEMBER 10 « 11 Jimmy Walke 70’s Comedy Review SAM MOORE & LITTLE EVA JANUARY 14 > 15 RAUL REVERE AND THE RAIDERS JANUARY 2 8 a 8 9 BOBBY VINTON FEBRUARY 11 a 12 kitty wells , johnny russell AND lOHNMY COUMTERRT a 26 TONY ORLANDO MARCH 1 0 a 11 November 27 6 pm Dinner Show $3 5 - $45 10 pm Cocktail Show $1 5 -*2 5 FEBRUARY 2 5 For tickets and information call 1-BBS-MAIN ACT or 1999. The term s o f the agreem ent a llo w the C a sin o to add additional casino style gam es as the opportunity presents. In addition, the new C om pact authorizes C hinook W inds Casino to increase the num ber o f slo t m achines to m eet ( 12 and under), and $ 15 for seniors (65+), plus handling charge. A 10% d isco u n t is av ailab le for block purchases o f 10 or m ore tickets for the sam e show . T he th eater is w heelchair accessible and on the M A X line. For inform ation about the holiday show o r Portland R e v els, call 503- 224-7411 or w w w .teleport.com / nonprofit/revels. C h in o o k W inds C asino Fr& a t A to r ra r Tickets on sale 60 days prior to show date 1 -888-C H IN O O K • O N THE BEACH IN LINCOLN CITY, OREGON www.chinookwindscasino.com Î .7 K *, a ‘ F A S T IX X A v .’ v r ■; / . . A A - x w x